Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--March 28, 2012

Entering into a life of spiritual growth often means that you have to discard a lifetime of habits that others tried to burden you with. It means shifting from having your life move in cadence with the flock of followers to being a leader in the flock of the High Spirit. In other words, you will be living your life as an individual, but one who is in the forefront of leadership; in a world that certainly needs people who are focused on embracing the principles of the Golden Rule.

As we muse a bit, it would be to share with you that no one will guarantee you that living on the path that is meant to be exemplary will not come without some hard changes. Often, your family and friends will find you challenging to them for no other reason than because they are afraid to embrace a softer, more loving way to live their own lives. You may find them distancing themselves from you, or even inadvertently starting arguments that have no foundation. Fear of being viewed as something different than what you had been seeing them as is usually one of the culprits. It creates a fight or flight mentality, where they either engage in trying to sway you from following your intended path or they flee from you. In the end, you will find yourself happier once all of their fears are quelled, along with your own.

The journey should be joyful, informative and filled with an array of experiences that you did not have before. Being on a spiritual path is all about expanding your thoughts and horizons, but to do so by limiting the negativity that has attached itself to you. Growing spiritually enables you to see beyond the boundaries that have confined you, often born out of everyone else’s concepts of life. You are on a path of self-discovery that is firmed up with an inordinate amount of love that comes to you from sources that are seen and unseen to the human eye. Your angels are abounding and boundless! This is the way you should want to feel and see yourself and your own energy.

May each of you be rewarded with the endless and deep levels of love and blessings that your loved ones, guides, teachers and the Creator give to you. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
My thanks to everyone who attended the Fifth Season dinner buffet.  It was a great group of people and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.


Mary said...

Growing spiritually enables you to see beyond the boundaries that have confined you, often born out of everyone else’s concepts of life. You are on a path of self-discovery that is firmed up with an inordinate amount of love that comes to you from sources that are seen and unseen to the human eye. Your angels are abounding and boundless! This is the way you should want to feel and see yourself and your own energy.

I love this message.

Hope you had a great event tonight, Jim :-)**
Thank you always
God Bless

Unknown said...

Thanks, Mary. Last night was a packed house.