Friday, September 30, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 1, 2011

A story given to me from One Feather
There was a time when the Great Spirit would blow the winds and rains on the lands to cleanse them. Fire would be routine and scorch the earth. Along the way, many seeds would be released for the land to have its own rebirth. This was the way of the world when no one tried to control it, or disrespect the lands. While people have the right to live in peace and comfort, I often saw it as an intrusion on the sanctity of the pristine Creation.

I lived during a time of complete awareness and respect for the Earth Spirits. I honored the plants and animals as much as I could, knowing that both of those kingdoms were also going to nourish our stomachs. My people were peaceful and loving, and we took the time to help each other when we could see that our neighbor was in need. It made no difference who they were. In simple terms, whether someone was an elder statesman, medicine man, or brave hunter; whether male or female, made no difference. Each of us understood how to be respectful, be we also knew that all people were equal at a soul level. Young or old, healthy or crippled, each individual was just as important as the other. It was particularly nice to see that the members of our clan who held esteemed positions would not act in a way that made them pompous, arrogant pack mules.

Today, I look from the heavens and worry that these good principles have gone away. There is to much dissension around the globe. Many in positions of leadership and respect are turning on the very people they are supposed to lead, govern and protect. It is a case of enlarged egos and greed that cause most of it. Still, the world is a great place to live and learn many things. I suppose what I am asking of each one of you is for you to take over that leadership by being disciples of living in harmony and with the strength of spiritual principles as your compass. When good people ban together to cause havoc on the plans and actions of those who do not obey the laws of Creation, you disperse an army of positive vibrations. The Spirits, or angels around you, are put on a path of urgency, while laying down the tracks for the Law of Attraction to be unleashed. In other words, those who have good intentions and behave in accordance of their beliefs will see good things unfold for them. The opposite is true for those of a negative agenda.

As a true son of the earth, I found it easy to do all of the praise-worthy things that I have mentioned. My actions backed up my words; my world was always treating me well, no matter what took place. I wish each of you the blessings of the white buffalo. I want all of you who understand this lesson to be given unending access to the riches that the Great Spirit has made for you. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
You can hear my conversation on Scorpion Equinox with host, Dawn O’Creene, at:

The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 30, 2011

Marking your territory is not a bad idea, provided you understand that to separate yourself from the world will leave you with more questions than answers. All people deserve to have some private space. It gives you time to reflect; to meditate on what is truly important. Communing with your Higher Self can be the most efficient way to release tension and anger that may be building up out of the ignorant actions of others around you.

No one can invade the sanctuary that is your connection to God and Spirit! There will always be room for you to grow, as the walls built by you are the same walls that can be removed and reconstructed to have fewer restrictions. You were born blessed and without limitations to your happiness!  Why then, would you be afraid to move the boundaries that pen you in? At any moment in your life, you have the ability to embrace greatness by sheer determination. What walls will you knock down so that you can build a life that has infinite possibilities?

What walls will you knock down in order to help other people? Will you leave the needy stranded; the helpless wallowing in sadness? The physical journey can be daunting to many people, yet when the compassion, love and encouragement of good souls come together, anything is possible. This is your time to take a step forward and ingrain the world with those values. Squash the emotions and traits of anger, greed, egotistical actions and selfishness of all kinds. The Creation was born to nourish all people; not just a select few. It was not designed for people whose careers elevated their stature to abuse their position. This planet was created for all humans to live, love and lead a life in a secure way. It was not developed so that one person could take advantage of another, but so that all people could equally partake in a universe that is endlessly abundant.

May each of you remember to walk the streets of your life by being able to go stepping beyond the boundaries that hold you back. You are allowed to enjoy the power within you; the soul that cries out with passion and respect for all people. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
You can hear my conversation on Scorpion Equinox with host, Dawn O’Creene, at:

The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 29, 2011

Keep yourself focused on only the aspects of your life that will bring you a feeling of reward. Whenever you stay tuned into other parts of life that are not as helpful, you are actually programming your path to continue to receive more of them. It cannot be repeated enough to you that your mental self-talk and mind chatter is responsible for producing future results. When you have these silent, incessant words rotating through your every movement, it is easy to forget that they are being spoken to the universe. In fact, all of your actions; loud or otherwise, are witnessed by a Force far greater than the ears can hear; the eyes can see.

