We know it is not always easy to go through the daily grind. However, it is vital for you to remember that the grace of peace surrounds you. It is up to each individual to determine whether or not they want to accept or ignore that there is a greater force at work around them. Through experiencing a variety of approaches to life, most people will begin to elevate their moods and attitudes towards the things that make their hearts sing. Like the angels who expand love through quiet interactions with each being on earth, you can also expand the same intensity by LIVING with this ideal. You make a difference!
It is each individual who has the power and strength of ten Gods. What is meant by that is simply that each one of you can place a surge of pure and loving energy into the world when you live with love as the mantle of your actions. You make a difference! Never let anyone make you feel inferior, nor incapable of achieving great changes. Never let anyone make you feel as though your ideas and concepts of living in a world that honors and respects people is silly or naïve. All we need to do to prove that point is to ask any of you who have had any dear loved ones return to the bosom of God if they meant nothing to you. Did they make a difference? Of course they did!
We want you to move forward with the blessings of peace, prosperity, good health and wise decisions befalling you. Wrap yourself in the array of love that disseminates from the heavens. Do this knowing that your loved ones, your God, your teachers on the other side are proud to say to you that you make a difference! Use this knowledge and power for the good of yourself and mankind. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our next event is planned for October 22nd at the Hilton in Riverhead. Tickets are now available on the website. We have more things in the works!
We have coffee mugs! Check out our site to see them.
Escaping Boundaries, the subliminal relaxation, healing and empowerment meditation CD that I created with Jessie Haynes, a spiritually gifted singer/songwriter, is available online through I-Tunes, Napster, etc. Please check out the website at www.EscapingBoundaries.com. Also, don’t forget our popular LG tee shirts. We have sizes from small to 3X that can be purchased in my office or on my website.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Spoken-Words-of-Spirit/121058579500?ref=mf. A different inspirational quote can be found there.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com
They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:
"Keep in mind that the greatest knowledge that we receive comes as we wind our way through the darkest of times; the most testing of lessons. Without them, the ability to feel balance and love would be near impossible to acknowledge because there is nothing to compare it to."
This sums up the essence of life, doesn't it?
Thanks, as always.
Through experiencing a variety of approaches to life, most people will begin to elevate their moods and attitudes towards the things that make their hearts sing. Like the angels who expand love through quiet interactions with each being on earth, you can also expand the same intensity by LIVING with this ideal. You make a difference!
Beautiful !!
Thanks Jim, My Angel :-)**
God Bless
"You make a difference! Never let anyone make you feel inferior, nor incapable of achieving great changes." This is a very empowering statement. It makes me feel good just reading it.
"Wrap yourself in the array of love that disseminates from the heavens." I can feel it!
This entire message is very powerful and empowering. Jim, I agree with your thoughts, it does sum up the essence of life.
Thanks Jim, as always. You make my days beautiful and my life easier to go through.
Jim, I was personally "stuck" on the sentences you selected.
Mary, you continue to impress me with your continued growth and focus. Thank you.
Diane, you are always in my thoughts. "Heal thyself" comes easier when you let Spirit and your angels help.
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