Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--June 1, 2012

God has allowed you the privilege of making each new day an option of repetitiveness or total change. You can follow any path of your choosing. If your life has been fulfilled with grace, love, abundance, good health and adventure, then we would tell you to keep repeating the same the same steps that have led to the receiving of these things. However, if you have been falling short in any of the aforementioned areas, then it would behoove you to scrap your routine and embrace a new way to navigate your day.

If you act as though nothing will ever change when you are in a rutted path of malaise and unhappiness, then you are creating the opportunity for that path to grow longer. Every option for joy must always be on the table. Summarily dismissing or closing off any options to do things differently will always leave you stagnated. Look around and marvel at the beauty and options there are in life! Pay homage to the budding flowers, changing colors of leaves in the fall, or the gentleness of snowflakes as they come down in the cold weather. All of it signifies new beginnings. They are symbols of change; symbols of growth and acceleration.

Each physical life is equipped with the ability to adapt to a constantly changing environment. This holds true whether we are speaking about your actual location or the environment of attitudes you have and associate with. Your dominant thoughts are those in which your reality is based upon. If you think you are going to be a failure, then so be it. If you think you deserve to be draped with love, blessing of all types, then the rewards will heavily tilt in that direction. Only you can interfere with the makeup of your consistent thoughts and deeds.

Let this day be one of encouraging ideas about you present and future life. Set the tone of homage for everything positive. Embrace the mistakes as learning tools that you use to grow and avoid again. Know that the billowing energy of the Creator’s love is forever emanating to you. If you are accepting of it, then the only possible outcome is a life of inner harmony. Show the world what you can do! Be the specter of light; the icon of how powerful and fun it can truly be if you do not allow it to destroy you. With love, these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our next event will be at the Hotel Indigo in Riverhead, NY on July 10th. Come join us for an evening of fun and informative interaction between Jim and his connection to loved ones on the other side. For all information, please go to: or call our office 631-728-3377.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other natural and healthy products, the direct link is: It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 31, 2012

Let no one dictate to you how you should feel, but allow them to teach you the best ways to live life. Whether you realize it or not, everyone’s actions are imprinting on everyone else. This includes your own behavior and mannerisms; not to mention your thoughts and attitude. The subtleties of your everyday movements are subconsciously just as powerful as the blatant actions you take.

Our physical journeys are such that we are threaded together as a society in ways that most likely will not make sense to many people. The bond of energy--the Creator’s energy--runs inside each and everyone of us. Yet most humans simply forget that this is the case and think that there is no linkage to one another. Your teachers of Light are here to remind you that all of life has a form of this link together. All of life can live in balance, or it can live in a state of chaos and destruction. It becomes a personal choice as to how you want to handle your own part in building your piece of the world as good or bad.

Taking personal responsibility for everything you do is vital. You can make as many excuses as you want, but the result at the end of the game of life is all about your contribution. It is about how you perceive yourself; not how you allowed others to draw up a plan to mold you. What are your goals and desires in life? Think about them and then act on them as though you own them already! If you create it in your mind, the universe will steer you towards the path you need to be on to create it in reality. If you are able to understand this simple concept, then it will bode well for your future. The joys of rewards will sprinkle upon you as though the heavenly skies opened up the faucet of the nectar of life solely for you! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our next event will be at the Hotel Indigo in Riverhead, NY on July 10th. Come join us for an evening of fun and informative interaction between Jim and his connection to loved ones on the other side. For all information, please go to: or call our office 631-728-3377.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other natural and healthy products, the direct link is: It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 30, 2012

Men and women will always have thoughts that differ. Although your souls are an equal balance of male and female energy, the fact is that you are obviously living in a physical body; in a physical world that seems to still be segregating the differences in abilities between the sexes. While this is understandable, it is important not to jump to conclusions about who can do what. Role descriptions often lead to missed opportunities and a failure to learn lessons that could be helpful on the earth plain, as well as for your ethereal self.

It is no wonder that there are times when disagreements take place over seemingly small issues. Sometimes the balance within each individual is so greatly effected by the male/female energy that it seems they disagree on everything. Other times, the differences can enhance relationships well beyond anything ever imaginable. It seems that the Creator knew exactly what He/She was doing. These differences are the root cause of success on multiple levels; not to mention the reason that humans are able to exist for eons.

We have decided to barely touch on this topic for one main reason. It is to state to you that if each person, regardless of their sex, has respect for the other, then all things can be worked out well. No matter what the situation is, stepping back to realize that there probably are going to be a variation in the way certain things are perceived will save untold angst. In other words, sometimes the easiest solution is the one when you agree to disagree. However, this does not mean that either person has “won or lost” but that both have determined that happiness is more important than pettiness.

