Monday, October 24, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 25, 2011

The physical life can be a complicated set of occurrences. You will find that it is a roller coaster of emotions. Many of them will be good; while there will be other stretches of time that the balance of feelings will tip the scale towards the unseemly. The good news is that you have the ability to control and conquer all of these ups and downs. You have the power and confidence to move beyond the limitations that can be created by negative situations, as well as by self-limiting thoughts.

Today, we would expect you to move onto a path that has nothing but sheer love and delight. It is a good time to be introspective; to center yourselves in a way that enables you to be a gem to your own self and soul. Are you living in a way that will always encourage and offer the best out of life? Do you find yourself diminishing your strength and abilities before you begin any task? If so, then this message is thrust upon you to bring you more hope, clarity and encouragement to be the success you want to be. You have it in you to do that!

Take some time to be inventive in your approaches. It is perfectly fine to have a vision that moves you into a feeling of “fantasy” rather than in what you see as the “real world.” Without the ability to be creative in your visualizations, the only thing you will find is that you are stuck. Give yourself permission to be better; to make gains that you may have previously felt were unreachable. You were created with a treasure chest of tools to broaden your horizons. Never feel like that is an impossibility. This is your time to shine! Discard the thoughts that have proven useless and highlight the ones that have guided you towards a life of achievements, love and comfort. Be the teacher you think need to find in someone else.--These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
December 2nd, Jim will be in NYC at the Meta Center with Steve Maraboli, acclaimed inspirational and motivational speaker. Steve is also a best-selling author and will expand your thoughts about what you can accomplish. This will be another fun, interactive, spirit-driven evening. For tickets and info, please go to A FREE raffle for prizes will be held at the end of the show that will include a FREE private reading with Jim at a later date.

The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.


Mary said...

Give yourself permission to be better; to make gains that you may have previously felt were unreachable. You were created with a treasure chest of tools to broaden your horizons. Never feel like that is an impossibility. This is your time to shine!

Beautiful words and message

Thank you,
Jim Our Angel :-)**
God bless

Diane, My heart aches for you! With my deepest condolences .....
Lots of Love and hugs God Bless xoxoxo

Unknown said...

Thank you, Mary, for your continued support.