As you learn to teach yourself to limit the negative-speak and replace it with thoughts and visions of optimism, the signals you are sending out is one of triumph and success. It allows you to be a true leader of life, as well as an icon that represents a loving soul. It is vital for you to move in a way that enhances not just your own potential, but also in a way that helps others around you to become stronger and manifest their highest potential. All people are born to lead, yet they seem to forget that during the slightest bit of adversity. It is the greatest of all leaders who redouble their efforts when vexed by life and show the mettle of their inner core.

Whether you are struggling with finances, romance, health, spiritual or even legal issues, it is up to you to make your mark on society by making the changes everyone can be proud of. In the pit of abundant energy, you are not supposed to feel so overwhelmed that you forget to enjoy your journey. While you will make mistakes along your path, they are only going to help strengthen you as you remember them, and then side-step them when similar situations arise. We--your friends, guardians and loved ones in the Light--want you to always be aware of our presence. Absorb it. Embrace its love. Use it to catapult yourself to reach your peak potential. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
You can hear my conversation on Scorpion Equinox with host, Dawn O’Creene, at:

The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 28, 2011

What do new beginnings mean to you? To some, it could be the simple change of a brand of food, while others would not consider anything a new beginning unless they moved across the country to start their life from scratch. The aspect we are discussing here is quite different. We want to look at things from the aspects of a deeper, soul and personal level.

In the beginning of time, the human, physical life was fairly straightforward, although just as intense and complicated as you see things in your lifetime today. While there were no roads, computers, telephones, furnished homes, ships, trains and so on, keep in mind that hardships in more primitive days were because they had none of these things, but also because the reliance needed to be on trust. This is a novel point. What makes your existence easier and extended today is what caused the challenges of yesterday. In other words, the lack of material and informational aspects of life meant that inter-communication, in fair ways, was part of the living process. People did not automatically assert themselves as all-powerful, yet there are instances when that did occur.

In the world of today; with the onslaught of technology supposedly making things better, the reality is that it also makes for more opportunity for people to be taken advantage of. Your job is to ascertain whether or not “new beginnings” means that you want to grow from a soul level, or even from a personal one. It also means that you should find a way to have all people live with dignity and protection. From our point in the Light, we are pressing many people to take a more meaningful role in protecting those who cannot defend themselves, either because they are aged or incapacitated in some way. No one should ever become a victim, especially if it is at the hands of people that are entrusted to do the right thing for them. You must be careful that greed is not responsible for a new beginning of opportunistic and immoral behavior. Be the voice that keeps love, hope and fairness in balance. Be the person someone can go to for help if their path is becoming strained or compromised by intentional or unintentional problems. No one but the Ascended Masters or Creator have the right to dictate and control the lives of those who are genuinely good people. Be a voice of temperance and love! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
I will be co-hosting Scorpion Equinox on Wednesday, Sept. 28th at 5:30pm EST. I’m looking forward to my conversation with regular host, Dawn O’Creene.

The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 27, 2011

Commotion is your friend. While this may sound a little unusual, the reality is that as you secure your earthly path, you will be faced with lots of activity. Born from all of that will be many of your soul lessons; the lessons that you are here to learn, absorb and carry forth. Commotion is a stalwart component of your long-term happiness and all goals that elevate you to new heights.

In the physical world, changes are part of the master plan for all people. Some of them happen smoothly, while others may come upon you without warning. All of them hold equal weight when it comes to your learning. Educating the soul is one of the primary reasons you are alive to begin with! Instead of fearing adjustments, embrace them with full force and full invigoration. Show the universe that you are ready to bring on new situations to reinforce the learning curve of earthly existence. As you become a beacon of awareness and understanding, others will follow your lead. By teaching through example, all humans you come in contact with will be touched by the Light of an extraordinary person. Never be afraid to hold that mantle.

