Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 25th, 2012

I will be taking off for a few days.  Hope everyone has a stress free week and very Happy New Year!--
Jim Fargiano

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 19, 2012

We are nearing the holiday that is meant to be a celebration of the life of Jesus.  While not all people on earth have the same belief system, He is considered a spiritual leader by everyone.  During times when the world seems tumultuous, having someone to pray to and praise will help to lift the daggers of emotional pain.  It seems that many humans seem to take their exit back to the side of Golden Light around the esteemed days of love, such as Christmas.  It has more to do with the soul knowing that it will be safe and secure than it does the human side of things.

Let our focus be on the human and humanitarian side of life.  You have all been given many chances to experience life in innumerable ways.  For those of you who are a little more advanced in age, you were more sheltered from the harsh and brutal realities that can be perpetrated by men and women with evil minds.  With the continued growth and availability of technology, even the youngest and most innocent in society are indoctrinated into seeing everything that goes on in the world, including violence and untruths that lead to more violence.  For this reason alone, we ask that you stay focused on the sanctity and love that should be felt and given at all times.

Many of you are aware of the mass killing of our children last week.  Any sudden loss of life, especially when it is a child, is very difficult to deal with.  It becomes compounded when it happens at the time of the season that is known for rejoicing, as well as when it occurs in such a cruel and vicious way.  From the side of heaven, we ask for you to hold high in your thoughts the loss that these families are struggling with.  We want you to know that your prayers will be felt by the children and adults who tried to protect them but perished in their efforts.  Each of them are being treated with the importance of all high angels.

From your own personal life aspect, it is a time to be grounded and to teach love, respect and generosity.  It is up to everyone to start sharing and instilling these traits into everyone you come across, especially the youngsters in your life—personally and peripherally.  Why not get yourselves refocused on the simple, but profound content that the entire population should follow; that being the Ten Commandments?  Following these simple steps will lead all people to a life of enrichment.  The youth and the elderly are on equal ground when these Godly “rules” are abided by.  When all is said and done, all that is wanted from and for all people is to be satiated in happiness.  Allow yours to seep deep into your heart and soul and it will always find a way to extend to others.  These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our first event for the New Year will be a return to Blue Restaurant and Lounge.  There will be an expanded dinner buffet with dessert.  Join acclaimed medium/psychic, Jim Fargiano, as he shares his insights about spirit communication.  He will deliver as many personal messages to guests as time allows.  All in attendance will be given a FREE chance to win many raffle prizes, including a completely free private reading with Jim at a later date.  For more info and tickets, go to:

Gift certificates are available at for the Christmas, Hanukah and holiday season!

We are continuing to update and add many new things to our new merchandise website!  At, you will find items that have a spiritual connection, plus health and wellness products.  We are expanding and adding new things all the time and will be happy to take suggestions.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor.  To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other nutrition, natural and healthy products, the direct link is:  It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!  

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me  on FaceBook.  The link for the fan page is:  A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 15, 2012

Let us try to lift up your hearts.  We wipe your faces and share with all of you the sorrow of that can be felt far and wide.  Rivers of tears are streaming at the senseless act of one misguided, evil-minded young man.  While all the words from Heaven; from your ministers on both sides of the divide will ease only bits and pieces of the emotional wounds, it is only time that will soften the blow of any senseless, random murderous rampage.  While people can rationalize the deaths of adults, when the lives of children barely older than babies are taken, there are no words to truly heal the loss for their loving families.

However, life on the earth is temporary regardless of the circumstances.  You are protecting a soul that is determined to elevate you through the lessons you endure.  When the safety net of a system designed to teach and protect the universe’s new wave of up and coming leaders is penetrated, the amplification of your prayers for not only all of the victims who have come to rest in the Light of God, but for each and every person intimately and remotely connected to them is necessary.  Allow your voices to be the source of comfort that everyone needs right now. 

