Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--April 22, 2011

This is a time of passion, love and ultimately compassion for all of the things that are great in life. All living creatures are worthy of your time. All human beings should be ranked on the top of that agenda. This is the season where many people are celebrating perhaps the greatest Ascended Master of all--Jesus. He is one who saw the good in all people, and especially those who may be shrouded in the darkness that they themselves have created for their aura and physical demeanor.

Are you able to do that? Can you see the good in all people when they are doing miserable things to you or to others? It is simple to show love and appreciation for anyone who is doing something good. However, for most mere mortals, being able to see the better aspects of those who disperse anger, lies, deceit and violence is not always that simple a task. Yet, it is well documented in many writings from personal accounts that Jesus was able to do just that. His words and deeds all reverberated with love. There was no movement towards negativity in views of anyone or anything in life. Bad behavior could be seen as nothing more than an aberration of what was intended by the Creator.

Good versus evil has been a conundrum since the beginning of time. However, even during eras such as the one we are in the midst of, the values of staying in a mindset of optimistic or positive beliefs will always trump the ill-gotten gains and aspects of negativity. Those whose goal it is to destroy fairness under the guise and deception of creating fairness for all, are merely looking to rule through corrupt means. Generally, the only people who benefit are those who try to force this thinking on others. For this precise reason, we want you to live within the philosophy that all people are entitled to good things, but have to live by the precepts of spiritual principles to receive it.

The purpose of bringing these thoughts to you is simply to remind you to envision living life through the same prism of love that the Greatest Teacher did. It will help to shorten the lifespan of evil actors on the stage of the universe.  Mother Earth will be healed.  It will enable you to be a part of the Creation of prosperity; of infinite wisdom and abundance, love and Light. You all deserve this! Just as material aspects must be earned, the earning of loving sentiments must be too. Go forward knowing you are the leader of a battalion of angels who eagerly await your queue to produce harmony for all. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our next event will be at the Courtyard Marriot, Ronkonkoma, NY, on May 13th! Check the website for all details at This will be another interactive evening where Jim will answer questions about communication with Spirit, as well as to bring messages from loved ones to as many people as time allows. A raffle will be included for a private reading with Jim at a later date and much more.

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug!

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:


Diane said...

"Can you see the good in all people when they are doing miserable things to you or to others?" I would love to say yes, and I do know there is some good in everyone, but the truth is I find it extremely difficult to do.

"Go forward knowing you are the leader of a battalion of angels who eagerly await your queue to produce harmony for all." Beautiful message for this beautiful season.

Thank you Jim, as always. I really missed this blog while I was away! xoxo

Mary said...

Ascended Master of all--Jesus. He is one who saw the good in all people.

It is not always that simple a task. Yet, it is well documented in many writings from personal accounts that Jesus was able to do just that.

The purpose of bringing these thoughts to you is simply to remind you to envision living life through the same prism of love that the Greatest Teacher did.

This is a very good lesson for us all to remember.

God Bless you Jim, Our Angel :-)**

Unknown said...

Thanks, Diane, for the blooper report. That's what happens when I don't proof everything.

Mary, have a very Happy Easter.