Spiritual growth actually requires many changes in your life. This is not because it is meant to cause any type of hardship, but just the opposite. When you show God and the Hierarchy your love and desire to live in peaceful and caring ways, then the reward you receive for the long-term is to have your own life moved in ways that will be beneficial. Sometimes this requires major changes, which is most likely why you have ventured onto the right path. There are other times when the changes are minimal, but steady. All are intended to be an expression of love from your angels; a gift to your highest good.
One of the easiest ways to ensure steady and uplifting lives is to seek out others who have normal, like-minded thoughts. There should be no ideology of any kind. The only connection should be that love and humanitarian well being are the central point of the relationship. While there are times when living in a state of monastic quietness is helpful, one of the leading requests from Spirit is that you interact with people in ways that you can assist them and vice versa. This is your opportunity to show an expression of love to yourself and to society.
The other simple and even more important way to feel inner joy is by freely moving on this journey with the power of your Spirit guides and angels. Sit in quiet reflection when you want, but make sure you expect your soul to resonate with confidence. Answers to many of your toughest questions will come to you. The changes that you may incur will be handled with ease. This is because you are seen as an incredible gift to God and the world. Basically, by showing your loved ones and all higher level beings that you want to live the way the world was created, then the Kingdom of Angels will do their part to grace you with the loving needs that you deserve. Make sure you do not deny or dismiss them. With deep love, these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
An Evening With Jim Fargiano and The Spoken Words of Spirit
July 27th at the Hilton Huntington in Melville, NY. You can purchase your seat on my website. Thank you to everyone who have already secured their ticket. We will be raffling off a free private reading and a couple of different things at this one.
Take a look at our website for the August 17th dinner and “show” at Ladakins in Moriches, NY. It should be a lot of fun. The feedback and interest in this event have been very high and the tickets were moving quickly.
We have new mugs! Check out the website to see them. They are selling quickly!
Escaping Boundaries, the subliminal relaxation, healing and empowerment meditation CD that I created with Jessie Haynes, a spiritually gifted singer/songwriter, is available online through I-Tunes, Napster, etc. Please check out the website at www.EscapingBoundaries.com. Also, don’t forget our popular LG tee shirts. We have sizes from small to 3X that can be purchased in my office or on my website.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com
They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:
"Spiritual growth actually requires many changes in your life." I have found this to be very true for me. While I have experienced many changes in my life, most have been very rewarding. And when the really difficult challenges arise, I find I am able to handle them much better than I did in the past. I attribute this to healing through Reiki and the knowledge that God and my angels are there helping me get through each trial. It makes the journey and the lessons we experience much more meaningful, and the pain less intense.
Thank you Jim...I love thismessage.
The other simple and even more important way to feel inner joy is by freely moving on this journey with the power of your Spirit guides and angels. Sit in quiet reflection when you want, but make sure you expect your soul to resonate with confidence. Answers to many of your toughest questions will come to you.
Wonderful message. Love it !!
Thanks Jim, My earth Angel :-)**
God Bless
Simple as beautiful... Thank You!
Thank you. I appreciate your effort and time to let me know what you are thinking.
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