With that in mind, it is mandatory that as time goes on that you do not draw up this disagreement as a point of contention. You will only cheapen yourself, your values and the morals in which you are trying to improve on. The universe is designed to help all individuals grow. You are a mountain of potential! You are not going to reach it if you fail to embrace the powerful differences of your souls. Yet within these differences there is a perfect harmony that blesses each person. The soul is the perfect chip of energy from your God, by any name you choose to call Him. Know that you are always going to be blessed! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our next event will be at the Hotel Indigo in Riverhead, NY on July 10th. Come join us for an evening of fun and informative interaction between Jim and his connection to loved ones on the other side. For all information, please go to: or call our office 631-728-3377.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other natural and healthy products, the direct link is: It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Monday, May 28, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 29, 2012

Seldom do I share which one of my guides in spirit are sending the messages I receive, but it was so critical that this one be understood by everyone that I am including it. One Feather has been with me since I was blown open, and onto a path that I had no conscious awareness that was going to be largely responsible for building my legacy. The message following are the words as I heard them from him.
For the average citizen, the mere thought of communication with those on the other side of the divide elicits every emotion and thought from fear, anger, disbelief, reverence and deeply felt love and appreciation. My physical life was spent under the cloak of a union with the Great Spirit, land, waterways and animals of all varieties. It had always seemed that there was an innate drive for me to be bonded with them; something that I was never quite able to put into words. However, I was able to teach through my actions. I found that as important as it is for the spoken word to be used correctly, that the true remembrance of who you are will be imprinted on others by what you did in your life. This is why my deeds always matched or outperformed my verbal guidance.

I found that I was leaving a legacy of love, wisdom and gentleness through my strength of character and appreciation for the people and everything else around me. The more I lived in a mode of love and actions that were principled--or respectful of my fellow man and woman--the easier it was to continue on that path. When you want to be infectious in a good way, it is to build on living life only in ways that are going to encourage others to follow your model. That is why I spent my time communicating with my teachers of the earth, wind, fire and water. By being in an attitude of meditation all the time, the nuances in life bothered me very little. The inconsideration that can be thrown at you by others can be shirked off when you recognize things from a higher, soul level perspective.

I wanted my legacy to be unforgettable. I wanted it to be remembered for the passion I lived with; for the help given to others by me. If anything, I want to be recalled as someone who gave every ounce of their effort in attempting to make the world a better place to live; a place that was improved by the love and attitude extended to everyone. If I learned to anything during these incarnations, it was to simply build on optimism. Every ounce of effort given in positive ways would always be met with substantial rewards. Sometimes those rewards would be in watching the younger ones try to mimic my good behavior. That meant that the impact of living life in a beautiful state of mind would be carried forth by the next generation of physical beings. I trusted that this meant that the bounties of heartfelt joy would be enhanced by numerous others. Looking back from the other side of the divide, I can be proud of the legacy that trails behind. Like the tail on a comet, my energy will be felt throughout the universe. It is a great thing to think that in some small way, that by living my life respectfully of others, I helped light up the skies in more ways than imaginable. What legacy are you going to leave? Will it be positive or negative? These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our next event will be at the Hotel Indigo in Riverhead, NY on July 10th. Come join us for an evening of fun and informative interaction between Jim and his connection to loved ones on the other side. For all information, please go to: or call our office 631-728-3377.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other natural and healthy products, the direct link is: It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 26, 2012

Be inventive! When it comes to finding confidence in yourself, there are no rules in making it happen. You can discover it in small successes. It can be found in surprise results for something that you had no faith that you could accomplish. Confidence is frequently born out of change. It comes from doing things correctly or by having results come to you in good ways for the positive efforts you make.

What this condenses down to is quite simple. Life does not have to be repetitive and boring. You can be as creative as you want when it comes to exploring ways to get things done. While repetition is excellent in some areas such as athletics, it can also be one of the worst things if you do not step out of your comfort zone. Creativity and adjustments in your daily routine will often be the teacher for easier ways to do things that you felt could only be done one way. From this, confidence will begin to bud and blossom---ironically, with some repetition from what you have learned.

The key to life is to enjoy it. Discovering anything is always fun. Obsessing over things that have failed or limited you in the past will only further feed feelings of agitation. Expanding your ideas to include fresh ways to enjoy anything you do will leave you feeling victorious. Empowered energies seep into your mind, thereby creating a chain reaction of building self-esteem through a silent web of confidence.