Those of you who are inspirational speakers, or even deeply connected to the ways of communicating with those already in God’s arms, should be careful not to immediately think that spouting the normal wisdom should be shared.  Speeches about “exit points, God’s will” and other overused phrases are meaningless at a time like this.  When twenty innocent children and the adults around them were murdered today, during a season that is supposed to be filled with joy and blessings, the human side of commonsense must be applied. All of you should be addressing the needs of the heartbroken and leave your knowledge and philosophizing for a later time.  We are to work together to begin the process of healing the community of Newtown, Connecticut and all the emotional threads of pain that has had its tentacles reach across the globe. 

Consider this message one of deep reflection; one where we tell you that your thoughts, actions and prayers are going to be part of the catalyst of what is needed on this planet.  There is too much negativity filling the air and saturating the minds of the impressionable.  Today is a stark reminder of exactly why we—Spirit—have begun our campaign to enlighten all who will listen, to take back their lives from people who are trying to evaporate the sanctity of trust and belief in a Higher Power.  You cannot continue to eliminate God and think that this is a good thing because it will not offend someone.  Instead, let your views as the majority be heard.  You are not sheep who are meekly going to allow yourselves to be led to slaughter.  You are the meek who shall inherit the earth! 

Through quiet reasoning and words of encouragement for your fellow men and women, you are going to be the divining rod for peace, love and generosity.  Giving up hope that things will be better is not an option.  Expecting them to be better is where your voices need to be; where you need to lean.  Consider this—there are twenty little angels who have streaked into heaven, escorted by the grownups who tried to protect them.  Let them be the image in your mind to rejuvenate your thoughts towards making the path of life a comfort again.  May peace and love always wash over you, never to end so that you can feel the harmony and tranquility that all people should live with.  These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our first event for the New Year will be a return to Blue Restaurant and Lounge.  There will be an expanded dinner buffet with dessert.  Join acclaimed medium/psychic, Jim Fargiano, as he shares his insights about spirit communication.  He will deliver as many personal messages to guests as time allows.  All in attendance will be given a FREE chance to win many raffle prizes, including a completely free private reading with Jim at a later date.  For more info and tickets, go to:

Gift certificates are available at for the Christmas, Hanukah and holiday season!

We are continuing to update and add many new things to our new merchandise website!  At, you will find items that have a spiritual connection, plus health and wellness products.  We are expanding and adding new things all the time and will be happy to take suggestions.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor.  To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other nutrition, natural and healthy products, the direct link is:  It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!  

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me  on FaceBook.  The link for the fan page is:  A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 14, 2012

Shortly, the New Horizon will be upon us.  It is not about coming into a New Year, nor is it about seeing the destruction of the earth as a planet.  It is all about healing yourself and what you can control through your thoughts and actions.  Spirit is calling on all positive-minded, loving people to reflect upon their actions and deeds well before they strike out in any negative way.  We are calling on all of you to “battle” with the forces of evil-intentioned individuals who are slowly turning this world into a place of unrest through their attempts to make it a Godless society.

Little by little, the minority is trying to remove all mention of Jesus or anything resembling the peace and civility or the true icons who represent the tenets of the Creator.  While this is not intended to be a religious message, we could not help piggyback off the fact that billions of people are getting ready to celebrate the birth of Christ and are in the midst of peacefully celebrating Hanukkah.  While we preach tolerance, there is a difference between that and allowing wrong-minded people to trample the blessings of Creation, your rights and the rights of billions upon billions of humans who truly covet and honor their connection, belief and strength given to them by God.  This is true regardless of what name or church they choose to practice at. 

You must speak up against this and demand that Christ be put back in Christmas and God stay as the relevant fact and guide for mankind to be led in all the proper ways to live a harmonious life.  To allow people to expunge Him, or make His prominence seem unimportant is the same as condoning it.  This should be a time of reflection on the depth of love that comes from the angels.  It is not meant to be an era of hostility, led by selfish and ignorant people.  It is not supposed to be a time where we overlook the abuses of children, women, the elderly and infirmed.  Let this be a time of healing; a time of unification, for it is now that you should be expanding the energies and loving embrace of arms that wrap you with devotion throughout your stay on the physical side of life. 

