Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--January 27, 2012

It is so important to remember that your thoughts are creators of your reality. They influence your direction, but they also add to the motions of other people. You must think about this when you are catching negative concepts and ideas spinning through your mind. Think about the control you have just with the power of your brain. It should fascinate you. It should enthrall you to know that you have the ability to inspire your dreams and the dreams of others.

What are you going to do with this gift? You can use it to build on love, compassion, hope, praise, charity, trust and many more positive gifts of life. However, if you are not careful, the same strength you have to build and inspire good things can also consciously and subconsciously destroy the hopes and dreams of many humans. It is up to you to enhance the world around you by capturing the joy that it holds for you in the art of optimistic manifestation. Who is going to tell you that you cannot achieve something that you have not attempted, other than the wounded child that hides within, or the naysayer who want you to struggle so they can feel empowered? Neither of them should be able to do that!

If we go back to where this message began, we could also say that your thoughts create physical substance. Every manmade object or reshaping of the earth began with a concept in someone’s head. Whether we are talking about emotions or physical actions, the processing that begins all of it starts with your attitude. No great inventor ever set out to make something worse, nor motivated themselves by being excited about failing to do something. The greatness of life is born out of a spark of love, hope and optimistic ideas. Allow your journey to be filled with happiness; your thoughts with the gift of positive transparency. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Save March 3rd for An Evening With Jim Fargiano. He will be appearing at the regal Giorgio's at Fox Hills for a deluxe dinner buffet and more. For tickets and info, go to: There is very high interest for this event and seats are already filling up!

We have gift certificates available at: Also available are personalized autographed books, the Escaping Boundaries meditation CD, inspirational magnets, coffee mugs and more.

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.


Diane said...

"The greatness of life is born out of a spark of love, hope and optimistic ideas. Allow your journey to be filled with happiness; your thoughts with the gift of positive transparency." Beautiful words; this is a wonderful reminder about the power we have!

Thank you Jim, as always. xo

Mary said...

The greatness of life is born out of a spark of love, hope and optimistic ideas. Allow your journey to be filled with happiness; your thoughts with the gift of positive transparency.

Think about the control you have just with the power of your brain. It should fascinate you. It should enthrall you to know that you have the ability to inspire your dreams and the dreams of others.

This is a beautiful inspiring message again ...

Thank you always
and God Bless you,
Jim our angel :-)**

Unknown said...

Thank you, to two of life's beautiful souls.