The quickest way to accomplish this is to realize that all of your actions should be done with a loving heart. If you are capable of deleting anger from your attitude, your personal life will vibrate higher, thus causing a feeling of undeterred love to fill the air waves of your aura. This causes all the people you come in contact with to be less wary and more appreciative of you. Situations that may have previously caused distress will suddenly lighten up and ultimately become only a distant memory. The universe is a form of memory. Every thought, deed and step you take is recorded. This is why we have touched on the importance of the type of legacy you want to leave behind. Spirit wants you to be a beacon of love, light and hope for anyone who is graced by your connection.
Those words travel much further then you may be thinking. Without knowing this, it is hard for you to understand that every action you take in life will reverberate throughout the world. Make your world a place of harmony. Live it as though you are a cherished angel residing under the protection of God’s arm. Reality makes this so! Start to learn that you are coveted, honored and protected more and more by powers of a non physical dimension. Be part of their purity while having your soul learn and grow in this beautiful lifetime. May the Light of God forever shine upon you! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
August 17th dinner and “show” at Ladakins in Moriches, NY. It should be a lot of fun. If you are planning on coming, please purchase your ticket by Aug.9th if possible. We need to have a fairly accurate head count so that enough food will be on hand. Thanks!
We have coffee mugs! Check out the website to see them.
Escaping Boundaries, the subliminal relaxation, healing and empowerment meditation CD that I created with Jessie Haynes, a spiritually gifted singer/songwriter, is available online through I-Tunes, Napster, etc. Please check out the website at www.EscapingBoundaries.com. Also, don’t forget our popular LG tee shirts. We have sizes from small to 3X that can be purchased in my office or on my website.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com
They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:
"Make your world a place of harmony. Live it as though you are a cherished angel residing under the protection of God’s arm." What a beautiful picture this paints! Maybe I can do this without "spinning!" :-)
Thanks Jim, you-and Spirit!-always make my day!
Make your world a place of harmony. Live it as though you are a cherished angel residing under the protection of God’s arm. Reality makes this so! Start to learn that you are coveted, honored and protected more and more by powers of a non physical dimension. Be part of their purity while having your soul learn and grow in this beautiful lifetime.
Love this too Diane.
Thanks as always,
my earth Angel, Jim :-)**
God Bless
Diane, if you spin enough you could see it as though you are looking through a kaleidoscope.
Mary, Dad was yelling out, "Bless her! Bless her! Bless her!"
Thank you so very much,Jim. for letting me hear my dads words. It really means so much to me.
Have a great week end.
God Bless :-)****
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