Friday, December 23, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 24, 2011

I decided to rerun the message I received two years ago. It is as pertinent today as it was then, and it will continue to be so in the future.

I am going to take a few days away to re-charge. Please have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
This day is the precursor to the anniversary of the birth of the Master Spirit, Jesus. Arguably, he is seen as one of the greatest spiritual icons who ever walked the earth. We are not here to prove, improve, or dissuade anyone’s ideas of who the most important one was. Instead, we are of the mind that all of you will simply revere and respect the passion of Christ and what he represented.

Living within the Laws of Spirituality will bring enlightenment and encouragement to you. Your lives will become easier; the infinite abundance that the universe has to yield to you will find its target more quickly. Health issues can be overcome through the divine belief that God and the Archangels transmit healing energies through their own avatars. War becomes non-existent when people recognize and honor that both Buddha and Jesus preached differently, but with the same message. While Jesus was about teaching love and respect, His counterpart often spoke of the power of the Light. Love and Light are one in the same when you entwine them with the respect of exactly what their iconic images were teaching. Living life by understanding there is a Higher Power guiding you is vital, however, life should not be run by virtue of giving up your physical world responsibilities. You still need to honor yourselves while you honor the Kingdom of Spirit.

With all that said, this season has been influenced by the gifts that Jesus represents to the people of all lands. He is blessed in the households of billionaires and paupers. He is known in the lands where He is not allowed to be spoken about without impunity coming to anyone who does. His teachings unite almost all religions with the basis for their spiritual interpretation. Tomorrow is the day where honor and appreciation is shown for Him. While it is great to see joy and gifts passed amongst friends and loved ones, the true meaning of Christmas should not be lost. Talk to Him. Let Him know that you appreciate the stress and pain that was endured by the life that was led in the physical sense.

During whatever celebrations you have planned; invoke thoughts of the deeds, acts of kindness and acceptance of all people, regardless of their backgrounds. Two thousand years ago, you were given a gift. It came in the form of a man of modest means who had to be hidden to preserve His life. No longer should Jesus be hidden! As a sole person, whenever you act in a way that respects life, respects love, respects animals, plants and yourself, then you are quietly carrying on the missionary work that was vital in expressing the teachings of the Highest Master Spirit. Your soul will grow! You should realize that only a select few have to feel burdened by educating the masses. As an individual, all you have to do is to live by setting a blessed and positive life, without speaking one way and hypocritically acting another. Forgiveness is one of the cornerstones of living in happiness. Complacency and turning a blind eye towards those who are misguided and bludgeoning the concepts of Jesus’ aural glow will not lead to people being happy. We ask that you never give away your freedom under the guise of equality for all. It takes away your will to be motivated for more.

Enjoy the next few days with the knowledge that the power of blessed energy is cascading upon you. Each person is seen with the same love as the one called God’s son. Yes, you do have the right to feel that important! These loving thoughts come from The Spoken Words of Spirit. May you all receive the gifts that you desire.
We have gift certificates available for Christmas and Holiday gifts at our website at: Also available are personalized autographed books, the Escaping Boundaries meditation CD, inspirational magnets, coffee mugs and more.

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 23, 2011

The abundant lifestyle you want awaits nothing more than your request to the universe for it, but also for you to have a firm belief that it will happen. Whenever you pray or ask for things, it is vital for you not to follow through with doubts about whether or not it will occur or that you are worthy of receiving the requests. Of course you are! That is, provided that what you are seeking is of an uplifting nature for yourself and retains a “do no harm to others” aspect.

Many of you have been making a difference in the lives of a multitude of people for years. Some of you are just learning how to do that, but it is something that grows easier with time. “Giving” becomes second-nature, particularly when you are doing it from the heart. That side of generosity does not have to be worked on because it is ingrained in your soul.

The only thing that changes it from person to person is the physical life experiences that they endure or enjoy. While your guardian angels always have your best interests in mind, your guardians and influencers on the earth side of life may inadvertently have theirs in the forefront. You need to learn to step around them, whether it is being intentionally or subconsciously done by them. The control is always within yourselves! The other outcome is that as you learn to elevate who you are, the people you end up affecting will also benefit.

While the Christmas season is always one of intended joy, these words hold true throughout the year. It is completely up to you to be the beacon of light, hope and success that you want for yourself. Your family, friends and anyone else you come in contact with will be illuminated by the beauty of your soul. May each of you walk in the shadow white light cast upon you by the Highest Angel. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
We have gift certificates available for Christmas and Holiday gifts at our website at: Also available are personalized autographed books, the Escaping Boundaries meditation CD, inspirational magnets, coffee mugs and more.

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 22, 2011

Why not live your life with a viewpoint of expanded love? When people take the time to look at all of their actions, as well as the actions of others through a prism of loving qualities, it is far easier to enjoy the earthly journey that everyone is on. Allowing yourself to live in this state of mind enables you to have more tolerance and patience of everything in life. The universe is then seen as a Creation of bounty and beauty.

