One of the reasons we bring this topic to you is simply because your physical lives are too short to ignore personal contact with each other. In some cases, the lives of loved ones can be taken away unexpectedly. No amount of electronics can replace what that person meant to you. It is important to spread the word of love when given the chance; not to feud about things that are relatively unimportant in the overall picture of life. Money and material things can be replaced and lived without. The human body--the loving soul--is not easily substituted. How many of you hold grudges over innocuous things? How many of you carry on spats that stem from misunderstandings about the way something written may have come across when the person delivering the words had a completely different thought? How many of you discontinue loving relationships because you refuse to bend or compromise about an issue that is perceived by others as silly?
Use your heart and the gift of love to share it at any and all times possible. To wait is wrong. To procrastinate is wrong. To mend hearts is right. We wish that those on the physical platform of existence could realize how much wasted energy is spent on being angry with each other. Disagreements are always going to happen, simply because there is an equal balance of everything at work. Harboring vengeance and retributive thoughts only diminishes your own success. Give away your anger and refill that space with the love of angels. It is far better to do that then it is to create a negative blithe in your life. Be a healer! Be a forgiver, but do so without allowing yourself to be disempowered. Yes, there is a fine balance between letting go of the negatives and not leaving yourself open to receive more of them. When in doubt, turn to the principles of living in the basic levels of spirituality. It is alright to protect yourselves, but do so with an open heart and mind. You are loved by many angels. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our next event is planned for October 22nd at the Hilton in Riverhead. Tickets are now available on the website. We have more things in the works!
We have coffee mugs! Check out our site to see them.
Escaping Boundaries, the subliminal relaxation, healing and empowerment meditation CD that I created with Jessie Haynes, a spiritually gifted singer/songwriter, is available online through I-Tunes, Napster, etc. Please check out the website at www.EscapingBoundaries.com. Also, don’t forget our popular LG tee shirts. We have sizes from small to 3X that can be purchased in my office or on my website.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Spoken-Words-of-Spirit/121058579500?ref=mf. A different inspirational quote can be found there.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com
They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:
Use your heart and the gift of love to share it at any and all times possible. To wait is wrong. To procrastinate is wrong. To mend hearts is right. We wish that those on the physical platform of existence could realize how much wasted energy is spent on being angry with each other.
Give away your anger and refill that space with the love of angels.
Oh, how right these words are.
Thanks, MY Angel, Jim :-)**
God Bless
This blog reminds me of the few deep conversations I had with my mom before she died. About a month prior to her passing she told me... "I want you to understand that surrounding yourself with nice things can make you happy for the moment but I can assure you that now as I am nearing the end of my life the only thing that is comforting me is surrounding myself with the people I love. Nothing else matters." Always good to be reminded of what is truly important in life. Thank you Jim and Spirit for doing just that...OX
Thank you to both of you. Liz, thanks for sharing your conversation with Mom.
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