You must learn to love yourself. This automatically opens the path to doing things outside of your comfort zone. The universe is a place of emotion. You will find that if you move through it with passion, all of the many phases of blessed events will adjoin you in a willing and abundant way. Consider it a gift from your heavenly guides! Use your union with the God side of life as a tool to enhance your abilities when seeking any improvements. You will not be let down! You will be rejuvenated, exhilarated and undeniably excited by the prospects that lie ahead of you. May you always understand the depth of what this means. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our next event will be at the Hotel Indigo in Riverhead, NY on July 10th. Come join us for an evening of fun and informative interaction between Jim and his connection to loved ones on the other side. For all information, please go to: or call our office 631-728-3377.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other natural and healthy products, the direct link is: It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 25, 2012

There are more reasons for you to see the goodness in yourself then there are to see the bad. From the perspective of Spirit, people waste so much of their time and energy concentrating on what is perceived as wrong that they set a tone of failure without realizing it. No one is hardwired to breathe in only bad stuff. The soul is innocent of negativity. As it comes from the energy of the Creator, it is the physical being who demonstrates the attachment to unconstructive behavior. You should remember this at all times.

Abundance is something that has more meaning than an association with material wealth. It is an attitude that represents accomplishment before it happens. Abundance is the bounty that all humans were born with via the perfection of their soul. The only thing required to maintain it and have it flourish is for you to be honed in on your positive qualities. Look at any and all achievements, regardless of how large or small they may seem to be in your own mind. In the view of the angels around you, every part of you is worth celebrating.

Our message is one of nurturing love. We are trying to get you to cast aside the demons of thoughts that hold you back and replace them with the revelry of energized concepts that allow you to see the intensity of your prominence. No one will ever peer at you from the side of Light in a discouraging way--save for the occasional time that we may catch you thinking about doing something that will promote some form of negative results or kinship. Be embraced by joy. Be embraced by the indulging confidence that your guides and teachers have in you. Amass success through the pattern of abundant thoughts that we have extended to you. Embrace the innocence of the Child; for He will lead your path to one of heavenly desserts. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our next event will be at the Hotel Indigo in Riverhead, NY on July 10th. Come join us for an evening of fun and informative interaction between Jim and his connection to loved ones on the other side. For all information, please go to: or call our office 631-728-3377.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other natural and healthy products, the direct link is: It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 24, 2012

Each day in your life can be seen as an individual episode. While one thing may be connected to another, none of it should necessarily be dragged forward. This is especially true of anything that has a negative attachment. Why stay connected when you are basically in charge of always writing the new script for yourself? Joyous living is not suppose to be abstract, nor hard to reach. If you view each day as one of new awakenings for your heart and soul, all that can come of it is expanded empowerment. Yes, you are that strong; that capable of creating this journey!

When you are able to separate one bad day from being welded mentally to a lifetime of others, you are cutting out a deep level of magnetic failure. To state that another way, it would be to say that when you live each day with purpose and the intent to accomplish anything you want, then any misgivings you previously encountered will do little harm. Any person who truly wants to improve their life can step out of the quagmire of malaise, self-doubt and rut of behavior that impedes their right to happier days.

If you take the opportunity to live as though there is no impunity for non serious mistakes, then you take away most of the guilt that holds you back. By “non-serious” we are referring to normal mistakes; not blatant disregard of laws or things that intentionally cause harm to others. When it comes to general missteps, the universe and the Creator have a very forgiving nature. When it comes to living with purpose in as many positive, humanitarian ways as possible, then the aforementioned are going to do whatever it takes to reward you in numerous ways. It is always better to be swaddled in love, appreciation and opulence than it is to be mired in anything negative.

What will you do with your new chance to live life on your terms? Are you finally going to take concrete steps towards your goals or cobwebbed New Year’s resolutions? Will you finally take a ride to the animal shelter and see what help you can give there, or stop by an see an elderly or health-challenged neighbor to find out what you can do to make their day better? Have you started communicating with your spouses in a more loving way; leaving behind the attitudes of anger from past violations of trust? All we really want for anyone is that they ignite the passion and joy that is alive inside themselves. Be confident that you are qualified to live enjoy everything. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our next event will be at the Hotel Indigo in Riverhead, NY on July 10th. Come join us for an evening of fun and informative interaction between Jim and his connection to loved ones on the other side. For all information, please go to: or call our office 631-728-3377.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other natural and healthy products, the direct link is: It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 23, 2012

Teaching yourself how to survive comes at an early age. Teaching yourself how to thrive is altogether different. When you were born, your well-being was entrusted to your parents or guardians. As you get older, your family, peers, life experiences and so much more begin to mold your thoughts. During your young and most informative years, a lot of what you absorb begins to shape your thought processes for the future. Your reactions to them, as you progress in age, is what determines whether or not you will struggle or be on a path of luxurious philosophies.

The simplest way to shape your path to be something that mirrors the depth of enjoyment is by stepping into the “shadow” cast by the energies of the numerous angels and loved ones who protect you. From a spiritual perspective, human growth is stunted when people fail to unite themselves with the power of the ethereal realm. Since it stands to reason that most normal physical persons have a difficult time understanding anything that they can not see or touch, having faith can be a challenge. If you are truly looking to expand your life in ways that surge elation into you, then stay less guarded and more connected to the Creator and His kingdom of angelic helpers.