Think about how much better your energy is when you feel balanced and happy. The drudgery of chores is not nearly as onerous, nor is the weight load of your emotions going to suppress you as much. Loving behavior entitles you to be healthier on every level. It creates a society that is happier and more broad-minded, thereby giving a boost in positive energy throughout the world. This is something you should be thinking about in before you take any action or speak any words. Let them be saturated with the qualities of love so that your own energy will be endeared by all.

Is there a better time than the present one to substantiate a life dedicated to existing via these principles? Generally, the Christmas season ignites a passion and generosity in a larger group of the world than most other times of the year. With many joyous and solemn remembrances of the Master Jesus, it spurs “regular” people into wanting to be a reflection of His ways and deeds. How incredible this world would be if all people adopted that approach everyday, and not just for a few of them. There would be no starvation, wars, anger, suppressed freedoms, illiteracy and more. The physical planet would be more representative of the bounty and blessings that are felt in the state of Nirvana.

May each one of you feel the gift of love that shines brightly to and through you. Your angels will sing your praises. They will trumpet your success and endow your future with as much love as you are capable of embracing. Be joyful! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
We have gift certificates available for Christmas and Holiday gifts at our website at: Also available are personalized autographed books, the Escaping Boundaries meditation CD, inspirational magnets, coffee mugs and more.

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 21, 2011

Many people want to deny the existence of God, yet they will believe in theoretical philosophies about how the universe came to be. While they have no hard core evidence of that, they will fight tooth and nail to dishonor the Higher Power. Fear and ignorance will have them stand behind other assertions that have not been proven. In the Source, we know that all things are born. Through Him, life is given to each of us in miraculous ways. This time of year will always be a pivotal reminder of that. We are reminded of it throughout the year with each miraculous birth of a newborn, where their cells are woven together in an Intelligent Design that nobody has been able to figure out yet.

Our message is for you to simply trust in your connection to your loved ones, guides, angels and teachers who are of the ethereal world. They will provide the proof and support necessary to have a life that is filled with the nectar of your existence--love! There is nothing else that you need to know. Love is the driving force behind everything done on the physical world. Without a modicum of love and concern for our own life, we would not care if we ate to survive, nor if anyone else did either. It is the singular emotion that is bred into all living creatures; a true gift from God.

You are to do nothing but smile if someone tries to diminish your faith. The silence of your thoughts will give them little if nothing to argue about. You will walk away knowing that you are correct in your beliefs; that your protectors are still divinely with you. The naysayer will walk away befuddled and still trying to figure out how to prove their own theories of how the world began. Obviously, we are serious and tongue in cheek at the same time. The gist of what we are trying to teach you is that you need to stay steadfast in your commitment to what makes you comfortable in your thoughts. The others will always be searching for answers and looking for ways to find happiness. It is too bad that they won’t allow themselves to have the power of faith so that they do not have to search outside their Inner Child. With love, these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Don’t forget to check out our website at:, for personalized autographed books, the Escaping Boundaries meditation CD, inspirational magnets, coffee mugs and more. We have gift certificates available for Christmas and Holiday gifts.

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 20, 2011

Sometimes, life seems to rumble and grumble at people, especially during calendar times that should denote happiness. Joyful celebrations may be the last thing on their mind, as they could be struggling with the loss of employment, or coping with the recent loss of a loved one. Perhaps something even more personal has hit them, such as the diagnosis of a serious illness for themselves or the break up of what they thought was a loving union. The only thing that prods society to get through these events is by having the innate ability to feel hope deep into your core.

When it comes to goal-setting, our ideals are to tell you not to have hope, but to have expectations of success. In the sense of everyday, emotional issues, it is different. Hope can bring about the only encouragement possible to enable your mind to push past the darkness that may settle into your heart, mind and soul. It allows you to see that life can still hold some marvelous opportunities once you overcome them. Hope can be the most inspiring gift given to all people as it is completely open to individualistic interpretation and creation. There is no right or wrong way to have hope, thereby making it something that will never pressure you, but it will always let you know that your future does not have to be bleak.

From a spiritual perspective, each human being is an inspiration of magnificent proportion. They can collectively rally others to feel the vibrancy of great, new and loving beginnings. Individually, they can be seen as icons of phenomenal accomplishments; where other people will see that the struggles they may be going through are not foreign. Unifying under a banner of hope will create the most practical and gifted changes for the global society to be proud of. Freedom has always been born out of someone’s thoughts that there has to be a more hopeful situation than what they may feel trapped in. That holds true personally, as well as amongst countries who have had to endure dictatorial leadership. History will always prove that inspired people had visions of hope and visions of compassion for all. Do you have that? These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Don’t forget to check out our website at:, for personalized autographed books, the Escaping Boundaries meditation CD, inspirational magnets, coffee mugs and more. We have gift certificates available for Christmas and Holiday gifts.

