Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Spoken Words of Spirit--February 17, 2010

Imagine, if you would, an image of Jesus wearing a crown of thorns. As they press into His head, blood begins to drip very fast. You would expect a puddle of blood when you look down, as well as to expect Him to be showing pain, but there are only knowing smiles. However, when you look at the ground, what is left is a pool of a two-tone red fluid in the form of a heart. The coloring reminds you of the yin yang symbol. In its reflection, Jesus is on the left side and you are on the right; both staring at each other. His gaze to you is obviously looking to the right; indicative of the future. You are looking to the left, which is an indication of viewing the past. (To those of you who may not have a true affinity for Jesus, we ask you to replace the imagery with whichever highly ranked spiritual figure that you are comfortable with.)

The relevance of this vision is important. Spirit and the Kingdom of Angels and Ascended Masters are always trying to get you to explore your future. They glance in that direction as a symbol of the fact that you are never alone. The power of Infinite Spirit is such that you do not have to hold onto the past because He has already suffered for you. In essence, this is a message to have you exalt over the fact that your future can be unencumbered by your past, as long as you release yourself from the bondage of mistakes. As you learn to atone for any wrongdoing, you will find that the enlightenment of your Inner Child will grow exponentially faster. Spirit sees you as someone capable of great changes! Do not limit yourself, for it is the fastest way to frustration and a feeling of futility. Turn your head to the right and know that the King Child is looking at things with you, with an open heart and a power that can be matched by nothing else. This is your day to glow with enthusiasm and expect the universe to reward you with the greatness of love and treasures that you deserve. It is not wrong to think this way, as the Creator made a system that should have no one lacking in anything. It is only the human mind and attitude that provides for negative results.

We have chosen this topic today so all people know that they are protected and provided for. It is meant to expand your concepts and beliefs. It is not meant to direct anyone into doing or believing something that is not comfortable to them. Spirit is all about flexibility, so you should be too. The one thing we do hope you get from these words is the fact that you are the one responsible for your efforts to change the things you do not like and to improve on your approach towards gaining fulfillment of your goals. You are not alone. Recall this as you meander through your physical life with the foundation of courage given to you by the angels. With you are many helpful servants, as well as your loved ones with God. Each of them, in their own way, will try to gently ebb you in the right direction. With their love surrounding you like a velvety hug, these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
The website is updated. Check for coming events, including:

Today, February 17, 2010

Guest Appearance on www.themixtalk.com radio’s Whispers From Spirit from 9:00-10:00pm EST

Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 7 - 9pm

An evening with Jim Fargiano and The Spoken Words of Spirit

A talk will be given on how Spirit and our loved ones interact and influence our lives on a daily basis. Conversation will touch on how his book, The Spoken Words of Spirit, was created. In addition, he will explain how Escaping Boundaries, the subliminal, relaxation, healing and meditation CD was co-created with Jessie Haynes, a very gifted singer/songwriter. Jim will answer general questions from the audience, and as long as time allows, he will be giving spot readings to whoever those on the other side lead him to.

Crowne Plaza Hotel
1730 North Ocean Avenue
Holtsville, NY 11742

Escaping Boundaries, the subliminal relaxation, healing and empowerment meditation CD that I created with Jessie Haynes, a spiritually gifted singer/songwriter, was officially released is now available online through I-Tunes, Napster, etc. Please check out the website at www.EscapingBoundaries.com. Also, don’t forget our popular LG tee shirts. We have sizes from small to 3X that can be purchased in my office or on my website.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:


Diane said...

What a beautiful, and powerful, loving message. I can only imagine what this vision was like for you Jim.

"Turn your head to the right and know that the King Child is looking at things with you, with an open heart and a power that can be matched by nothing else." Such a beautiful picture in my mind.

"With their love surrounding you like a velvety hug, these are The Spoken Words of Spirit." Thank you Jim...

Mary said...

You are not alone. Recall this as you meander through your physical life with the foundation of courage given to you by the angels. With you are many helpful servants, as well as your loved ones with God. Each of them, in their own way, will try to gently ebb you in the right direction. With their love surrounding you like a velvety hug.
Thanks Jim, for beautiful picture reading. God Bless :-)**

C Ray said...

This is absolutely beautiful!!!

Unknown said...

This was the most intense, beautiful, peaceful, and visual message I have gotten in a long time. It actually started in the afternoon when I was working with someone who was doing some subliminal work on me. The image of Jesus was stuck with me the rest of the day and then came back even stronger when I sat down to do the blog.

My thanks to all of you for posting.

Kathleen Frangeskos said...

What a deep and profound imagery you have seen and written. It touched my heart greatly for several reasons.

1)Jesus has used the imagery of hearts to represent my unity with HIM for many, many years. The depiction of Jesus and me (or whom ever) is reading this message...is a clear validation of God's longing to be united with us all...in any way, we will allow.

2)Jesus died willingly for us all...knowing the will of HIS FATHER...and the outcome for all of mankind. HIS KNOWING SMILES represent HIS ACCEPTANCE, JOY AND SATISFACTION that HIS FATHER'S WILL WAS CARRIED OUT. HE WAS FILLED WITH PEACE AT THAT MOMENT. Jesus never complained...HE was and is so humble before the world.

3) Jesus unites HIMSELF to us each day. Hearts represent love...which is what JESUS IS.
If we allow JESUS to...HE will reveal much to all of us...in HIS own loving way.

("Yes, My Beloved, I do"...)
Jesus Christ