Changing your results is as simple as changing your attitude. It begins with the mindset you administer towards all things. If you are determined to be imbued with love, abundance or a wealth of anything else that your heart desires, then you cannot ever be in a mode that makes you feel like you are not worthy of the aspects that you crave. Only when you realize that the brightness within your soul, self and mind has the key to the pave the streets of your life in gold, will you begin to discard any thoughts that are in opposition to what you seek.

There is never anyone too old or too young to grasp the concept of what we are sharing. No matter who you are, or where you live, you can still determine the motivating power you need. Reach higher and farther than ever before! Take yourself away from the fears that someone else may have instilled in you. Become the icon that you praise others for being. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our next event will be at the Hotel Indigo in Riverhead, NY on July 10th. Come join us for an evening of fun and informative interaction between Jim and his connection to loved ones on the other side. For all information, please go to: or call our office 631-728-3377.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other natural and healthy products, the direct link is: It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 22, 2012

If you worry and ponder about every step you take in your life, chances are that you will find yourself standing in the same place at the end of it all. What should be done is to live throughout your existence with confidence that you WILL make mistakes. Subsequently, you will also be given the platform in which to learn and grown from them; to improve on what you erred in. Life is lived best when you are fearless, but have the courage to know that in most cases you can correct any wrongdoing.

This does not mean that we want you to live as though you are free to intentionally make mistakes or hurt people; yourself included. As long as you are dancing along your path with invigoration, and not always concerned with how the pattern of your dance may appear to others, the choreography will be astounding. It is perfectly fine to have an existence that is fun, unpredictable and substantial provided you are still following the tenets of spiritual rules. To love the opportunities that arise is equally important if you are to create a journey of positive remembrances.

Be an example of freedom of thought. Be an example of prolific ideas and adventures! Let the world see you as someone who is unfazed by drama and setbacks. Become a leader by setting the tone for incredible opportunities to flow to you at all times. When you absorb the bounties of gracious gifts and show gratitude towards all the people who help you in even the slightest of ways, then the universe rewards you with a multitude of nice things. Why anyone would turn down the exact things that almost everyone is looking for goes beyond Spirit’s comprehension.

Today, set the tone for yourself by being unboxed from the negative thoughts and people who prevent you from stepping beyond the boundaries. Let this be a day of fulfillment and empowerment! Connect with your Higher Self; with the angels who so steadfastly want you to reap the benefits of a life filled with ample blessings. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our next event will be at the Hotel Indigo in Riverhead, NY on July 10th. Come join us for an evening of fun and informative interaction between Jim and his connection to loved ones on the other side. For all information, please go to: or call our office 631-728-3377.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other natural and healthy products, the direct link is: It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 21, 2012

This message was given to me in response to a question about how I handle people who label me, as well as others.  I was requested to write it from my perspective.  Hopefully, I was able to convey my thoughts clearly, which is sometimes difficult without writing a novella.
Life presents us with a society that loves to paste labels on everyone.  It can be difficult to live on a path that might make you appear to be individualistic.  For myself, having been tossed unexpectedly and unceremoniously into a world that was totally unfamiliar, it led many people to make assumptions.  Fairly or unfairly, having the spiritual aspects of my Inner Child blasted awake, I was cast as crazy, an arm of the devil, a scam artist and other things that clearly are unsuitable for print.  While this angered me, I could also easily understand where this might come from.  Conversing with dead people; tapping into and healing others through the powerful energies that circulate around us, use to also make me skeptical of anyone who did that.  It is a far different story for since God thrust that ability upon me.

All people are creatures of patterns and their environment. As I have always been patient for the rights of others to have their opinions, I do often wonder why the need for personal attacks have to come.  Whether they are to my face or more commonly behind my back, the frustration I feel is the same.  Ignorance and fear will always make for the possibilities of those who have no clue as to the verity or cause of certain things to lash out in an effort to make themselves feel more superior.  It is in direct opposition to the facets of love and spiritual growth that I have been summoned to share.

Thankfully, there are far more people who are enamored with the gift that the Creator dropped on me--to be able to communicate with the angelic side of life.  Of course, the labels of being gifted, saintly, loving, healing and things of that ilk make me feel uncomfortable personally.  However--and I say this without any sense of ego--they align more realistically with the path that has been paved for me.  In fact, I am often reminded of the need to discount the influence that those accolades would give to most people because I am merely “a tool of healing and purpose” to hopefully bring some peace to the hearts, minds and souls of as many people as possible.

