Monday, March 11, 2013

The Spoken Words of Spirit--March 12, 2013

Let today be the day you take control of your destiny.  Whether it is for the long or short-term makes no difference.  You cannot rely on other people to always fulfill your path.  While that may sound like it is contradictory to some of our earlier messages, the distinction is that we are not speaking about allowing others to help you if you need it.  In this case, we are telling you that you have to take control of your goals and whether or not you want to make improvements in your life.  No one else is responsible for doing that, nor should they be despite the attempts of certain people and media dis-empowering you by telling you that it is alright to let others create an even playing field.

The Creator gave all individuals born into a physical body the innate yearning to survive.  With the right lessons provided, as well as the right attitudes around you, surviving is enhanced by the thought of thriving.  However, when your leaders “rob Peter to pay Paul” and make up other illogical plans to take from those who are successful and give it to those who are not, a very negative result comes of this.  The seriousness of the outcome is such that the people who had been prospering will realize that there is no reward or reason to do so.  They stop trying and fall into a mediocre lifestyle.  Those who are given a handout when they have the ability to earn their way out of poverty or trouble grow less and less likely to want to change their ways because they will be given what they want off the sweat and hard work of another.  This makes them even more inclined to stay in a role of diminished effort.

Nowhere is joyfulness found if this is the path for the vast majority.  It sounds to many of you as though this is a financial lesson.  To some extent it is, but the values work in all aspects of life.  If you are a student at a prestigious university who earned their way there by studying hours and hours beforehand, you will resent someone who is granted admission just because the institution wants to be “fair” to all types of students.  If we take that a step further and ask you how you would feel if you continued to do all of the class work, homework, labs and fieldwork in order to score a high grade.  What would your feelings be if you were then told that everyone in the class would be given an “average” mark so that no one felt slighted?  You would obviously not want to put hours of effort in any further, and the students who did nothing would continue to feel like improving themselves was unneeded because they would be passed through the system anyway.

What we are really looking for you to do is to  get a handle on what you want to do with your life?  Are you an optimist or a pessimist?  Do you want to see the glass half full or half empty?  Regardless, your angels are always urging you to find a way to fill whatever container is depleted.  You are not being greedy to want more for yourself, but you must be the one to put the effort in!  Do not sit quietly and allow others to take the richness of your life away, nor if you are on the opposite scale, do not give away your power!  Be your own miracle-maker and watch how your life will feel as though it is lightened and brightened.  All we ask is that you think about the intent behind the loving guidance that comes from your teachers of love and Light.  These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.

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We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor.  To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other nutrition, natural and healthy products, the direct link is:  It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!  

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If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me  on FaceBook.  The link for the fan page is:  A different inspirational quote can be found there.


Mary said...

What we are really looking for you to do is to get a handle on what you want to do with your life? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Do you want to see the glass half full or half empty? Regardless, your angels are always urging you to find a way to fill whatever container is depleted.

Do not sit quietly and allow others to take the richness of your life away, nor if you are on the opposite scale, do not give away your power!

All we ask is that you think about the intent behind the loving guidance that comes from your teachers of love and Light.

This is a great mind opening message..

Thank you always, Jim :-)**
God Bless

I think that young male person you mentioned is my grandson Peter. His birthday was yesterday the 11th. Thank you for the message from heaven Jim, I really appreciate it xoxox

Unknown said...

I guess Peter needed to make an appearance for you and the family. It's always nice when loved ones come through at very appropriate times to lift the spirits of everyone here.