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 19, 2011

Every so often I am "directed" to retrieve something from the past to post.  While the reasoning does not always come in clearly to me, when I was halted on this transcript from a couple of years ago, it was pretty evident as to why.

Life is full of opportunity for each of you. This might sound simplistic, but the reality is that as you evolve, changes offer many new directions or re-direction in some cases. We share this with you because the Supreme Energy wants your lives splashed with vibrancy. You can color your world in happiness and paint a portrait of your life in the most beautiful way you can.

With the advent of the New Year upon us, it is time for you to dust off the wounds and shake free of any misgivings. Collectively, life will be resounding with the bells of singing angels and the love of your special, departed friends and family. Look at them as your team of helpers. They are excited to bring you to the path you want for yourself. It is with their help that you can get a leg up on your healing of body, mind and soul.

Spirit will be felt more and more. As long as you are open to the idea of positive affirmations, then life will be a resounding success. I bring this message to you with the hope that the seasonal glee and rejuvenation will resonate throughout the year. We are in a mode that enhances most people’s attitude towards seeing the love and happiness that is readily available.

If I speak for a bit about the Master Jesus, I would begin by telling you that just being in His aura was an awesome experience. If you were fortunate enough to have shared in His physical incarnation, all you knew was that peace and love emanated from His very essence. Jesus walked and spoke with confidence, and this was shared with anyone who wanted to partake in it. No one was ever deemed unworthy of His time.

Today, most people fail to realize the power of “oneness” with Spirit. We watch and listen to your struggles and worries. The truth is that we are responding to what you put forth to us. It is often taught to you that the thoughts, deeds and actions you make and take are the blueprints for what will be returned to you by the universe. It is up to each individual to make or create the path of aspects that they want. This is why you should monitor what you do, and to ask yourself if you are living in the wake of energy that was left behind by Jesus and other Ascended Masters who have walked the earth.

This is the season that most people celebrate by sharing gifts and company with one another. It is an expected time to be optimistic and a time to openly show your love for the Master who is known as the Son of God. We only wish that all people could be comfortable communicating their faith and love every day, not just some days. In the New Year, it is your responsibility to address the issues that concern you. It is also your responsibility to carve the path towards living life in a loving, vibrant way. If anything should be contagious, let it be the world catching onto your actions, and then rewarding you with what you truly need in many multiples.

Let this season become the catalyst for all the love, charm and prosperity you desire. Building on what has worked well for you, one day at a time, will cause momentum to be in your favor. Living life in the aura of love and Light can only make your soul brighten. Ask your angels what they need from you. It is not always their responsibility to do everything for you. Allowing your physical life and presence to be procured in the manner that Jesus tried to teach will lead to a deeper joy.

Finally, we share with you the vitality of your soul. It is attached and connected to the greatest of powers. As you enter the end of this calendar year and embark on the new one, it is pertinent for you to remain steadfast in your belief that the universe can provide for you. We want all people to feel the zest and rejuvenation of stepping through your existence with confidence. It comes from the guardians who help you; who ride on your shoulder. They extol you with love and the fact that you can achieve the greatest of happy notions.

We leave you with those thoughts, as well as the blessings of all those in the Kingdom of Light.  These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.

Don’t forget to check out our website at:, for personalized autographed books, the Escaping Boundaries meditation CD, inspirational magnets, coffee mugs and more. We have gift certificates available for Christmas and Holiday gifts.
The Nook link for my book is:
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 17, 2011

Have you ever noticed that some people seem pleased with their circumstances, no matter what they may be? Of course, there are others who will grumble and groan regardless of how splendid everything in their life is. The only difference between the two groups is their attitude. In the first category, you have people who will see something sweet in any and all situations. They will find a way to embrace the lesson and grow with it, while those who are unhappy with the aspects of life that befall them are always trying to find the darkness before the dawn.

How many times have you heard your guides in spirit talk and teach you about the need for your attitudes to be positive in order for your lives to feel fulfilled? It is the only way for you to acknowledge a joyous core. If you allow your thoughts to be predisposed to being happy beforehand, then nothing can be a disappointment. The color of a room, or perhaps a new car, will not make a difference if you recognize that it is just a shell on the actual thing of prominence.

In a sense, people are the same. Too many in society are quick to judge someone based on their skin color, height, weight, looks, eye or hair color, and so forth. Think about how much more enlightened you may be if no predisposed negative opinions were had of your fellow citizens. You may find that the limbless man was a hero in a war, or that someone who is disfigured was not have supposed to survive to begin with. When you look beyond the visceral imagery, and do not behave in colorblind ways, your life will undoubtedly be inflated with more potency.

