Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--November 30, 2012

Sometimes the power of the productive mind can get in the way of how we see ourselves in normal situations.  While those of higher intellect, or who tend to over analyze everything they do is most frequently a good thing, there are other times when it can become a hindrance.  The purpose of a sharp mind is not to be beating yourself up.  It is to be used to enhance the good in you, as well as the greatness that you can and do bring to the rest of the world. 

Often, we find it necessary to remind these people how grateful we—Spirit, your loved ones and angels in the Light—are for the privilege of working with you.  It can be easily lost in the hubbub of earth’s daily grind through life.  However, it is never lost on those who you have touched the most, on the physical or ethereal realms.  If you are someone who has had their life improved or blessed by someone else, perhaps it might be time to turn the tables in any possible way for you to give something back to them.  As you pay back in good ways, you are actually “paying forward” so that the cycle of fortune, love and gratitude amongst all of humankind will continue to flow.

As we muse on the workings of people and what makes them think that they have somehow failed when all they do is influence others in great ways, we have come to recognize that it is more up to those on the earth plain to do Spirit’s bidding.  This is why we are simply asking you to reach out to anyone you can and make a positive change for them.  If you envision how palatable this place would be if everyone had this attitude and you will then help the universe to create that perfect feeling.  It must start someplace, so why not do so by showing appreciation towards the individuals who have lifted you up in any way?  It could have been mentally, emotionally, physically or financially.  Perhaps it is someone who helped point out the correct path of spiritual growth or even opened your eyes to the beauty of yourself and Inner Child.

Let us all work together; those who are in need and those who are constantly giving of themselves, to become partners.  In other words, for those who are normally on the receiving end, your job is to find anything that you can do to repay the gesture of kindness given to you with your own act of kindness.  For those of you who are virtually always on the giving side, open your heart and minds up to allowing the flow of return to come to you.  A garden cannot give back to the owner anything if that owner exhausts themselves to the point where they are too depleted to reap the benefits of their efforts.  Each one of you can surely find a way to be thankful.  These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Gift certificates are available at for the Christmas, Hanukah and holiday season!

We are continuing to update and add many new things to our new merchandise website!  At, you will find items that have a spiritual connection, plus health and wellness products.  We are expanding and adding new things all the time and will be happy to take suggestions.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor.  To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other nutrition, natural and healthy products, the direct link is:  It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!  

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me  on FaceBook.  The link for the fan page is:  A different inspirational quote can be found there. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--November 28, 2012

In all honesty, today got away from me so I decided to scan through some old messages to see what might fit for this time of year and this is the one that I was "stopped" at by my guides.--Jim Fargiano
The world is full of personalities of all varieties. In spirit, we tend to look favorably on those people who put their needs in equal proportion to others. If it surprises you that we did not say that the needs of others are put first, let us explain. We have been teaching you that the universe responds to the energy that you put forth. Since that is the case, if you are always putting everyone else ahead of you, how much happiness could you expect to get? All of life is in balance, so it is imperative for you to make yourself be seen as no less important than anyone else.

In the spirit of giving, we want you to understand that your efforts, thoughts and actions are all recorded and placed into the Ecashic Records. This is basically the imprint of your life that is looked at upon your entrance when you enter into the Golden Side of the divide. There is no reason for any of you who are receiving this message to be worried in any way. The reasoning for that is because you are showing God and Spirit a desire to learn how to improve yourself and your way of living. Anyone who tries to be better is always looked at fondly.

Our basic message today is to ask you what it is on this day that you will do to make a difference? Will you help someone in need? Will you offer a token of appreciation to someone who is offering you help? Will you stop long enough in your run of errands to give thanks to the powers that make it possible? All you need to do is any one of them and you are taking a step towards the embodiment of a better soul. Spirit will rarely scold you for not doing all the right things, nor will we grow tired of encouraging you to see the beauty within yourself and life. What singular thing will you do for yourself today?
Spend the days and weeks ahead to realize all the ways that you are good, have done something good, or simply remember the reasons your soul is valued and worshiped by Spirit. Make a list of all the items that make you the important person you are. May you all absorb the blessings of the Light and recognize your vibrant importance. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Gift certificates are available at for the Christmas, Hanukah and holiday season!

We are continuing to update and add many new things to our new merchandise website!  At, you will find items that have a spiritual connection, plus health and wellness products.  We are expanding and adding new things all the time and will be happy to take suggestions.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor.  To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other nutrition, natural and healthy products, the direct link is:  It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!  

