Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--August 16, 2012

Apathy is one of the biggest problems that faces humanity. When people see blatant destruction taking place to a free world and free society, to sit back and do nothing is just as harmful as condoning and leading the attack. If you have intelligent people speaking out with truthful facts and figures, it does not mean they are trying to be rabble-rousers. It is a way for you to be warned that true changes to the sanctity of living in an unfettered world will be needed to fend off those whose approach is to divide and conquer. If the citizens of the world do not pay attention to the blatant disregard that some have for living life under the guidance of spiritual principles, then they will have no one to blame but themselves for the hardships and strife that will come.

From the perspective of those in the realm of heaven and its energies, the bigger problem is that the hope and expectations for success and happiness will be taken away for generations to come. If you want to leave a better, bolder, brighter and more stable environment for your children, grandchildren and youths of all kinds, both born and not yet even conceived, you are the one who can make the changes to allow that to happen. You cannot have a free society if you are going to take away the desire for success from those who have or want to achieve it. Similarly, nobody will want to pull themselves up and out of situations on their own if they begin to think or expect that the rest of the world is going to supply the effort they should have themselves.

The greatest feeling one can have is when they have accomplished something on their own merit. You were born into the physical world with the gift of inspiration and potential. Turning your potential into success is meted out with personal pride and exertion. All people are energy in motion, but the ones who are the happiest are the people who work as a team and are self-sufficient. That might sound contradictory, but the reality is that all humans are meant to be trusting and dependent on each other, all the while being confident enough to be independent in seeking out what is important to them.

Another way to look at the “team” aspect is to recognize that you are each linked to a Higher Power and universe that is supportive. While it supports you, it also encourages you to grow personally. It is a place of personal responsibility and wants the global community to live the same way. Otherwise, you have a world that is filled with angst, anarchy and avoidable atrocities. Make sure you speak up and silence those who do not understand the values of what it means to be spiritually and personally responsible. Those who at least attempt to honor their soul and the love that comes with it from the Creator are well-blessed. Make sure you do not let your freedoms, power and potential become a victim of legal thievery. You deserve better, as do the lifeblood of this world; the children! With deep blessings, these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our next event is only a few days away, on August 21st at the Three Village Inn in Stony Brook, NY for a dinner buffet. Join renowned medium/psychic and author Jim Fargiano for an interactive evening of Spirit communication. He will gladly field your questions regarding our connection to the other side. For tickets and information, go to:

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other nutrition, natural and healthy products, the direct link is: It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.


Mary said...

The greatest feeling one can have is when they have accomplished something on their own merit. You were born into the physical world with the gift of inspiration and potential. Turning your potential into success is meted out with personal pride and exertion.

So very true!

Thank you always, Jim Our Angel :-)**
God Bless

Unknown said...

This message must have hit the right notes for people, at least judging from the number of times it was shared or forwarded. Thanks, Mary!