Whether you are looking at something emotional, material, human or in any other form, when you assume a negative judgment, you will never be able to have the amazing gifts that they have to offer unfold for you. Take time to get to know your surroundings and the people in it before you think something is no good. Just because you might hear it from someone else, does not mean it is necessarily true. Use your intelligence and the built-in capacity to see the good in all people and things before casting aspersions on them. Let us take the time to envision the world and its inhabitants as being worthy of God’s time, thereby making all of it worthy of yours too. Think about what we are trying to share with you. Each one of you will become leaders of goodwill and teachers who light the torch of success for others when you abide by the principles set forth. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Don’t forget to check out our website at:, for personalized autographed books, the Escaping Boundaries meditation CD, inspirational magnets, coffee mugs and more. We have gift certificates available for Christmas and Holiday gifts.

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 16, 2011

What would you do if someone you just met told you they were feeling worthless? Sorrow is a big concern at this time of year. As many people struggle through the loss of family or friends for the first holiday season--or perhaps more--there will always be a sense of sadness. It can frequently feel overwhelming to many who do not always have the right sources to share their grief. Your requirement is to spread your love and compassion to them so that they do not feel absorbed in loneliness. Your words and a simple hug can change a life!

In fact, you can change many lives if you choose to. The average person does not realize how important they can be. Most tend not to understand that their shear presence can be enough to alter someone else’s path. You can help to reshape their lives, as well as your life, by focusing on your dreams. While you may have to walk many miles to chase down the dream of your choice, if you stay focused on it the results will be worthwhile. You can be a dream-maker for others too. This is why we need you to be aware of seasonal emotions. They should not be what prevents anyone from charging towards a path of pure love and happiness. Let your ability to help raise someone’s spirits be one of the gifts you give to someone. Let it be a gift to yourself too!

While the year may be winding down to an end, your efforts to secure more achievements should not. One of the marvels of this universe is that it gives all living beings a chance to hit the restart button any time they choose to do so. The Creation was developed to be very forgiving. Do you live that way too? Do you forgive the mistakes of others, or do you hold onto them as some sort of anguishing tool against them? By enabling forgiveness to come from your heart and soul, you set the tone for a life of compassion and skillful access to your goals. Be a leader in this area and show all concerned that you are and will always be someone who acknowledges the emotions and feelings of others. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Don’t forget to check out our website at:, for personalized autographed books, the Escaping Boundaries meditation CD, inspirational magnets, coffee mugs and more. We have gift certificates available for Christmas and Holiday gifts.

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 15, 2011

Never be in doubt or your potential. Often, people find themselves held back by too many created fears of the unknown. It is within these restrictions that the human populace tends to renege on moving their path forward. Instead, imagine what it must be like to be fearless in all of your endeavors! Even if you fail, it would only be seen as a mild inconvenience to your reemphasized steps towards the rewards you are seeking. Basically, for those who have deep trust in their Inner Voice, failure is non existent.

If all humans were able to invoke that type of thought pattern into their daily routine, the earth would be a less formidable place to live on. Joy would replace anxiety; happiness would replace depression. In each phase, your journey will be won. You will be victorious in all of your endeavors, primarily because you are trusting the age-old wisdom of your soul. Since that energy is a piece of God, then you are an omnipotent force of completion and power. Nothing can get in your way of achieving your goals except for the thoughts you project. How nice it would be for all people to awaken with the thought that their day was going to be one of shear pleasure, in every sense of the word.

A reminder is always needed to enable you to forge a path of many blessings for yourself. If you take a step back in your approach, you can restart your journey any second of any day; all depending on your mindset. All people should be giddy that they have that much power. To walk away from it; to deny it, or to dismiss it is the best way to stay stuck where you do not want to be. You should never let fear--conscious and subconscious--be the cause that refrains you from your God-given, anointed life of happiness. Seek what you desire by expanding your concepts of what you are able to do. Allow your potential for the future not to be limited by your thoughts of where you are presently. Diminishment of your capacity to be the awe-inspiring being that you are does nobody any good. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Don’t forget to check out our website at:, for personalized autographed books, the Escaping Boundaries meditation CD, inspirational magnets, coffee mugs and more. We have gift certificates available for Christmas and Holiday gifts.

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 14, 2011

What are your choices when something goes wrong in your life? How do you react if someone causes you harm, either emotionally or physically? We ask these two basic questions for a reason. If you tend to be impulsive, then your friends in spirit suggest to you that you take a few seconds to respond. This will enable you to think about the reactions to your reaction. In other words, it gives you time to answer the problem without infusing more agitation into the situation. We find that many issues are more easily disposed of when both parties do not stoop to levels of immaturity and irrational thinking.

There will always be times in your life when the pressures of the season may get to be too tense for some. That causes reactive attitudes that can often inflame a situation that would die out in a hurry. Provided you are not in immediate harm, it is always going to be helpful if you digest what is occurring and reply in the appropriate ways of spiritual principles. It does you no good to go toe to toe with someone who is not abiding by the virtues of “do no harm.” Teach them; not by showing them up, but by showing them you are above their outrage.

