Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Spoken Words of Spirit--April 26, 2010

Living in a path of peace, love and joy is paramount to any true sense of accomplishments you want to have. We said, "Living in a path" and not "on a path" for a reason. Your simple existence is the catalyst for personal growth and changes--and not just for yourself. The life and road to achievement that you take has a direct impact on the path and decisions many others will have. We are all interconnected beings, both in and from the physical world and the spiritual one. This simply means that the manner in which you do things does not put you separate or "on" a road to enjoyable living, but within it. You are the only one who can demonstrate how you would like to live.

Spirit desires you to absorb the blessings of the multitude of love and passion given to you. It will help sober you to an understanding that your own actions and responses to different situations are in direct alliance with the happiness you crave. When you can step back and be rational in your review of certain people, as well as their actions towards you, it enables you to be tranquil and much calmer overall. This is the way that your life should be administered by your own values on all days. Harmonious living requires you to be able to see all of life's differences. It does not mean that you should be determined to force your point of view on people who are disagreeable.

What we are trying to extend to you is that being gracious, patient and living with the precepts of the Golden Rule in your mind, will only lead to a life that exudes confidence. In peaceful ways, you show the world you are a better person by expressing a positive attitude towards all of life. It is up to you. By living either in annoyance or in a loving way, the universe is put on notice as to what you want to attract to yourself. Every bit of energy you put forth is noted and retained in your "bank." Like money, what you deposit grows with interest. That said, does it make more sense to live in ways that are good, or in ways that show everyone your more negative aspects? You have the power to always influence the outcome by taking a moment or two before you answer to any situation. Remember, the power of the Kingdom of Angels are at your disposal. Use them for your highest good. With love and a gift of guidance, these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.


Liz said...

"You have the power to always influence the outcome by taking a moment or two before you answer to any situation." So true! I am surely guilty of speaking before I think a situation through. In the future I will make an effort to utilize this thought process in my daily life. Thanks for all the guidance...OX

Diane said...

"The life and road to achievement that you take has a direct impact on the path and decisions many others will have." Such a true staement Jim. I have found this to be so true in so many ways, especially lately, and in a good way.

I find this statement very interesting!: "Every bit of energy you put forth is noted and retained in your "bank." Like money, what you deposit grows with interest." I have to keep reading this until it totally sinks in...

Great message Jim! Thank you so mcuh, as always.

Mary said...

Living in a path of peace, love and joy is paramount to any true sense of accomplishments you want to have

Yes, a lovely way to live. But, some days it's not easy to achieve

Spirit desires you to absorb the blessings of the multitude of love and passion given to you.


Every bit of energy you put forth is noted and retained in your "bank." Like money, what you deposit grows with interest.

Interesting words. wonderful words actually.

Thank you Jim, my Daily Angel :-)**
God Bless, and have a happy relaxing holiday.