Friday, March 30, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--March 31, 2012

Have you ever noticed that some people allow their ideology to dictate behavior that opposes the true blessings that come from spiritual values and principles? It is important to be able to step back and look at whether or not your beliefs are your own or if you feel compelled to be a blind sheep and follow the thoughts of others. Spirit always wants you to put into the forefront of your mind and actions the basic values of love. These tenets are about protecting life in all forms and at all stages.

All creatures; human, animal, or plant, have a soul. For the more miniature size, or still developing living beings, they have the luxury of being part of a collective, universal soul. This is a protective energy that is ever-present, as it stems directly from the Source of life. We are bringing this up as a reminder to all of you that life needs to be valued and protected from its true infancy until its rebirth back into the ethereal realm. Without defenders, the value of life begins to have little or no meaning. This is about as opposed to what the Creation was intended to be and will only lead to consternation and growing attitudes of callousness and greed. That is never a good thing for society--locally or globally.

What we are hoping is that this message accomplishes nothing more than to be a powerful reminder that it is the job of all good, loving, intelligent and spiritual people to protect the weak and defend the forms of life that cannot defend themselves. Life is a powerful and beautiful thing. It needs to be worshipped and respected so that you end up feeling the blessings and value that the universe has to give at all times. If you start to look at life as sustainable from the moment it becomes viable physical matter, then you will be doing the earth and your loving teachers of Light and great service. You actually become a guardian of life; a physical life angel, so to speak.

All we ask is that you think about how much value you place on your own life, then think about how important your role can be to make a difference in the lives of all other things. We hope you are blessed with endless amounts opportunities so that happiness becomes second-nature. Lovingly, these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.


Mary said...

All creatures; human, animal, or plant, have a soul. For the more miniature size, or still developing living beings, they have the luxury of being part of a collective, universal soul.

This is a protective energy that is ever-present, as it stems directly from the Source of life.

Life needs to be valued and protected from its true infancy until its rebirth back into the ethereal realm.

Life is a powerful and beautiful thing. It needs to be worshipped and respected so that you end up feeling the blessings and value that the universe has to give at all times.

I love this mind opening message.. It makes me think about my own life and my family.

I look forward to you words everyday, Jim. :-)**
You are truly our Earth Angel
God Bless

Unknown said...

New life is amazing, Mary. Thanks for sharing, as always.