What all this comes down to is that I have to continue to find a balance in my life to deal with all of these label-creating people.  Like you, it is important to listen to those who disagree, but not to allow those people to reroute what is truly a positive path.  As long as you are on the road to positive self-discovery; positive transformation for the world around you, then labels mean nothing.  Being described in any fashion by anyone who does not have deep, personal knowledge of who I am fascinates me.  While I find it amusing, it also can hit a nerve.  Ironically, the percentage probably runs neck and neck, in the positive and negative label category, because as far back as I can remember, my philosophy has always been to let life play out for me so that the facts shake out.  It is important for all people to do this.

If I have learned anything over close to two decades of spirit communication, it is that human tendencies are not born into us, but learned behavior.  Some parts of our belief system take hold more strongly than others, which is what fans the variation of personalities.  The world was created for us to imbibe on differences, where knowledge is gained from more and more of life’s experiences.  All that any of us should remember is to live respectfully of each other.  Labels have no place in a Creation that has each one of us designated with uniqueness.  Let the blessings of love from your angels flow to you as you advance through an existence of multiple lessons.  These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our next event will be at the Hotel Indigo in Riverhead, NY on July 10th. Come join us for an evening of fun and informative interaction between Jim and his connection to loved ones on the other side. For all information, please go to: or call our office 631-728-3377.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor.  To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other natural and healthy products, the direct link is:  It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!  

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me  on FaceBook.  The link for the fan page is:  A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 19, 2012

We are geared towards helping each person at all times. Spirit’s role in your life is to guide you through the bumps, delays and challenges that a physical existence can give to you. It is all part of the soul’s lesson agenda; one that is seldom understood on a basic physical world level. Struggles are not supposed to be intended to be punishment for you, as a person, but to elevate the stature of esoteric body on an eternal basis.

It is understood that fear and anger are going to well up when a love one, friend or yourself may be stricken with an illness. After all, you are human and all people are trying to cope with knowledge from an earthly format. To be able to tap into deeper, soul level lessons is altogether different. That said, it is imperative for you to put your blind faith into trusting that you can be healed in virtually all cases. The least damaging way to have this happen is through natural, holistic and spiritual alliances. What better way is there to keep your body pure than to trust the natural energies and substances that the universe has for us? Your body is a piece of the soul of God, therefore you have the aspects of perfection built-in and waiting to be released.

There is also the obvious medical approach to healing. Many times this is the way to go, but you must also remember that turning your back on alternative approaches will have you struggling much longer and harder than necessary. It is vital for all people to retain their union of support with the High Source of guidance and motivational energies. The fact that time and evolution have enabled the human race to discover more and more of the keys to cures is great. This is where the more commonly used doctors and nurses will be heralded for their efforts. In a sense, they are angels on earth.

To sum this up, we would tell you that any type of illness or problem can be disposed of in a multitude of ways. Oils from plants and animals, both on land and in the seas can produce reversals of cancers, chemical imbalances and much more. Natural relaxants can soothe anxieties, as will meditation and other ways to connect with those on the Golden Side of the divide. Nobody is ever a lost cause in the eyes of the Creator! The most important thing is that with a firm grasp of this lesson, the improvements you are entitled to will flow. While the physical lifetime is short in the large scope of time, it does not have to always come prematurely when the avenues to heal are given to you. Trust in your own power to heal. Trust when the right healers are sent onto your path, but do not allow fear or any form of guilt sway you from accepting and appreciating it. Your gratitude will help fuel the embers of perfection back into your heart and soul. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our next event will be at the Hotel Indigo in Riverhead, NY on July 10th. Come join us for an evening of fun and informative interaction between Jim and his connection to loved ones on the other side. For all information, please go to: or call our office 631-728-3377.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other natural and healthy products, the direct link is: It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 18, 2012

For all my regular readers, you will know that on rare occasions I am led to reprint an old message.  When I sat down to channel today's blog, I was immediately shown to "scan the old words because they need to become new again."  The message  below, for whatever Spirit's intent, is the one that I was stopped at.  I believe their reasoning is to remind us that at any time in our life we, at any calendar point, can refocus and rejuvenate our desires.

The human brain is one incredibly powerful tool to use and nourish. It is responsible for almost all of your earthly decisions, as well as to program your subconscious. It is that part of your essence that creates the chances for you to discover the greatness that life can hold available to you. While the year is still new, we decided to share with you the nurturing needed to continue your journey to positive changes. Giving up on your goals and resolutions so quickly does not mean you have already failed. In fact, it is the perfect time to restart your engine and push yourself to see what it is that you want.

If your goals have not been written down and looked at several times a day, then it is probable that you forgot all about the reasons you wanted to make the changes to begin with. Life holds multiple chances for you to rejuvenate the concepts that will improve your direction. Spirit and the Kingdom of Angels are going to steer the chariot towards your destination, however, you have to at least be in the seat. In other words, much of the heavy lifting can be lightened, but you have to still do your part to help. You will not ever be given the gift of change if you continue to stay on the rutted road that has brought you to where you are. Let the gleaming light of love make this trip through your physical life more enjoyable by embracing it, not dismissing it.