You are part of the Creation; not to merely exist or endure your time here, but to revel in it. Only when you stop to recognize that you are surrounded by your loved ones in the heavens, will you find that bit of inner harmony that is so important for everyone to have. Embrace your life! Look at each day as a simple platform of personal goal-setting, as well as achieving the goals you previously put into thought, word and action. May each of you understand that this is a simple message to give you hope and inspiration that there truly is a Light at the end of the physical life tunnel. It is something that your behavior on the planet side of the divide dictates as to how bright or dim your entrance will be. For those who are on a committed path of spirituality, you have nothing to worry about! May the flow of love from your angels find its way to your heart center. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
I will be co-hosting Scorpion Equinox on Wednesday, Sept. 28th at 5:30pm EST. I’m looking forward to my conversation with regular host, Dawn O’Creene.

The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 26, 2011

Do you have a passion for living? Are you excited to awaken each day? Do you look forward to the challenges that you face each day? Everything put on your path is meant to teach you. If you have a thirst for learning, then you should have a thirst for enjoying life; even when you may be put on a path you did not expect or want. There is much to ponder with this brief introduction. Perhaps we can make this more concise for you by stating that the good things in life are no more or less important than the bad. Your attitude is what designs it to be a useful experience.

From the side of Light, we watch too many people see setbacks as something that will destroy themselves. This is far from the truth. Even those who become physically compromised, are able to generate new concepts to feel useful in some way. Some of the greatest composers, writers and musicians have been bodily challenged. There have been great athletes who have become stars based more on their approach and fastidious work ethic. In all cases, it begins in their minds.

The premise of this lesson is not to have you focus on what could go wrong, but to see that if something does go wrong, you may be able to develop a superlative adjustment. It is alright if the world notices you. It is alright if you become a leader and change the cause of your problems. Without a loss of limb, no one would have ever bothered to research how to find something to replace it. People who are imprisoned unjustly, may be inadvertent icons for others to rally around and construct humanitarian projects. Think about this! Instead of succumbing to depression, you have the opportunity to build a plan that shows the world you are phenomenal. Believe in yourself! There is nothing that can keep you from creating a life that makes a positive difference unless you predetermine that you cannot do it before even taking the first step. Today is a great day to be a new Sheppard. Usher in the Light of love that is aplenty for you. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
I will be co-hosting Scorpion Equinox radio program on Blogtalk this Wednesday, Sept. 28th at 5:30pm EST. I’m looking forward to my conversation with regular host, Dawn O’Creene.

The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 24, 2011

“You are all put on probation.” Seems to be a little spiritual humor attached to those words, as the intent is for each person to recognize that they are being monitored by those in the realm of a Higher Authority. The reality is that all who are on the earth will have their records checked upon their birth back into the spirit world. Each action taken-good or bad--is part of the legacy you leave, and becomes bound into the Akashic Records. This is the endless volume that has the thoughts and deeds of all people inscribed onto its pages.

Many people forget that they must take personal accountability for all of their actions. Everything you do is going to impact someone or something else. Your life comes with an awesome responsibility given to you by the universe. Make yourself proud by learning to do only the chores, obligations, or things that will have a neutral to positive vibration. It will elevate your stature in the eyes of all people; especially when they are feeling somewhat downtrodden themselves. Giving an air of hope and inspiration to others will always raise your standing!

Consider this a request to spread the word of empowerment to all people! Show them how to make a difference; how to set and achieve goals. Be a leader by example. You do not need to become a great orator, for many of those folks are better at speaking than they are DOING. The biggest effect you can have is by being yourself--relaxed, enthused and cognizant of the fact that the solutions to everyone’s problems are not on your shoulders. Stay within yourself and do what you are capable of; and then raise the bar higher so that you still have goals in front of you. As long as you proceed with the knowledge that you must always have something to aspire towards, then your existence will be one of consistent excitement. Exploring the options given to you will only make you appear to have received much from the universe that surrounds you.

