Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--July 16, 2012

Being overly jealous can often lead to feelings of failure when your plans are not met as you had expected them to. When you set goals, it is imperative that you do so with a modicum of reality when it comes to what they are. While the universe will open many avenues for you, to try to force the path is generally not conducive to TRUSTING that you are going to be taken care of. If you are going to truly turn your will over to the angels around you, that means you need to work with them too by not thinking you can change the world overnight. Unless you are personally responsible for a large catastrophic event, this is nearly impossible from a human perspective.

In the coming weeks, you will be able to make many incremental changes to your current life trail. By not trying to over-influence everyone around you with your expectations of what you expect, it becomes easier to let your actions and energy do the speaking for you. The aura or field of energy that emanates from the attitude and zest in which you do everything is what will create the harmony you desire. It can just as easily create a sense of disharmony because others will feed from your negative output of energy too.

Where is it that you want your life to go? Are you concise in your thoughts? Does realism come naturally, or do you think in extremes that make it hard to reach your intended targets? All you really need to do is create the vision of what you want and hold that firmly in your mind. Do this without always having demands or harsh expectations of yourself. Most people are not going to lose ten pounds in a day, nor be able to run the marathon if record time if they have never run it before.

Your existence is a marathon of options and opportunities. As you learn that every small step is leading to a larger grand total, it becomes easier for you to stay balanced. Everything you do becomes easier, as your goals will be met more frequently, giving you the impetus to keep striving for more. This is a great time for you to thrive! Share all of your actions with others by having a smile on your face that will match the smile in your soul. Remove yourself from toxic people. Love who you are and the rest of life will become magnificent! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other nutrition, natural and healthy products, the direct link is: It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.


Mary said...

If you are going to truly turn your will over to the angels around you, that means you need to work with them too by not thinking you can change the world overnight.

Share all of your actions with others by having a smile on your face that will match the smile in your soul. Remove yourself from toxic people. Love who you are and the rest of life will become magnificent!

Wow!! I will give this a really good try....

Thank you always,
Jim Our Angel :-)**
God Bless

Unknown said...

Thanks again, Mary. Hope you had a good weekend.

Stacy said...

This is a great bloog