The holiday season should represent a time of compassion, generosity and love. Yet it is during this same timeframe that we frequently see people snap at one another. They push and shove their way to try to get a basic toy, or perhaps just to beat someone out one spot in a line to pay for their purchases. Try to change that pattern of selfishness by holding a door open, or simply greeting someone with a smile. If all people tipped the scales towards the side of selflessness, then there would be no sniping or nastiness. Be the amazing soul that you are and show the world how to live according to all the gracious “laws” that make you life a fascinating and fun thing to have. It will always be better to be tempered in your remarks so that nothing can be misinterpreted. All we ask is that you do your best and do not get bogged down in picayune actions. Lovingly, these are the thoughts from The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Don’t forget to check out our website at:, for personalized autographed books, the Escaping Boundaries meditation CD, inspirational magnets, coffee mugs and more. We have gift certificates available for Christmas and Holiday gifts.

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 13, 2011

Some people want to conquer the world, while others are perfectly content blending into the background. From a spiritual perspective, the truth of living under the precepts of what is best for all people is to find the harmony within both of those perspectives. While it is good to be a leader--and many of you are--it is not always good to be so ingrained in making everyone around you feel that you are the perfect choice that you forget that the people you are looking to lead are just like you. Being a true leader means that you enable everyone to feel like they are in the vanguard of opportunities that this world holds for all of its citizens.

Conversely, it is never a good idea to check your power at the proverbial door. Why would you want to allow your rights and happiness to be controlled and manipulated by others? You were born to be special! You were born to be successful in as many phases of your life as you choose to be. That means that you do not have to delineate from a life that has you absorbing the better graces of what it can hold. You should always give yourself a chance to pursue your endeavors with the ideals that you can be in the forefront of the road to reach them. Otherwise, you are having your personal happiness be dependent on the whims of others. Embrace your inner power!

Perhaps it is best to say that your guides and teachers in spirit want only for all people to be living knowing they are more powerful than they may have been led to believe. Some of you may be wondering why that was stated. It is because, far too often, people are brought up in households or surroundings that engender failure or the fear of success, rather than the opposite. Anyone who is truly on a peaceful, spiritual path will know that their world was created to give them infinite resources. It was not designed for mediocrity, however, many people seem to settle for that as being their idea of triumph when compared to what they were taught.

This is a new dawn; a day in which you can attribute your direction to the ways, means and confidence of your thoughts. Begin each one by understanding that all people are better served when encouraging and teaching each other how to improve their journey, while diminishing the useless mentoring that has you thinking you are incapable of achievements. Take control of yourself by appointing your Inner Child as the leader who knows how to rise above all facets of failure. All that is ever wanted for you is for you to be adorned with love and blessings that go deep into your souls. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Don’t forget to check out our website at:, for personalized autographed books, the Escaping Boundaries meditation CD, inspirational magnets, coffee mugs and more. We have gift certificates available for Christmas and Holiday gifts.

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 12, 2011

Do you have your life designed to be lived with gusto? This might seem like an easy question, yet we see many people who will struggle to answer it. The majority of society forget that they should be approaching their lives with as much invigoration as possible. Instead, it appears that they push through their journey, merely trying to survive it. Spirit always tries to get each one of you to do better than that. We want you to thrive!

If you cannot honor yourself enough to live revitalized in every action, then what you are doing is only trying to slide by. You have been given the blessing of self-motivation. It should be used to lean on and to learn from. Regardless of your circumstances, your ability to tap into something that ignites some form of passion within you will always be available. The only thing that prevents it is your personal attitude. Your thoughts will dictate the effort needed or made for all aspects of your life. Only you can diminish or expand your potential. Tap into your strength and empower yourself!

Look at all the greatness that surrounds you. Sometimes, the easiest way to feel motivated is by looking at and honoring the beautiful offerings from the universe. It could come in the form of a precious newborn, or perhaps from the antics of a playful pet. It may appear from someone who makes a seemingly miraculous recovery from an illness; a winning lottery or raffle ticket, an unexpected visit from someone you haven’t seen. There are numerous possibilities that should help to fire up a passion for life. Living it with the expectation of success and love will have you doing things that “gusto” are related to. May each of you be blessed with a path of miracles. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Don’t forget to check out our website at:, for personalized autographed books, the Escaping Boundaries meditation CD, inspirational magnets, coffee mugs and more. We have gift certificates available for Christmas and Holiday gifts.

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 10, 2011

You cannot allow someone else to define the essence of your persona. Regardless of their circumstances, all individuals have a right to be unique. The variation of personalities is what binds the world into a place of interest. If not for different viewpoints, imagine how bland the earth would be. No one should feel as though they need to follow a cookie cutter approach to living, but they should at least follow the keys to a successful, and perhaps simplistic life. Your existence will always be easier when you are engulfed in the pathway of spiritual philosophies.