Simply stated; you will improve the core of your strength by fearlessly expanding your role as a leader by example; by the actions that march you ahead. It is then that you will be revered by many on earth, plus by all of those in the heavenly rays of love and light. With ceaseless blessings, these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 23, 2011

A transformation is gripping you! Waves of hope and inspiration are lapping around you, with the gentleness of ripples of water that ring out after a child skips a stone across it. It does not take a lot to reshape your life, but it does take some sort of motion. It seems that there are too many people who are afraid to shift out of the doldrums of their existence. A new dawn awaits no one, but it cannot be seen if you keep your eyes and mind shut to it.

We are expecting everyone to determine their own fate. In spirit, the power we see in the human populace will always exceed what humans see for themselves. That is simply because we do not have to awaken with the motivation of fear, pessimism or the proverbial, “what ifs” that so frequently hold people back from reaching their destination. In fact, it is more common for the physical being to expect failure, rather than to embrace the visions of success. This is our point! If you are going to expend energy on thinking about all the ways you can fail, then why not spend your time more wisely by being pensive in positive tones? Why is it that you have to expect not to be the achiever you are when you have not even taken steps towards improving the parts of life that may irk you? Do not let your fear be the albatross around your neck, preventing you from ever seeking a more joyful path.

Perhaps it may be time to remind you that your life on this planet is similar to what Mother Earth creates. Springtime is the time for rebirth, while summer is the time to watch it grow and ripen its way to fulfillment. In the autumn, the trees and plants begin to shed themselves of unwanted leaves and twigs; things that served a purpose, but no longer do. It is the winter that allows you to rest a little and digest the previous growth, but also to prepare you for a new cycle of excitement. Luckily, your mind can create these seasons each and everyday!  You always have a way of birthing new ideas and concepts; of discarding and changing the ideas, thoughts and actions that do not serve any good.

To take a condensed look at this, it would be to share with you that the evolution of your life is going to bask in the ways and rays of light that you permit to come in. Each one of you can do more than you think, simply by learning to free yourself of the old attitudes that have prohibited you from the happiness that everyone is born to have. What will you do today to begin your process of rebirth? The guidance of angels, both in heaven and on earth, are waiting to nurture your mind and body to new beginnings! With a boost in confidence, these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 22, 2011

Do you want to feel more valuable; more empowered? All you need to do is approach life as though you are already a worthy member of the Creator’s world. He knows you are just that! If you want to change the way you feel, you must start to take more control of your actions. While thinking and visualizing what you want is a good thing to do, it is not going to work unless you get yourself in “moving mode.” People must learn how to assist their own growth by stepping beyond the boundaries of the issues that hold them back! Fear needs to be relinquished to the side of love and Light.

All of you have the capability to perform above and beyond the expectations you may have set for yourselves; often times, based on the words from others in your life. You do not know what you can or cannot accomplish until you foray into new beginnings; onto a path that may have seemed daunting or unreachable. Try, with all your might, and you will astound yourself with the things you can achieve. Let the naysayer have their say, but do so with a “deflection protection” attitude. Nothing that is negative in nature needs to be automatically absorbed by yourself and soul.

Perhaps most humans could learn from the fearlessness of some animals. In their kingdom, they intuitively know how to attempt to keep themselves safe, but even more so, how to go about establishing a home that surrounds them with opportunities for survival. While it is taught to them on some level by the actions of their elders, most of their life is spent by not giving up. This is how humans need to be. To give up on yourself because some form of adversity got in the way does not mean you should stop seeking out the diversity that will get you to where you want to be. Like the intuitiveness of animals, you are given inner guidance too. Quiet your minds long enough to hear the staccato sounds of sweetness and love that are coming from your guardians in the heavens. With love and the expectation of confidence in your success, these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 21, 2011

Some people have noticed that our words--Spirit’s--seem a little more intense, and perhaps even terse lately. They would be correct in that assessment. Our goal is to always help everyone. In the past year or so, there has been a surge of people whose behavior has been excessively violent or bent towards malicious intentions. Some of it has been caused out of personal choices, while others are lashing out with a 2012 fear that the end of the world is coming. Whatever the reasons, none are justified.