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me  on FaceBook.  The link for the fan page is:  A different inspirational quote can be found there. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--November 27, 2012

Many of the globe’s citizens are already preparing for the next round of holidays and holy days.  If respect is given to all people for their choices of the way they want to believe in a Higher Power, then the lands of the earth would be peaceful.  Obviously, those who choose to hijack good religions with misguided personal, violent interpretations are not the people we are speaking about.  Our desire is for all humans to live in a state of mind that is loving and harmonious.  To live in envy and anger is counterproductive to the process of peace on earth and goodwill for all of humankind.

Each step you take must be with conviction and a feeling of being self-empowered.  You should be viewing this season as a tipping point towards imbuing life’s depth of value.  Love, compassion and generosity should not be something saved for one or two days a year.  However, if you learn to give something from your heart each day, regardless of how small you may feel it is, what you are doing is setting a tone and pattern for all people to respond to this passionate way to enjoy life.  The Law of Attraction will always have you recapturing often as much as tenfold what you give from your heart.  The key is that it has to be joyfully given and align with spiritual principles.  It does not matter if it comes from your wallet, your pantry, your time or your talent.

The pith of what we tell you boils down to one basic fundamental issue. It is to live your personal life with tolerance towards others and to give them the same respect that you would want to have them give you.  It is fair to say that no matter who it is, or who you are, the common bond amongst all people is the desire to be in a happy state of mind.  A worry free life is a wonderful thing!  You can have that, but it must begin with your attitude and thoughts immediately upon awakening and especially as you drift off to sleep.  This will make your subconscious drive the results for the rest of your daily activities to be more blessed and less stressed.

Why not consider today the first day you give a gift to anyone?  Let it be the gift of self-appreciation for your mere existence and what you add to the world, regardless of how large or diminutive you may feel it is.  You are a Vulcan of immense power, burning the path you want to newness and nuances that you crave.  With blessings for all, these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Gift certificates are available at for the Christmas, Hanukah and holiday season!

We are continuing to update and add many new things to our new merchandise website!  At, you will find items that have a spiritual connection, plus health and wellness products.  We are expanding and adding new things all the time and will be happy to take suggestions.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor.  To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other nutrition, natural and healthy products, the direct link is:  It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!  

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me  on FaceBook.  The link for the fan page is:  A different inspirational quote can be found there. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--November 20, 2012

Make sure you are always in a mindset of blessings and positive thoughts for yourself.  While this may automatically have many of you thinking we are teaching you something that is egotistical, the reality is we are sharing an idea that will help everyone to be thinking in terms of self-confidence and self-worth.  If you cannot feel good enough to be open to receiving these good things for yourself, then it will be more difficult for you to love and want them for others too.  Subconsciously, you end up wanting no one to want them.

We—Spirit—want all people to succeed and live happily.  If all of you are open to reaping the benefits of optimistic living, it will spiral out and create an avalanche of harmony.  In a world that seems to steadily becoming entrenched in anger, deceit and violence, it is time that the good people on earth begin to recognize that their own life counts!  Once done, you will become an icon of peace and justice through your actions; through your prayers.  That means that the violations of spiritual principles, that are often ambushed by people in positions of power, will have the light of God shining on them.  In return, their behavior will be challenged more and more, even by those who think they are supportive of them. 

Prayers have a way of opening the minds of many people.  Those who think they are aligning with someone who is trustworthy, only to find out they are not, are frequently afraid to remove themselves from the bond they have.  They think it will make themselves look bad.  Prayers can pry open even the most stubborn of the human species.  Perhaps in this season where we are supposed to be focused on sharing and giving thanks, we can take a little time to thank ourselves for having been given the gift of life.  From there, including others in your prayers, and simply asking for the Creator’s vision of peace to immediately be filled throughout the world, you will see more quickly  that the agitators will be overtaken by the sane, centered and God-respecting citizens of the world.

As many of you in the United States prepare for family visits, or visits and meals with friends, keep in mind that there are still numerous people who are not as fortunate.  While there is a deep governmental economic problem, there is not a lack of love, compassion or time amongst individuals.  Take a little time to see what you can do to determine if anyone you know is going to be alone during a time when companionship is routinely shared, along with a festive meal.  Make a difference and spread some happiness.  You will be answering someone’s prayers.  These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
We are continuing to update and add many new things to our new merchandise website!  At, you will find items that have a spiritual connection, plus health and wellness products.  We are expanding and adding new things all the time and will be happy to take suggestions.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor.  To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other nutrition, natural and healthy products, the direct link is:  It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!  

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me  on FaceBook.  The link for the fan page is:  A different inspirational quote can be found there.