Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 9, 2013

It is time for all of you to believe in the impossible when it comes to your positive goals and dreams.  Positioning yourself with the correct visions of love and an “I can do it” attitude will always point you in the direction of your target.  The more you are able to do this, the more you will see the limitless possibilities unfold for you.  Happiness is not abstract when you are motivated to succeed!

Some days will offer challenges.  That goes without saying.  If not for the roadblocks, how would you ever learn to succeed?  In fact, the more you are inspired to overcome any difficulties, the sweeter the taste of victories and achievements in every part of your life!  There is an unstated agreement that your soul has when it comes into this physical world with you.  Much of it has to do with lessons and personal growth.  While there is a fine line between what may be a physical lesson and what may be owned by the soul, the reality is that the interaction between the two will leaved etched memories for both lifetimes.  This is perhaps the greatest gift you can have because it allows you to be educated and prosper in ways in the future where you will hopefully make decisions that will enhance your choices.

The value of your life can be extended to others if they choose to abide by the failures and triumphs you have had.  If you have scorched a path that paves the way for anything to be elevated for yourself, and in the process of become a teacher for others to benefit, you are going to feel blessings for eternity.  The gift of being one of the Creator’s children is that you do not always have to be one who struggles.  Absorb the messages that have been left behind by others who have previously done the hard work and failed.  Embrace those values where goals have been recorded in specific ways so that you can repeat the road to prosperity.  This includes the path to financial freedom, good health, strong relationships of all kinds and much more.  What it pertains to the most is the alignment of angels that are the guiding force behind all those who live according to the aspects of binding love.  Why not be one of those people yourself?  These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
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We continue to update and add many new and interesting things to our merchandise website!  At, you will find items that have a spiritual connection, plus health and wellness products.  We are expanding and adding new things all the time and will be happy to take suggestions.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor.  To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other nutrition, natural and healthy products, the direct link is:  It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!  

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me  on FaceBook.  The link for the fan page is:  A different inspirational quote can be found there.

1 comment:

Mary said...

The value of your life can be extended to others if they choose to abide by the failures and triumphs you have had.

Embrace those values where goals have been recorded in specific ways so that you can repeat the road to prosperity

Thank you always, Jim :-)**
God Bless