All human beings have the responsibility to quell bad behavior. They should not be blind to the selfish, hurtful acts of their fellow man or woman. In many cases, the poor production of living peacefully and with respect for all of mankind seems to be forgotten. In the United States, the court system was set up with a “justice is blind” foundation. This simply means that regardless of race, color or creed; financial or political status, all people are supposed to be treated equally. This is particularly important for the indigent, but even more so for the citizens who are without a powerful voice, body, or are challenged in any health-related way. This is why all extraordinary people must take the time to make a difference and assure that blind justice is also fair justice.

Your friends and loved ones in the light do not ever want anyone to struggle. We do not want to see excuses for bad behavior be overlooked or ignored, for in the eyes of Spirit there is no excuse that can be justified. All people were born without a penchant for selfishness, because “trust” was primary. As an infant and youngster, you are beholding to someone with a loving heart to care for and raise you. That same premise needs to be installed in the attitudes of all situations throughout your lifetime. It is only when you become dismissive of improper behavior that you begin to establish a path of failure. The same can be true for individuals who are in trusted positions in their careers or within the family dynamics. Once they start to allow their self righteousness to rise above what they are supposed to be doing, then they are embarking on a spiral of activities that collude with other similarly minded people.

“Like attracts like” is a statement of fact. It enables all people to continue on a path of marauding, or a path of generosity and giving by aligning with their fellow counterpart. Generally speaking, this is why you will see those who have addictions become friends with others who have addictions. Conversely, those on a spiritual journey will usually find other people who want to live in the same principles. This does not mean there is never a crossing of the boundaries. Life is set up for each of us to learn from one another. Your path must take you to places of highest intentions and loving purpose. You must learn to be the voice, and sometimes body, for those who have trouble or cannot defend themselves easily. Consider this your awakening call! Be an angel on earth and show the world that only actions of good and fair behavior will be tolerated. There must be no room permitted for anyone who wants to pin down the hopes, dreams and full values that all people want and deserve to live their life in a dignified and respected way. What are you going to do to fulfill your part in making someone’s world a happier place to be? These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 20, 2011

It is rare that Spirit will “go negative” on any message. Today, however, we want to point out how disruptive negativity can be, especially when it comes from the very people who are supposed to protect, honor and obey your rights. Whether family, friends, or those who are working to protect and preserve the laws and rights of people, they must not be given carte blanche to allow their personal needs to overshadow the truth. You can help by making all people accountable for their actions by showing a variety of opposition. It never needs to be done in a physically aggressive manner, but it does need to be strong, intelligent and concise.

When you see injustices in life taking place; as a member of the human race, you have the responsibility to help fix it. Your words, and presence can be intimidating to even the most fierce rulers or perpetrators of evil and ignorant actions. You must recognize that there is a wide array of negative people who we have just cast the net over. This was intentionally done so that you can see that this message ranges from global chaos to chaos caused on very personal or intimate levels. God gave you a voice; not to use solely for dissension if you disagree with someone’s view, but to use it when you see someone truly being hurt. As someone who is on any earthly, spiritual path, you will always have a means in which to defend those who need it. Your voice is one of the greatest tools given to humankind!

Words make a difference. Whether you are moved by romance novels, or mysteries; whether by sports stories or humanitarian stories, you have been touched. Whose lives are you going to touch in a good way? It can be family, friends or complete strangers. All people are on earth to learn how to work cohesively. That means nothing other than that you have been given the determination, love and courage to overcome all bad things for all people. In the heavens, there are angels who are always working on your behalf. They will never stray from the tranquility of positive people or loving vibrations. They are bullet proof! Use them as your shields of protection when you are feeling overwhelmed by the craziness that your physical world can sometimes produce. With love, these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
This is the link to the radio show I was on: The Truth Squad, hosted by Marti Oakley.

The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sorry, but no blog tonight.  I fell behind as I was celebrating my son Chris' marriage to his fiance this weekend.

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 17, 2011

All steps in life have consequences. While this is not meant to frighten or worry anyone, it is said with the reality that everything said or done, does indeed have an impact on someone or something else. You must simply be aware of this because your words are often the most notable power of your personality and concepts of life. They speak to the ears of many people, and sometimes stay embedded in their heads and hearts long after the words were spoken. Whether you realize it or not, all of your verbiage will leave a lasting impression. This is why it is vital for you to always live in the manner of truth.