Will you benefit from abiding by these tenets? Of course! There can be no sense of failure when you are fully immersed and thrust into living joyously. When your thoughts override your pain--no matter what may be causing them--and continue to be positive in their demeanor, then your life will still grow in a better direction. When you turn inward to connect with your Higher Self, a shift to help you will almost always occur. Blessings come more quickly and consistently when you include conscious thoughts that abide by values which align with the Golden Rule. In addition, anytime you behave in accordance with concepts that enhance others, while also improving yourself, the universe has a way of expanding your happiness.

In the end, all people have the right to believe in the Creator and themselves in what works best for them. This is why you will have differing opinions throughout your household, neighborhood, States, or countries. It enables everyone to have a comfortable way to experience their life, but that should not be done if these same beliefs are our to scorn or hurt anyone else. Energy is always in balance, therefore you need to make sure you uphold your optimistic efforts. Remember, the angels who guide you are the same ones who will chide you if they see you straying. While punishment is not part of the universal code of ethics, it does have some prominence as a reminder in the best way to share your life. With a gift of confidence, these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Don’t forget to check out our website at:, for personalized autographed books, the Escaping Boundaries meditation CD, inspirational magnets, coffee mugs and more. We have gift certificates available for Christmas and Holiday gifts.

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 9, 2011

One of the main tenets of success is to learn or educate yourself about as much as possible about the topic you are trying to conquer. Whether you want to excel in business, sports, relationships, spirituality or a myriad of other things, you need to find out as much as you can in order to be seen as a leader or the best at whatever it is. Why would you not want to put the effort into something you value? When you do, it serves only to enhance and bring the answers and results you desire.

What if your goal is wanting to increase your financial picture? To you, does that mean hard money only, or does your monetary situation improve if someone offers you new clothes, food, shelter, a vehicle or assorted other items? The bulk of society would zero in on the money and dismiss the rest. The “rest” is money. It has value. It will cost you if it was not given, thereby leaving you with less cash after you pay for it. In essence, you have passed on an opportunity to inflate your finances.

What we have tried to express to you is that there is value in everything. Let us turn that phrase inward. How much value do you place on yourself? Are you looking at your worth as an asset or a hindrance to the happiness you want for yourself? What about your value to other people? It is vital that everyone remembers that they are influencing someone else. Each person you meet in your life will have been given an impression of you, and it makes little difference if they remember it for a fleeting moment or a lifetime. Your words, attitude or simple gestures will have left an imprint. The key concern for them is if you left an impression to be one where they think you are making your best effort? If you are in deed sharing some form of education with them, then you must leave them knowing that in that moment you were at the top of your game. In other words, the only person who can dictate your level of expertise in love, manners, guidance, and encouragement is you.

Everyday is a new chance to make someone smile. Make sure that you are living in a way that has you looking in the mirror with self-respect and the thoughts that you did everything you could to improve on even the smallest of levels. Put aside the whining and complaining about what you do not have, and replace that with an air of appreciation for what things you have earned. The universe is always waiting to supply you, but you must stop assuming that you are being forsaken or ignored. By doing that, the “pathetic” angle of life resonates more clearly than the grace of success. Nobody wants you to feel that way. This is your day to turn it around; to turn your approach to one of consistent improvement. Read, talk, share and love the options available for you. They come with many blessings! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Don’t forget to check out our website at:, for personalized autographed books, the Escaping Boundaries meditation CD, inspirational magnets, coffee mugs and more. We have gift certificates available for Christmas and Holiday gifts.

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 8, 2011

Often, we speak of goals and achievements. What we really are trying to say is that all citizens of the earth should be setting the tone for their future. If you have nothing set in your mind as far as what you would like to experience, then you are simply existing through this incarnation. Your guardians want you to thrive, to excite and to feel motivated with all of the aspects that connect to happiness. It is with that mindset that you will excel and be a stranger to negativity.

Your life on this planet does not need to be as complex as many people make it. Simplicity is a great thing, provided you are leaving room for growth. While we share our encouragement for all humans to live in a place where contentment rules supreme, we are not blind to the struggles that some may go through. When you are touched by ignorance; by other people trying to disrupt your path, or even by basic mishaps, it is then up to you to shake it free. If you automatically dwell on it, you are creating an attitude of acceptance and not rejecting it. Keep in mind that your thoughts will ultimately create your reality. This is why Spirit is always trying to reinforce the need for you to keep thinking in concepts that elevate you.

While some people may think that the best time to set goals is at the end of the year, in order to embrace a New Year with gusto, we are here to tell you that this is untrue. Every time of the year is the right time to reset, restart and retrigger your actions toward embracing a better time and future for yourself. Be one of those who are going to teach others that it is alright to think in bigger and broader terms when it comes to being at peace with themselves. It is ideal for everyone to believe they are worth much more than their current situation. This holds true even for those who are doing well now. The universe is a supportive vehicle for all beings. This is why it is easier to evolve in positive ways than you may feel some days. With love, these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Don’t forget to check out our website at:, for personalized autographed books, the Escaping Boundaries meditation CD, inspirational magnets, coffee mugs and more. We have gift certificates available for Christmas and Holiday gifts.