The concept of Santa has grown to be one of someone who brings joy to children.  Since you are all children of God isn’t this the best time to begin to spread that thought and feeling amongst each other?  Why wait for the next person to do what you can by gently sharing the love and proper guidance you have to anyone you feel is being led onto the wrong path?  With so much fear about the Mayan calendar and the world coming to an end, why not reverse that by flooding the universe with positive thoughts, prayers and an invocation of love instead of hatred?  Each one of you makes a difference!  You are powerful representatives of the New Awakening!  You will not be intimidated by someone’s title, fancy, but tricky oratory skills, or anyone who casts threats to squash the building blocks of a Creation of love. 

The universe is froth with abundance and it does not have to be stolen from one person to be given to another.  You have the right to work at the pace of your choosing.  If you see someone who is content living impoverished and without taking any steps to turn that around, giving them a handout without education will only expand their power to teach others not to put any effort into existing.  Be a teacher of your angels, for it is all those on earth who hold the key to rampant joy and hearts filled with happiness.  Let us work together to reconstruct what has been systematically been taken away from us one piece at a time.  You are strong!  These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our first event for the New Year will be a return to Blue Restaurant and Lounge.  There will be an expanded dinner buffet with dessert.  Join acclaimed medium/psychic, Jim Fargiano, as he shares his insights about spirit communication.  He will deliver as many personal messages to guests as time allows.  All in attendance will be given a FREE chance to win many raffle prizes, including a completely free private reading with Jim at a later date.  For more info and tickets, go to:

Gift certificates are available at for the Christmas, Hanukah and holiday season!

We are continuing to update and add many new things to our new merchandise website!  At, you will find items that have a spiritual connection, plus health and wellness products.  We are expanding and adding new things all the time and will be happy to take suggestions.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor.  To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other nutrition, natural and healthy products, the direct link is:  It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!  

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me  on FaceBook.  The link for the fan page is:  A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 11, 2012

There is a power inside you that is looking to explode from the boundaries you set, most likely because another person told you that you could not do something. While most humans need to have some sort of regulations, this does not mean you should deny yourself of true love, prosperity and spiritual growth. Living life confined to the limiting behaviors of other people--or caused by other people--is not the way Spirit wants you to proceed with your life. Never be afraid to explore new boundaries, especially when they will lead to a happier state of mind, body and soul. You are precious in the eyes of angels and should never be afraid to soar with them!

From the side of Light, we observe your potential on a constant basis. You are the deacon of your own love, but the beacon of exponential abilities and the paragon of God’s love. It is the beauty of your soul that resonates in the way other people react to you. However, it is your responsibility to make sure you are doing what is needed in order for you to be happy in your interactions with others. “LG” your way through the tough spots. Let Go, Let God and Life’s Good. To dismiss the simplicity of this would be a huge mistake. If you have had a hard time doing this, fear not. The power of potential and possibilities is still within your grasp because those on the Golden Side never give up on you. If we don’t, why do you? Why should you? The answer is an obvious, “You should never give up on yourself or the changes you can still make.”

To sum this up, you will find life to be more peaceful, more prosperous, and more fun to live when you TRUST in your Higher Self. The partnership you have with the universe is mutually rewarding. The universe applauds having you as a perfect piece of the puzzle, but you should expect that you will be rewarded with the parallel efforts and thoughts that you put into it. Like attracts like; both good and bad. This is why we want you to avoid surrounding yourself with people who are negative in their ideas about how to live life. You are always going to assimilate to what and who surrounds you. Insulate yourself by remembering to blend with positive people and acting on The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Gift certificates are available at for the Christmas, Hanukah and holiday season!

We are continuing to update and add many new things to our new merchandise website!  At, you will find items that have a spiritual connection, plus health and wellness products.  We are expanding and adding new things all the time and will be happy to take suggestions.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor.  To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other nutrition, natural and healthy products, the direct link is:  It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!  

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me  on FaceBook.  The link for the fan page is:  A different inspirational quote can be found there.