Some of you may have noticed a connection from one message to another recently. While that was intentional, Spirit’s desire is to always have each concept hold up on its own, as well. This is the way your physical existence works too. While everything is interconnected, you have the gift of love and comfort allowing you to forge a new path whenever you feel stuck, hurt or disheartened by anything. The gift of time is actually on your side more than you realize. It enables you to always have the privilege of turning the page on what does not work and begin an exciting journey that enables you to begin fresh. Let your words and actions represent the thoughts that are in your mind.

New chapters for you to create are a God-given blessing. You have no excuses to hold you back from embracing a power of positivism, as well as to be an icon for others to look up to. This does not mean you should feel pressured to be perfect, but it does mean that everything you do will influence others. Think about that! You are powerful beyond belief!  The Creation was made so that you can feel enriched and empowered from birth to expiration. It is the time in between that you should utilize to be of the utmost prominence. Life is meant to be lived in a state of love, blessings and worthiness. Know that your angels always seeing you in that way. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
This is the link to the radio show I was on: The Truth Squad, hosted by Marti Oakley.

The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 16, 2011

Living in truth means that often you will have to accept that not everything is within your control. Since the universe is so vast; as is the earth itself, you are bound to come across situations that may not sit well with you. People have a tendency to lie or mislead others when they are not abiding by a spiritual path. Even when on a journey of highest good, it may still be tempting to sway from the truth if it might make you feel better in the short-term. This is when you need to double down on your inner strength to stay steeled to the appropriate way to live. Otherwise, you become the same sort of character that you are looking not to be; nor to deal with.

All in all, your life will always be much less complicated when the truth in your words, both orally or written, do not venture to the fictitious. You are in control of your destiny, so why not do so in such a way that makes life more fulfilled instead of filled with deceit? No one benefits from a path of fables when it comes to real life. Your actions are always monitored by the angels around you.

The purpose of this message is to get each of you to equate honesty with love, valiant and truthful behavior in the wake of troubling times with the morals set forth in the Ten Commandments. The physical world can be a uniquely serene place of existence if you move through it knowing that the truth always rises to the top, as well as to expand your Inner Power. Both your soul and physical self do better when all you need to be concerned about is what lies ahead, simply because the path that you have left behind has already been set in a veritable tone of inner harmony. Like your angels, we want you to feel welled in love and protection. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
This is the link to the radio show I was on: The Truth Squad, hosted by Marti Oakley.

The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 15, 2011

You may feel that you have mountains to climb in order to reach a new direction of achievements and happiness. The premise of that thought already has subconscious implications that any improvement has to be difficult. The reality is that embracing change is much easier when you make a concrete decision to allow it to be part of your daily life. In all that is done, the fact that you are accepting it beforehand will make the journey much easier for you. Only you can steer your path to the road of least resistance.

Think about how prominent you could be when you let the road ahead of you morph in ways that may offer surprises along the way. This is said because too many times most of society wants to have tight control over the reigns that guide them. While this is good, it also does not allow for the bounty of nuances that can occur when other people decide to reroute their path. Often, it causes you to veer in a different direction than you might have assumed you were going, thereby causing you to readjust your intentions. If you recognize that change is part of what makes you a powerful person and soul, then most likely you will find appreciation where disdain may have previously been felt.

Depending upon your attitude, you can flow happily with the streams of shifting that come to you, or you can choose to be agitated, fearful and worried. Your loved ones and angels in the Light always look to keep things simplified. If people are happy, then that cheer spreads through their auras and into the auras of anyone they come in contact with. As long as you are anticipating reasonable, strong and positive outcomes, even when life goes awry it will still be limited. Certainly, in all manners feasible, you will feel uplifted instead of beat up. The negative influences of others will be no more annoying than a pesky fly buzzing around. Life with triumphant thoughts in your heart so that you will be treated regally by the universe. May all of you have hearts filled with love. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
This is the link to the radio show I was on: The Truth Squad, hosted by Marti Oakley.

