Consider that etched into the grains of sand is the imprint of your life. Even though there are billions of granules, when put together they can be molded into anything you want with the help of the elements and angels around you. Trust that you are being protected. Trust that the castle you wish to represent your life will be created with things outside your control. This is why it is important to LG your way through the tough spots. Let Go, Let God, Life’s Good can also be a way to limit groans.
In our humble opinion, each one of you are destined for great things. It is likely that you will feel more resilient when you understand the premise of our words. Spirit’s wisdom comes from millenniums of soul exploration. It comes from an eternity of trial and error, of trying to perfect a Creation that was already designed to be that way. This is why we know you can achieve immense fortune on any level you choose to believe that word to mean. Do not let your “emotional drain” prevent you from attaining the success you deserve. It is only when you release the issues that cause it that you will be enabled to begin the next beautiful step in a journey that still has much to offer. Keep your perspectives simple. Open your heart to the people and things that will be beneficial to you and learn that it is okay to discard all that which is not. With deep love and devotion to each of you, these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
An Evening With Jim Fargiano and The Spoken Words of Spirit
July 27th at the Hilton Huntington in Melville, NY. You can purchase your seat on my website. Thank you to everyone who have already secured their ticket. We will be raffling off a free private reading and a couple of different things at this one.
Take a look at our website for the August 17th dinner and “show” at Ladakins in Moriches, NY. It should be a lot of fun. The feedback and interest in this event have been very high and the tickets were moving quickly.
We have coffee mugs! Check out the website to see them.
Escaping Boundaries, the subliminal relaxation, healing and empowerment meditation CD that I created with Jessie Haynes, a spiritually gifted singer/songwriter, is available online through I-Tunes, Napster, etc. Please check out the website at www.EscapingBoundaries.com. Also, don’t forget our popular LG tee shirts. We have sizes from small to 3X that can be purchased in my office or on my website.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com
They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:
"People are always available to assist you, but you must recognize which ones are truly going to raise your confidence and vibration. " Always good to be reminded that the right people are out there and so all I need to do is fine tune my recongnition skills!
Many thanks, OX
Consider that etched into the grains of sand is the imprint of your life. Even though there are billions of granules, when put together they can be molded into anything you want with the help of the elements and angels around you.
Keep your perspectives simple. Open your heart to the people and things that will be beneficial to you and learn that it is okay to discard all that which is not.
Okay, I will do this.
Thank you Jim, as always my earth Angel
God bless
" Spirit’s wisdom comes from millenniums of soul exploration. It comes from an eternity of trial and error, of trying to perfect a Creation that was already designed to be that way."
Once I grasped this, my life started to make sense and fall into place. Thanks Jim, as always, for these daily messages.
Liz, we all have to fine tune our people recognition skills.
Mary, I saw the Footprints poem when I was reading your comment, but it was you who was walking with Jesus.
Jim, a certain young lady told me that you are still grasping things and making her "very proud."
"Consider that etched into the grains of sand is the imprint of your life. Even though there are billions of granules, when put together they can be molded into anything you want with the help of the elements and angels around you. Trust that you are being protected. Trust that the castle you wish to represent your life will be created with things outside your control."
When I first read this, I could only think "wow", this is amazing. I have to put it away and read it again and again. Thank you Jim...
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