Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--February 24, 2011

Where does it say in life that you have to struggle alone? Why is it that so many people fail to turn to the safest place to turn to? Are you one who is afraid to chat with your friends, family or Inner Child when comfort is needed? What about the magnificent way that you can feel when you release the burdens of secret hurts that you many be experiencing or worrying about?

All of these questions are relevant to your happiness. They are telling a story about your self-confidence, but more so, they are speaking volumes about how good you can feel if you stop slamming the door shut on your spiritual connection to a Higher Source of love and joy. In all earthly existences, the ability to find a center of inner peace actually comes when you expand your comfort zone to talk to the angels around you. Some of them might very well be incognito; where their approach to appease and help you is hidden by walls of respect. Of course, some of it is the false respect you think you are honoring yourselves with when you do not trust in your own Higher Power.

Be one with yourself! Take a step back to realize just how important you are! It is one thing to let go of the people and things that drag you down; that dismiss your pure essence. It is another thing, altogether, to cast aside your own prominence and value. You must be a friend with yourself in order to be a friend and confidant to others. Some might find it easier to live vicariously; this way they do not ever have to strive to change their own direction in life. Our reality--the reality that is seen from the Light and stars of heaven--is to get each individual to embrace themselves with the gift of love. Try it for a day or two. Take some simple, practical steps to dismiss all the talk of your negative programming and replace it with, "I am worth my own time and effort." That is what will begin the healing process for you. This message could go on continuously, but we are going to leave it here for you to digest. Do this while knowing that the love and exhortations come from The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our next event is at the Rock Hill Country Club in Manorville on March 8th. Jim will bring messages from loved ones to as many guests as time and Spirit allow. He will also share his knowledge about the different forms of spirit communication. Plus, Jessie Haynes, who put so much of her talent into their Escaping Boundaries CD, will be there and will play a selection from her own original music! It is the first time the two of them will be available to autograph copies of the CD. There will be a full buffet dinner with coffee and dessert! A FREE raffle for a private reading and much more will be held. For tickets and info, go to:

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

We have two new magnets with inspirational quotes for you to view on our website!

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:


Mary said...

In all earthly existences, the ability to find a center of inner peace actually comes when you expand your comfort zone to talk to the angels around you.

Be one with yourself! Take a step back to realize just how important you are!

You must be a friend with yourself in order to be a friend and confidant to others.

I always talk to my heavenly angels..............

God Bless you,
My Earth Angel Jim :-)**

Diane said...

"You must be a friend with yourself in order to be a friend and confidant to others." Why is it always so easy to be a friend and confidant to others and not to yourself?

..."I am worth my own time and effort." That is what will begin the healing process for you." Excellent advice.

Thank you Jim, as always. xoxo