We are confident that you can challenge yourselves in numerous ways to jump past the gap that may be holding you back from the intended wealth of health, emotions, spirituality and finances. Make today one in which you literally become literate and write down what you want and then read it over and over. Allow the message to seep into your subconscious mind! Let the internal powers become unleashed and watch as the Eternal Powers and your loved ones in spirit take over. There is no viable reason to think you are not someone who can achieve things. You are not being held back by anything other than your own “old tapes” of frustration and misinformation. Register new ones so that you can be uplifted, not slammed down by the harshness that the physical world may seem to hold. On the wings of angels, let the winds of success blow in! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our next event will be at the Hotel Indigo in Riverhead, NY on July 10th. Come join us for an evening of fun and informative interaction between Jim and his connection to loved ones on the other side. For all information, please go to: or call our office 631-728-3377.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other natural and healthy products, the direct link is: It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 17, 2012

Ambition and positive thinking will always lead you to feelings of high expectations and rejoice. As long as you are putting the effort and commonsense behind the concepts of your thoughts, then success is virtually impossible not to achieve. This is why the Law of Attraction is so highly touted. When people come up short in receiving what they want, it is generally due to the fact that they have not allowed sufficient time to flow to adjust their vibrations needed to have the manifestations be absorbed in realistic and comfortable ways.

There is a universal solution to all problems. When society opens up the doors to new opportunities, it is totally up to each individual to step through them. Fear is one of the greatest inhibitors of all time, as well as the proverbial albatross around the neck of mankind. It can be hidden in many forms and disguised as indifference, arguments, disgust, anger, illness, a change of plans and much, much more. The mind can make you panic, second-guess your quest to improve your life and also be impulsive and make mistake after mistake.

You might be wondering why we are pointing out all the negativity that can be born from ambition. Our reasoning is quite simple. It is to make sure you stay on the path of least resistance. We want you to create and forge changes that will show you that enthusiasm must come with a plan; with the ability to focus on all phases of your goals, both personally and professionally. If this concept is bought into, then the knowledge you gain will forever grow! It will allow you to have enhanced relationships, but it will also form a path of abundance that you may not have known existed. It is vital that your vibration matches the level of accomplishments you are looking to have. Having your guardians of Light at your back and in your constant acceptance will make all that you wish for shine brightly. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other natural and healthy products, the direct link is: It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 16 2012

Today, we wish to discuss an issue of technology, but from a spiritual perspective. With the advent of computers, many people get the impression that the world has become a smaller place. Virtually in an instant, you can see the faces of people on the other side of the planet. You can connect almost at will through a variety of social media outlets that people throughout the lands have become familiar with. Technology has paved the way for humans to feel adjoined in heartfelt ways; to share joyous events through an experience that mimics reality.

While that aspect is beautiful, the other avenues that Spirit is concerned about may outweigh the usefulness of instantaneous information. It leads to too much immature and hurtful bullying, stalking and other forms of deviant behavior. While technology can advance many just causes in life, it must ultimately be used with caution. The right to privacy is hijacked by the curiosity to know everything in a heartbeat. People put information in print that cannot be retrieved. A moment of anger can ruin the lives of many people.

Our purpose in bringing this topic up is to allow all of you to find a balance when using what could be a blessing or proverbial curse. Humans are born innocent and with purity, love and generosity in their hearts. Only when you are scorched by society as you advance through life do thoughts and acts of anger, distrust and impulsive desires to hurt others come into play. In previous decades, this meant that the attacks were more likely done through gossip or print media. However, with the increasing ease of communication links, the hurts someone can put on others can be displayed quickly, vehemently and without thinking about the permanency or long-term ramifications.

As we meander through this set of thoughts, the queries from those in heavenly bodies are quite simple. Are you going to use the gift of technology and social companies as a way of spreading love, motivation and inspiration, or will you use them to break the cherished concerns of the Golden Rule? It would be very easy to look at the addition of electronic advantages and say they have been created and discovered for added blessings. Unfortunately, the truth is that many unscrupulous and uncaring people are using it to disparage and mar the reputations of a wealth of fellow humans. Spiritually speaking, the truth of the matter lies somewhere in between,, although our desire is for all citizens of the globe to use the social media as a foundation to build a bridge of understanding, patience and tolerance from one person to the next. It is a hope and desire that each of you learn to step back and ask yourselves if what you are going to post would be well received and appreciated if the words, pictures and innuendos were stated about you. Think about this as your angels guide you towards the road painted with the vibration of love. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other natural and healthy products, the direct link is: It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 15, 2012

It is up to each individual to recognize their need to continuously learn and improve themselves throughout their lifetime. The art of living in a state of joy and excitement comes when you realize that your journey must be one of continued self-improvement. In essence, that means nothing more than the fact that you have to keep an open mind to the fact that the world around you is an endless supply of education. The only thing involved to make it a wondrous experience is the fact that you have to determine that “yes” is better than “no” when offered anything that can expand your abilities.