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 7, 2011

When the calendar advances towards Christmas and other seasonal holidays, many children and adults will create a wish list of things they would like to have. Mostly, it is comprised of material items, which is not only normal, but necessary if you are going to begin building a mental goal of the “toys” you would like to have in your life. There is no harm in thinking of wealth on a variety of levels, because wealth ultimately can cause immense happiness for more than just one individual.

If we remove the material banner from the equation, it is fair to say that wanting good health, a peaceful existence, as well as a trusted union is a viable desire. This union would represent a romantic partner, but can also be relevant in the sense of friends and family who are seeking to make you a better individual. That is often done best by showing all people your humanitarian, patient side. To display anger and envy throughout the year will not get you your Christmas dream list. It would be far wiser to always err on the side of love, rather than to risk not getting what you want based on copious amounts of negativity that spirals from the lesser needed set of emotions of greed, anger, frustration, selfishness.

Imagine wanting something simple for Christmas such as inner harmony. This can be done by your own hand, as you have the ability to connect with your soul on a deeper level. If having a life that exudes confidence and wealth of all kinds is viable, then the material aspects of your desires will come through automatically. In essence, it allows you to have everyday feel special. While this is not meant to dismiss the camaraderie and affection that should take place on the holidays, it does afford a differing perspective of what, why and how you would like your Christmas list to function. It is always a good thing to be able to express yourself in ways that do change up the pattern around you. Otherwise, there is no significance to any special calendar day.

This year, why not put forth your requests as an early resolution? It will put you ahead of schedule in trying to attain great things. If a New Years expression of what you want is so easily done, perhaps you should be taking that attitude to visualize your enthusiasm for what you crave the week before. Most people want to be happy. It is one of the basic tenants of a physical journey. Basically, your wish list should be comprised of whatever sparks your imagination; whatever sparks your heart and soul! Expect that the angelic side of the divide will play the role of Santa; not only on Christmas, but each day of your path through your earthly life. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Don’t forget to check out our website at for personalized autographed books, the Escaping Boundaries meditation CD, inspirational magnets, coffee mugs and more. We have gift certificates available for Christmas and Holiday gifts.

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 6, 2011

What makes you tick? What is it that gives you the drive to move yourself forward, especially in the wake of hardships? There is an internal energy that allows all people to be motivated to accomplish great things--things that they may not have ever dreamed that they could do. Whether we are talking about excelling in school when you were told it would be too hard, or becoming a top-class athlete when you were told you were undersized or not strong enough to be any good, certain individuals summon an inner belief. This belief comes at odds with the “failure mentality” that may make you feel life is stacked against you.

Everything on the earth plain is interconnected with a power that is far greater than the mere mortal can see. There is no wall that disconnects you from your loved ones or guardians of Light. Why is it that you think some people have a knack for thriving in the face of adversity? It is because they are trusting that formidable Inner Voice that resonates from their soul! All people have the capability to quiet their mind to see that the inclusion of God and Spirit does not have to come with an armband so that others know how you feel. When your belief is real, it is also a personal connection. Your actions and success are enough of a billboard for others to comprehend that the life force that motivates you is something that is beyond your personal deficiencies. Motivation can be instilled in you from the confidence given to you by a source that cannot necessarily be seen. The depth of your trust in your own ability to prove the naysayer wrong is what determines your outcome.

In addition, when you strive to be the best at whatever it is you are participating in, the outcome will always be enhanced. Whether you are a butcher, teacher, student, author, nurse, mother and so forth, the unity of bonding your efforts with the Higher Power will have you excel in ways that are unimaginable. If you set your tone to be spectacular, then all that you do afterward is to attempt to fulfill it. The ironic thing is that you do not need to succeed in your first attempt, or even in your tenth. When you press forth with courage, the motivation seems to find its way to you. It is the perfect “catch twenty-two.” Courage, belief in yourself, and the incorporation of the power of prayer are all responsible for your gifts. Simply believe in that and you will begin to recognize noticeable improvements in all facets of your life. Be comfortable with these thoughts, as they come from The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Don’t forget to check out our website at for personalized autographed books, the Escaping Boundaries meditation CD, inspirational magnets, coffee mugs and more. We have gift certificates available for Christmas and Holiday gifts.

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 5, 2011

When someone is “going downhill,” what does it mean to you? Some people automatically jump to a negative conclusion that whoever it is that is heading in that direction is doing poorly. It is natural, human nature to do such a thing. Yet, why is it that if you hear someone is going downhill that you don’t assume that means that they reached their goals and are now coasting, much like a great skier who starts at the top of a mountain and swooshes down to the bottom? Like all of life, perspective is everything.

