You are much more in control of your destiny and journey then you give yourself credit for. From the side of Light, we warn you not to allow other people dictate your intensity of happiness. This is especially true of those whose main goal is to only make themselves feel good. You cannot let self-serving beings alter your emotional state. Granted, there will be times when that is going to happen by virtue of the fact that changes are always taking place in relationships, but it does not mean that the long-term outcome has to be devastating. If this happens to you, the best thing to do to heal is to openly talk and pray to your angels, spirit guides and those in your inner circle who are trustworthy and loving to you. Otherwise, you leave yourself open for more opinions that may not advance you to the brightest form of love and elation that the Creator wants you to have.
You might be able to tell that the goal of this message is to get you to focus on self-empowerment. All people were created with the gift of resiliency; with minds that have the capability to adjust much faster to all situations depending on whether or not you want to release the issues that are barring you from moving forward. Most of the time, failure to do so is stemming from the fact that you will not let go of “consciously” pulling in memories of things that keep you emotionally at bay.
On this day, we want two things from you. The first is to remember that you deserve to be treated with love and respect at all times. The second thing actually ties into this. If you treat people the way you want to see them, then you are helping them to fulfill their own potential. This is not to say that you should go through life naively or with the idea of forcing someone on a path that is not theirs. Concern yourselves with the things that are within your control and ultimately that will bring angelic qualities to your soul. Other people see this, and that is what will have them sliding into the same attitude of good thoughts. May happiness find its way to your heart and soul, each and every moment. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our next event is planned for October 22nd at the Hilton in Riverhead. Other things are in the works too, so keep an eye out for them on my website.
We have coffee mugs! Check out the website to see them.
Escaping Boundaries, the subliminal relaxation, healing and empowerment meditation CD that I created with Jessie Haynes, a spiritually gifted singer/songwriter, is available online through I-Tunes, Napster, etc. Please check out the website at www.EscapingBoundaries.com. Also, don’t forget our popular LG tee shirts. We have sizes from small to 3X that can be purchased in my office or on my website.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Spoken-Words-of-Spirit/121058579500?ref=mf. A different inspirational quote can be found there.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com/
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Concern yourselves with the things that are within your control and ultimately that will bring angelic qualities to your soul. Other people see this, and that is what will have them sliding into the same attitude of good thoughts.
Wow this is so true.... I noticed it happen in my daily life today.
Thank you as always My Angel, Jim :-)**
God Bless
Thank you, Mary. Keep on being you, because that is a very special thing.
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