Numerous people assume that they cannot learn something new; especially as they age a bit. This is far from true. Self-improvement does not come with an age expiration date attached to it. In fact, the more you insist that your mind learns and discovers new boundaries, the more fascinating you will feel by your mere existence. Instead of dreading what lies ahead, a true excitement replaces that feeling. The unknown always becomes a target for personal happiness. Learning new languages or learning how to make jewelry, fix cars, play a new board game, repair your own home and so much more end up being reasons to be excited. With the right mindset, no longer will they be looked at with fear or panic.

God created people and the universe to expand and be happy. He did not put a cap on how much happiness you could have, nor on when or where it comes from. Never be afraid to discover new lands, or to reach out in the directions of things that you previously had no knowledge about. Knowledge is a gift! The ability to improve yourself is an even bigger gift! Why not ask yourself how much more you can cram into your life, rather than concern yourself with never stepping beyond the boundaries? You can be the best gift to yourself that you have ever been given, simply by being fearless and open-minded the prospects of your continued journey on this side of the divide. Do not wait until you are back on the ethereal side of things before asking yourself, ‘why didn’t I try to…’ Be the bold bandleader of the orchestra that only you and your angels have the music for! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other natural and healthy products, the direct link is: It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 14, 2012

Love is something that can be found no matter how dire you may feel things are. If you are someone who thinks that there will never be anyone special in your life for you, then we would like to take you to task about that. All people are worthy of being loved! All people have the ability to find others who will see them as being someone extraordinarily beautiful in some form. It is one of the numerous gifts that is provided to us by the universe. Even those who suffer from physical deformities can still capture the heart, mind and imagination of a soul in a fellow physical body. They are dancing in their group of “neighbors.”

While there are going to be times when you have to push, push and push some more to get through some of your own resistant thoughts, the results will be worth it. Most people give up too soon on the pursuit of their goals. Likewise, they give up prematurely on themselves and what they can accomplish personally. Let no one tell you that you are incapable of greatness! The world does not get to determine how happy you can be, nor how much you can shift your way through the good times, the bad and the challenged. Guess who gets to do that? You!

That means instead of falling into a “woe is me” pattern of thinking, you should be redoubling your efforts to do one simple thing more to change what you are striving to achieve. If it requires you to release a pattern of anxiety-driven beliefs, then start by deleting each one that you have on a first in first out basis. It makes no sense to keep an inventory of outdated concepts that have proven not to work well. Whether it is your idea about how much wealth you can have, how hard it is to get healthy, or what may seem to be an impossible task to find romance, these sabotaging thoughts have got to hit the scrap heap. Keep in mind that burdens do not hold any special rewards when there are ways for you to minimize them.

In essence, we are telling you that your life is going to improve! Be the master of your existence! Allow yourself to meet new people because you never know if they are the ones who are going to hold the key to your heart or be the partner you need in life to elevate you to the awesomeness that your loved ones in the Light have the benefit of seeing. This is a great time to have things unfold the way you dreamed of! Love yourself enough to have the confidence to do this. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other natural and healthy products, the direct link is: It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 12, 2012

Life is spectacular! It is exactly what you make it out to be. Does it make a difference where you are or what your surroundings look like? Absolutely not! The thing that makes all of what you want worthwhile is the emphasis you place on it. Even if it is sight unseen, you can make where you are a beautiful place. Happiness is all about the seeds you plant from the thoughts your mind presents even before you have arrived at what you want.

In other words, the magic you create when your tone of thoughts and attitude are positive, without automatically infusing anything of negativity or worry into it, will always bring to you the insatiable love and results you want. Casting stones into things that will break is the same as saying that you expect failure to happen. It is the same as saying you expect people to take advantage of you, or that your job will stink, your love life will flounder and so forth. From the emphatic and ceaseless side of love, you are always going to be given the platform for success. Make certain that it is not you who lugs the extra platform of failure with you.

Have you ever noticed that there are people who seem joyful regardless of the troubles that they may feel beleaguered by? It is this very type of human being that you should speak to. Find out why they are able to scan beyond the issues that would anger or depress most others. The common thread will always be their attitude. Life is what you make it out to be. If you expect it to be good, then the sprites of the universe will dance frantically to make this happen for you. If you persist in pessimism, then the woes of the world will worm their way to you.

