Friday, May 11, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--May 12, 2012

Life is spectacular! It is exactly what you make it out to be. Does it make a difference where you are or what your surroundings look like? Absolutely not! The thing that makes all of what you want worthwhile is the emphasis you place on it. Even if it is sight unseen, you can make where you are a beautiful place. Happiness is all about the seeds you plant from the thoughts your mind presents even before you have arrived at what you want.

In other words, the magic you create when your tone of thoughts and attitude are positive, without automatically infusing anything of negativity or worry into it, will always bring to you the insatiable love and results you want. Casting stones into things that will break is the same as saying that you expect failure to happen. It is the same as saying you expect people to take advantage of you, or that your job will stink, your love life will flounder and so forth. From the emphatic and ceaseless side of love, you are always going to be given the platform for success. Make certain that it is not you who lugs the extra platform of failure with you.

Have you ever noticed that there are people who seem joyful regardless of the troubles that they may feel beleaguered by? It is this very type of human being that you should speak to. Find out why they are able to scan beyond the issues that would anger or depress most others. The common thread will always be their attitude. Life is what you make it out to be. If you expect it to be good, then the sprites of the universe will dance frantically to make this happen for you. If you persist in pessimism, then the woes of the world will worm their way to you.

Be one of those people who call the alarm to activate angels and others to form a life of intense love and appreciation. It will spawn more and more of the same in the future, as well as to unleash a torrent of similar results for those who you love and love you. Thoughts and their outcome are contagious. Make sure you are infecting the world with all the proper things. With love, these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other natural and healthy products, the direct link is:

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If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.


Mary said...

Happiness is all about the seeds you plant from the thoughts your mind presents even before you have arrived at what you want.

In other words, the magic you create when your tone of thoughts and attitude are positive, without automatically infusing anything of negativity or worry into it, will always bring to you the insatiable love and results you want.

Thoughts and their outcome are contagious. Make sure you are infecting the world with all the proper things.

Wow such and interesting message.

So they are sorting your house out then, Jim. :-)**
We are going to put a new floor in, one room and it is surprising what one room can hold. We are finding out hahaha All my knick- knacks ouchy!! a lot!!
God Bless

Unknown said...

Hope you had a great Mother's Day, Mary. As for my house, I suddenly realized that because I live alone does not mean the house holds up better. Lots of expected and moved up renovation work, not to mention a major transition in career front too.