Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 19, 2011

Every so often I am "directed" to retrieve something from the past to post.  While the reasoning does not always come in clearly to me, when I was halted on this transcript from a couple of years ago, it was pretty evident as to why.

Life is full of opportunity for each of you. This might sound simplistic, but the reality is that as you evolve, changes offer many new directions or re-direction in some cases. We share this with you because the Supreme Energy wants your lives splashed with vibrancy. You can color your world in happiness and paint a portrait of your life in the most beautiful way you can.

With the advent of the New Year upon us, it is time for you to dust off the wounds and shake free of any misgivings. Collectively, life will be resounding with the bells of singing angels and the love of your special, departed friends and family. Look at them as your team of helpers. They are excited to bring you to the path you want for yourself. It is with their help that you can get a leg up on your healing of body, mind and soul.

Spirit will be felt more and more. As long as you are open to the idea of positive affirmations, then life will be a resounding success. I bring this message to you with the hope that the seasonal glee and rejuvenation will resonate throughout the year. We are in a mode that enhances most people’s attitude towards seeing the love and happiness that is readily available.

If I speak for a bit about the Master Jesus, I would begin by telling you that just being in His aura was an awesome experience. If you were fortunate enough to have shared in His physical incarnation, all you knew was that peace and love emanated from His very essence. Jesus walked and spoke with confidence, and this was shared with anyone who wanted to partake in it. No one was ever deemed unworthy of His time.

Today, most people fail to realize the power of “oneness” with Spirit. We watch and listen to your struggles and worries. The truth is that we are responding to what you put forth to us. It is often taught to you that the thoughts, deeds and actions you make and take are the blueprints for what will be returned to you by the universe. It is up to each individual to make or create the path of aspects that they want. This is why you should monitor what you do, and to ask yourself if you are living in the wake of energy that was left behind by Jesus and other Ascended Masters who have walked the earth.

This is the season that most people celebrate by sharing gifts and company with one another. It is an expected time to be optimistic and a time to openly show your love for the Master who is known as the Son of God. We only wish that all people could be comfortable communicating their faith and love every day, not just some days. In the New Year, it is your responsibility to address the issues that concern you. It is also your responsibility to carve the path towards living life in a loving, vibrant way. If anything should be contagious, let it be the world catching onto your actions, and then rewarding you with what you truly need in many multiples.

Let this season become the catalyst for all the love, charm and prosperity you desire. Building on what has worked well for you, one day at a time, will cause momentum to be in your favor. Living life in the aura of love and Light can only make your soul brighten. Ask your angels what they need from you. It is not always their responsibility to do everything for you. Allowing your physical life and presence to be procured in the manner that Jesus tried to teach will lead to a deeper joy.

Finally, we share with you the vitality of your soul. It is attached and connected to the greatest of powers. As you enter the end of this calendar year and embark on the new one, it is pertinent for you to remain steadfast in your belief that the universe can provide for you. We want all people to feel the zest and rejuvenation of stepping through your existence with confidence. It comes from the guardians who help you; who ride on your shoulder. They extol you with love and the fact that you can achieve the greatest of happy notions.

We leave you with those thoughts, as well as the blessings of all those in the Kingdom of Light.  These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.

Don’t forget to check out our website at:, for personalized autographed books, the Escaping Boundaries meditation CD, inspirational magnets, coffee mugs and more. We have gift certificates available for Christmas and Holiday gifts.
The Nook link for my book is:
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.


Mary said...

You can color your world in happiness and paint a portrait of your life in the most beautiful way you can

Life will be resounding with the bells of singing angels and the love of your special, departed friends and family. Look at them as your team of helpers. They are excited to bring you to the path you want for yourself

Spirit will be felt more and more.

Allowing your physical life and presence to be procured in the manner that Jesus tried to teach will lead to a deeper joy.

This message is beautiful and so heart felt. I love it!

Thank you always,
Jim Our Angel :-)**
God Bless

Today they came over by surprise with the new baby. He is so cute and tiny, and I got to hold him.
So that made our day very happy

Unknown said...

What a great early Christmas present for you! I'm so happy for all of you.