The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 14, 2011

Avenues of success will open for you in a maze of possibilities throughout your life. Each different trail offers you a chance to explore something new; something that can bring you changes that will lead to a happier and healthier presence. Whether you realize it or not; through good and bad, you are always presented with a plan that enables multiple choices of options for your wants and needs. Life, in and of itself, is a gift to you.

In the grand scheme, you are on this planet for a very short time. During your stay, it is of the utmost importance for you to live and leave a mark of success. You want to have a history that shows what you did for others, and not what you did not do when you could have been of assistance. Your “record” should be filled with acts of kindness and good deeds of all types. In the process, you must show self-respect, love of yourself and the awareness of your value to all people on this planet. Even during your most difficult days, you can make an impact in good or bad ways. It should be obvious that your value comes from living via the principles of love, optimism and respect for all of humankind and the other kingdoms of plants and animals.

We might teach you specific ways to do things, or we may suggest alternate options to enhance your lives. All in all, what it condenses down to is that you should always, in all ways, try to create an existence that utilizes the Golden Rule as its compass. There will always be people to assist you in your positive and hopeful endeavors, as well as in your times of crisis or challenges. Knowing this should make your future less tense. Knowing that you can be one of the helpers should make the lives of numerous other people less tense too. Be energized in your approach in everything you do and watch the world become a more joyful place for you to thrive in! With aspects of confidence for all people, these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
This is the link to the radio show I was on: The Truth Squad, hosted by Marti Oakley.

The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 13, 2011

Many times, your life will take abrupt turns more quickly then you might have been prepared for. It is part of the evolution of your existence; the evolution of growth and changes that will shape your overall legacy. The manner in which you handle these situations will help steer them to be positive or negative. In all good people, the ability to transform the unexpected into a worthwhile experience lies within the pattern of thoughts you create. Automatic fear will hold you back, but fear with an, “I can overcome this” approach will often bring about the boldest, most needed shifts in your life--and sometimes in the lives of others.

When anyone learns to make adjustments on the fly, as well as to be proactive in stemming the tide of other negative happenings, it allows them to feel empowered and secure. Life is supposed to feel secure! No one should ever have to live in a state of panic, or doubt the importance of themselves. All creatures, human and otherwise, are sent to this earth as part of a loving whole. That means that there should be a symbiotic relationship of trust, but that is even more prevalent amongst humankind. Changes that are uncalled for and harmful to someone should be met with opposition by those who have the ability to fix it. The solutions must come from the heart, as well as the intellectual aspects of spiritual living.

Your life needs to be lived in conjunction with the will of other people. This simply means that if everyone treated each other with dignity, love and respect, then no misunderstandings would take place. Since the bulk of society is law-abiding, honest and loving, it is only those who are errant in their ways that can produce hardships. Why would you ever want to steal from someone when the planet and universe are infinite in what they can offer? Think about ways you can help others who are on your path. Try to make the world an easier place to breeze through, rather than to feel like you are being swept out to sea by the winds of a hurricane. Embrace changes with the right attitude and you will always be able to float with your head held high. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
This is the link to the radio show I was on: The Truth Squad, hosted by Marti Oakley.

The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 12, 2011

Our hearts go out to all people in the world. In spirit, we see only love amongst mankind, but do not turn a blind eye towards acts of evil or poor behavior. We work in unison with each of you on the earth plane to try to eradicate the need for people to think and do things that are so opposed to God’s Creation. You can do your part by living in accordance with the Golden Rule, but even more so by living your life as a shimmering example of how to do this. All others around you, then far beyond, will be impacted by the energy of your aura.

There is no way to ever fully express the depth of love that surrounds you. On days when fresh attacks on innocent people take place, as well as iconic anniversaries of tragedies, it is even more important for you to act in ways of compassion and love. To do otherwise is to also say that you are not looking to be a part of the solution. Fear must not be the reason for you to prevent yourself from existing in a state of optimism. No matter how hard it may seem, you still have the right to be happy; to show others that you are a believer of fairness, love and compassion to all of human and earthly life. Trying to abide by fear and worries will only enhance the power of the bad ones and certainly not improve the outlook of society.