Be one of those people who call the alarm to activate angels and others to form a life of intense love and appreciation. It will spawn more and more of the same in the future, as well as to unleash a torrent of similar results for those who you love and love you. Thoughts and their outcome are contagious. Make sure you are infecting the world with all the proper things. With love, these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other natural and healthy products, the direct link is:

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 11, 2012

What do you get when you clean your house? Do you feel refreshed, revitalized and empowered? Does it make you feel more accomplished with yourself, or perhaps even exhilarated on some level? You should feel healthier! We are hoping that at this point you have figured out that the “house” we speak of is your own body.

All people should take the time to rid themselves of the dirt that clogs their path to happiness. Take inventory of the thoughts that are cluttering the recesses of your minds. Are they legitimately positive, or do they hone in on attitudes that reflect failure and negativity? Do you listen to yourself and find that the mental chatter that races without apparent direction has more negative or positive associations? If you find them having less stellar qualities, it is time to sweep them into the garbage heap. Release what is unimportant! Release the things that hold no virtues to assist you in being a bright star.

Have you noticed that the more anger you hold in towards others, the more unhappy you are about life? Those who refuse to let go of the mistakes of the past--either at the hands of others or themselves--are the strongest candidates to harbor more and more life-clutter. They are the ones who are accusatory towards others, but seldom want to look behind the doors of their own junk closets and junk drawers; so to speak.

With honesty, you must take a look in the mirror and see if you are one of those people. Are you living in a way that the angelic kingdom would be proud to call you one of theirs? Or is it in a manner that would have you worried that if you were someone else that you might not end up in the place of love and Light upon your death? Think about that. The best way to live your physical life is to be clear of anything that could come back to harm you. Sweep out the errors and the concepts that your life may be inhibited by. Embrace and enjoy a body, mind and soul that is filled with inspiration, hope and generosity. Hold onto the blessings that carve into your soul any and all good virtues! May your rooms always be filled with love and Light; with blessings and the ability to mount one goal after another! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other natural and healthy products, the direct link is:

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 10, 2012

Allow your core to be centered and strong by fully accepting the power and gift of your Higher Self. By living life in a way that expresses the joy of living under the umbrella of love, guidance and protection from angels, all the “bad” things that happen to most people will seem less daunting. Your life is one that is feathered with abundance. It is a reflection of greatness; where most mere mortals will see you in a light that is much better than the one you see yourself in.

Generally, the average human finds numerous ways to dismiss the prominence of themselves. While some of it may be somewhat of a desire to keep their ego in check, the reality is that most people are simply too insecure to embrace their own abilities. This is an area that we--Spirit--ask you to monitor. Are you someone who is battling through your own inferiorities? Are you focused on what you think you are unable to do, or what you have not accomplished, rather than on how much you have? Be centered on the achievements! Embrace them! Give yourself a hug or a proverbial high five! You have earned it.

We ask very little from any of you. Have your visions been secure and lodged on the beautiful bounty of your Inner Child? Why not step back and live your life these next few days by celebrating the amazing importance of what you have done for others? By awaking with a fresh attitude and knowing that you are being given the gift of opportunities to restart and charge forward towards to endless new successes, then the day in front of you can only be happy. You are responsible for setting the tone toward the elation you crave. Own that power! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other natural and healthy products, the direct link is:

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

No Blog for Tonight

Hi everyone,

Jim asked that I let you all know that due to unforeseen circumstances he will not be posting the blog tonight. He sends his apologies.

All the best,

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 8, 2012

Resolving problems is generally much easier than most people make it out to be. Many times, you will see them getting enraged at other people, but from a spiritual and commonsense perspective, it would be better to channel that energy towards the problem. By doing so, you will be amazed at the creativity that can escape from the depths of your mind. Resolutions to issues often come when you are denied access to your original plans. This is what makes the human mind and experience such a diverse place to explore.

Perhaps one of the greatest strengths given to you is the one that allows you to use your efforts; that are born from poor results, as a catalyst for discovery of something incredible. If you do not give up at the first, second or whatever realistic number of attempts it is for a certain goal, then you will find that your desires will be worthwhile. That is provided you are not lashing out at other people who may have directly or indirectly caused the failures. What is done can not be reversed, but what is to come is still very much in your control.

What we are talking about here is that far too many humans get bogged down in blaming others for the failures in their own life when it comes to the future. Why would you ever allow something that happened to you yesterday to influence your potential? Who claims that you have been muted or made impotent to achieve greatness when something has gone wrong? If it did not happen in a way that caused total and TRUE catastrophic results or death, then you have a universe that is telling you there is a better way to go about things. There is a God that is fair and wants all people to explore and experience success and abundance. Be unafraid to be one of His minions, as He will lead you on a path that is positive, uplifting and loving. Anytime you do not lash out in anger at someone when you could easily do that is noted. Your reward will be to feel blessings in numerous ways; loved beyond comprehension and celebrated for the victories you will be earning! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other natural and healthy products, the direct link is:

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.