You must take some time not to have a knee-jerk reaction to any words that might sound negative, but are not necessarily so. Often, the people who struggle in life have a habit of assuming the worst in everything, until it is proved otherwise to them. It is a tough way to go through life because everything is more difficult. Assumptions almost always get in the way of reality, just as they cause the inability to make rational decisions in many cases. We are asking you to make sure you keep your thoughts away from the magnetic pull that “going negative” can create. It is far better to be positive on all counts.

We might point out that the same reactions take place when you might hear that there are mountains to climb. Why not expect that the mountains are bringing you to scenic beauty and the ability to see things from a higher, better perspective? Staying on flat ground--symbolically speaking--will never get your mind and imagination to reach the pinnacle of happiness you deserve. It is time for you to step beyond the boundaries of your habits and safe zone so that you can explore more and more about your life. This is what your loved ones want as they watch you from the side of love and Light. Embrace the power of your future success by not expecting that any vague set of words or someone’s unexpected actions are going to be something foreboding. Embrace the love that shines upon you from the powers of heaven! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Don’t forget to check out our website for personalized autographed books, the Escaping Boundaries meditation CD, inspirational magnets, coffee mugs and more. We have gift certificates available for Christmas and Holiday gifts.

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Will be in NYC at the Meta Center with Steve Maraboli tonight.  Unfortunately, that means no time to do the blog.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 2, 2011

You are able to be a confidence builder for others, regardless of what you may be going through on a personal level. Words of encouragement are great boosters to anyone who needs to be uplifted for any reason. It makes no difference what your own mood is, nor if you have any confidence when it comes down to your view of who you are. Words will create whatever intentions are attached to them; good or bad.

When the average human forgets that once their verbiage has been released from their brain and rolls off their tongue, they have stated something that has influence. While there may be clear times when something is said in jest, most of the time your words will be taken to heart. They are also taken into the subconscious, which is responsible for generating the magnets that are seeking the appropriate responses to those precise beliefs. If you are given that knowledge, is there ever going to be a reason you would shy away from absorbing and sharing only the aspects of life that are praise-worthy? Are you going to hide from empowering ideas, or will you embrace them with the same zest and tenderness of newfound love?

Obviously, Spirit wants you to blaze a path of triumph and winning attitudes for all people. However, if you forget that you are one of those people, then you are only doing yourself a complete disservice. Let your minds be the engine that drives the rocket to success and abundance; to be the force that powers the world toward the beacon of light that can remedy any and all maladies. The Creator gave you a tool that requires no electrical current to make it work. He gave you infinite intelligence, spurred on by the words you feed into your heart, mind, soul and center of all things that are good. Use your mind to create love, faith, hope, charity, gratitude and sincere compassion. Your angels await these signals to impart their incredible energy to lift up all people! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
December 2nd, Jim will be in NYC at the Meta Center with Steve Maraboli, acclaimed inspirational and motivational speaker. Steve is also a best-selling author and will expand your thoughts about what you can accomplish. This will be another fun, interactive, spirit-driven evening. For tickets and info, please go to A FREE raffle for prizes will be held at the end of the show that will include a FREE private reading with Jim at a later date.

The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 1, 2011

Doing the impossible is always possible when you allow yourself the power of NOT thinking in negative outcomes. While there needs to be a realistic approach to everything that you can do, there also needs to be a an avenue that has you including the need for failure every so often. Without experiencing it at some point, the combustion of cravings and a desire to improve would not be available.

Each person is their own best teacher, as well as their own worst enemy. The way you handle yourself becomes the root cause and creation of the footprints you leave behind. As long as you do not give up at the first sign of failure, then your life will be successful. The human beings who go into an automatic retreat or withdrawal are the same people who end up complaining about life being unfair to them. They verbalize and reinforce a path of disempowerment. It is the opposite approach to the correct way of handling things. The manner in which you should be thinking and behaving is to accept that you have to find a new and improved path to help better the outcome that you want. You have the right to receive all good aspects and gifts, provided of course that they have positive intentions and are not meant to harm someone else.

One of the simplest ways to improve your outcome to various goals is to be blind to failure. While this may sound too simplistic, our concept is that if you eradicate the thought of non-success, then the only room available is for success to flow to you. It is paramount for you to begin laying the foundation and building blocks to a life that flows with great things. Do so by meditating and precisely creating the positive, self-talk mantras that extol your abilities and right to be happy. This will automatically set the tone for the universe and even yourself to move in the direction necessary to reap the rewards that you want. Love yourself enough to do that. The Spoken Words of Spirit.
December 2nd, Jim will be in NYC at the Meta Center with Steve Maraboli, acclaimed inspirational and motivational speaker. Steve is also a best-selling author and will expand your thoughts about what you can accomplish. This will be another fun, interactive, spirit-driven evening. For tickets and info, please go to A FREE raffle for prizes will be held at the end of the show that will include a FREE private reading with Jim at a later date.

The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.