You have the capability to show the world how astonishing it can be. This is because you are an amazing person, with a soul that knows no limits. There are not preset boundaries or limitations because you are unique to the earth’s surface. YOU are full of confidence when born. If you think that is not true, imagine how much courage it takes to arrive in a place where you have to trust that you will be cared for, with the inability to do so for yourself. If there is a way better to understand that, it would be to tell you that you are blessed beyond belief by the guardian angels in the Light. May each of you hold onto the fact that you are this special; that you are a blessing the moment you arrive. Fill the gift given to you by always behaving with the same intense love that will override the inaccurate perceptions that self-serving people have. Cherish the importance of each moment so that they become your chance to absorb the possibilities of greatness. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
This is the link to the radio show I was on: The Truth Squad, hosted by Marti Oakley.

The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 11, 2011

Today is a day of reflection for many people.  My prayers and thoughts are with everyone who has been impacted by the 9-11 attacks.  Below is an excerpt from The Spoken Words of Spirit.  It was channeled the night of the tragedy.

SEPTEMBER 11, 2001   

It is God’s greatest gift to bring life to people. By no means is God responsible for the actions of evil that were perpetrated on the world today. America was created to symbolize freedom, unity, and total accessibility to understand the Higher Power, yet it is
understanding that will take many people a very long time to grasp. 

From amongst the piles of rubbish and lifeless bodies that the evils of several selfish men created, people will rise to a greater harmony. Humans will learn not to distrust others so readily, but instead, we will teach and learn from this massive tragedy. All of us, both in the physical, as well as the spiritual, will challenge the foundation of life itself to reignite us to acting in and with love as the focus to humanity. We will amass a great sense of unification and stand tall and proud. By way of proclamation and advancements of maintaining a positive and pure life, the ignorance of these hideous actions will be defeated. Fear has no place in living life, and your God and your inner spirit will prove to be correct in this. 

We can be angered and enraged, feel emotionally scarred and hurt, but all energies should be put towards rebuilding our reality of a peace-loving life. Use our focus to help, not hinder, a healing. This is a hard task and well recognized that it may be difficult to achieve, but know this: God and Spirit worked tirelessly in the moments leading to this act of free will to insulate and protect as many as possible. These “miracle” stories will be relayed over the coming days and weeks so that you may zero in on them, rather than the viciousness that was needlessly and hatefully thrown at mankind. America stands for leadership and friendliness, but the United States will need to be just that: UNITED. In this time of mourning, you must be a front-runner, not just for your friends and family in this situation, but for the entire world to see. You can set the tone for a new and stronger wave of humanity and be the window for all good souls across the world to see through. This adversity can be the eyepiece of the brilliance of the souls of God, inborn in each and every one of us. 

May peace and the Light of God’s love be restored to all people, all equally important as His children.


I will be on Marti Oakley's show, The Truth Squad tonight. It is another foray out of my comfort zone, as I will be talking about the spiritual angle that led me to helping my friend and the guardian abuse case she has been dealing with. More info on that can be found on the SAVE Dorothy Wilson Legally Kidnapped page on Facebook. The show starts at 6:00pm EST and can be accessed at:

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 10, 2011

Determining your outlook on life is much easier than most people like to make it out to be. You might want to make a list of what issues are important to you, then follow that with one of things that really do not have any relevancy or potency in your yearn to succeed. Some of you will find that when you see something in print, it has less prominence than when it is in your mind.

This message is all about simplifying your views of what lies ahead. There does not have to be trauma associated with living. There does not need to be visions of failure, lack or inferiority to others. Each one of you are destined for happiness; that is provided you determine that you are just as worthy as the next person is to receive what you are attempting to go after. The earth and all of its inhabitants are in balance; at least as far as human life when first born. The rule book and play book are non existent upon your arrival. They are created by your thoughts. Keep them happy and pure, positive and optimistic, and you will be the winner that your loved ones and angels already know you to be.

We can only add that we expect the best out of everyone. It is the way those in the Light determine your positive outlook--that is to look at you as though we know you can be one of the greatest achievers ever. Now you need to absorb it, lean on, and learn from our enthusiasm. Show others how to repel and navigate through all the different terrain that you may have to weave around to make your dreams reality. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.