Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--March 31, 2011

Multiple blessings come from the least likely alliances, as well as the alliances that are oft overlooked. Who do you choose to align yourselves with? It makes an enormous difference in all facets of your being. The more you stay in the company of negative people and negative thinkers, the more likely it is that you will struggle. The counterbalance to that is to stay with people who are always trying to stay in a mindset of positive and happy approaches.

It may surprise you to know that the people who present you with the most trouble are also the people who can make you feel blessed. Beyond all doubts, the lessons you take away from those people are self-gratifying and rewarding because it enables you to see the control you have over your destiny. It allows you to be able to see what the strength of vibrant thoughts can bring to you--or not bring to you. Think about how good that makes you feel! Think and hold onto the power of YOU. It is a perfect tool in the path of generating thoughts of glory about the future ahead of for you; both near and far.

The reason we want you to understand that blessings can come from negative people and events is because we want you to see the value in life. It should make you feel empowered. Seeing the wrong attitude to live with is pertinent to the respect you show the universe for yourself, because it states that you want more out of life. It says that you have goals to meet, people to enjoy and fun to have on numerous levels. You begin to recognize the need to incorporate love and trust as the main aspects of what brings about joyful and successful living. You become a pillar of bright light for all the world to see.

Whenever life starts to move in directions you may not have expected, it is time to catch your breath. The more you are able to do this, the more easily you generate a loving energy for all the world to be magnetized to. Why do you think there are so many people cognizant, on a variety of levels, of the angels around them? It is only due to them having a perpetual aura of love, compassion, trust and hope for you to absorb! May you be saturated with the blessings of life and the hugs of infinite power. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug!

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:


Mary said...

Why do you think there are so many people cognizant, on a variety of levels, of the angels around them? It is only due to them having a perpetual aura of love.

You, have that perpetual Aura, Jim.

It may surprise you to know that the people who present you with the most trouble are also the people who can make you feel blessed.

That is a very thought provoking sentence and, does ring true.

Thank you Jim, My Angel :-)**
God Bless

Diane said...

"It may surprise you to know that the people who present you with the most trouble are also the people who can make you feel blessed." When I first read this sentence, I thought "No way! Absolutely not! Those people caused me nothing but heartache and pain and stress! Why are they in my life? Blessings!?! Not possible! Never! This message is flawed, it's not right!" After reading the message the third or fourth time, I stopped my rant and stopped stomping my feet. I realized I was focusing on this one sentence and I allowed it to blind me to the meaning behind it.

"Seeing the wrong attitude to live with is pertinent to the respect you show the universe for yourself..." and "You begin to recognize the need to incorporate love and trust as the main aspects of what brings about joyful and successful living." These people have actually pushed me to have an even more positive attitude, to love more, to do more for others, to give more to others, to go within, to be even more patient and more understanding. I thank my angels for their love and unwavering support. In a very strange way, these people have actually given me multiple blessings, as the message says.

So thank you Jim, once again, for straightening me out and helping me on this crazy path we call life. xoxo

Unknown said...

Thanks, Mary.

Diane, anytime I can help you on your path of craziness, let me know.