Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--March 18, 2011

Control issues plague many people. They either want to have too much of it, or they cede it to others and lose their own personal value in the process. This world was designed with equality of all souls in mind. It was not driven by separation, nor with the thought that one person should have all the might while others struggle to merely survive. Let this day be one of new beginnings for you, despite the challenges that may lay before you. Be the king-maker of your soul and dance happily through each episode, both good and bad.

As you learn that not all things that appear to be less than stellar are harmful, you will notice yourself having more confidence in your future path. There is a fine line between being confident and being controlling. Your friends in spirit always want you have internal strength and power. This is what enables you to flow through life with the capability of leadership; of love, passion and the desire to help improve who you are, but also to enhance the lives of all who have the privilege of knowing you. The ironic thing with that you touch the hearts and minds of strangers all the time. Your actions create an energy that is undying, but is most certainly prominent in the hearts of the people you do have a direct link to. In turn, they behave in ways altered by what they feel and learn from you, thus the boundaries of your moves are stretched beyond the limitations of only who you can see in your field of being.

Basically, we are sharing with you what the angels and your loved ones in the Light already know. Everything you do has connections beyond the scope of your physical visions. Learn that it is alright to think that you can influence a world of people. This will help you to stay in balance in your own endeavors. The simplicity of the Golden Rule should always be in the forefront of your thinking. As you do unto others, you pull the same attractions from the universe. Think about how much better this world would be if all people mounted their charge through life with that principle. Peace would easily eradicate war. Love would always rule over hatred. Encouragement would be the word; not the act of discouraging others to be successful.

In your life, the love that hones in on you from all the special beings in the Light is undying. It is unyielding to all things, regardless of the missteps you may have during your incarnation. Feel the blessings of infinite proportions come to your heart and soul! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug deal!

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

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1 comment:

Mary said...

Basically, we are sharing with you what the angels and your loved ones in the Light already know. Everything you do has connections beyond the scope of your physical visions. Learn that it is alright to think that you can influence a world of people. This will help you to stay in balance in your own endeavors.

Your actions create an energy that is undying, but is most certainly prominent in the hearts of the people you do have a direct link to.

These are very wise words to ponder......................

God Bless you Jim, My Angel :-)**