Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 30, 2011

Marking your territory is not a bad idea, provided you understand that to separate yourself from the world will leave you with more questions than answers. All people deserve to have some private space. It gives you time to reflect; to meditate on what is truly important. Communing with your Higher Self can be the most efficient way to release tension and anger that may be building up out of the ignorant actions of others around you.

No one can invade the sanctuary that is your connection to God and Spirit! There will always be room for you to grow, as the walls built by you are the same walls that can be removed and reconstructed to have fewer restrictions. You were born blessed and without limitations to your happiness!  Why then, would you be afraid to move the boundaries that pen you in? At any moment in your life, you have the ability to embrace greatness by sheer determination. What walls will you knock down so that you can build a life that has infinite possibilities?

What walls will you knock down in order to help other people? Will you leave the needy stranded; the helpless wallowing in sadness? The physical journey can be daunting to many people, yet when the compassion, love and encouragement of good souls come together, anything is possible. This is your time to take a step forward and ingrain the world with those values. Squash the emotions and traits of anger, greed, egotistical actions and selfishness of all kinds. The Creation was born to nourish all people; not just a select few. It was not designed for people whose careers elevated their stature to abuse their position. This planet was created for all humans to live, love and lead a life in a secure way. It was not developed so that one person could take advantage of another, but so that all people could equally partake in a universe that is endlessly abundant.

May each of you remember to walk the streets of your life by being able to go stepping beyond the boundaries that hold you back. You are allowed to enjoy the power within you; the soul that cries out with passion and respect for all people. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
You can hear my conversation on Scorpion Equinox with host, Dawn O’Creene, at:

The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.


Mary said...

No one can invade the sanctuary that is your connection to God and Spirit!

Beautiful !!!

You were born blessed and without limitations to your happiness! Why then, would you be afraid to move the boundaries that pen you in?

That is a thought provoking question........................

What walls will you knock down in order to help other people?

You are allowed to enjoy the power within you; the soul that cries out with passion and respect for all people.

This is a mind expanding message.

Thank you always Jim, for taking your time to help us all.

You truly are our Earth Angel
God bless

Unknown said...

There was a lot in this one, Mary. Thank you.

Diane said...

"Marking your territory is not a bad idea..." Did you tell that to my cat, Gucci? because that is exactly what the little darling has been doing!!!

"The Creation was born to nourish all people; not just a select few. It was not designed for people whose careers elevated their stature to abuse their position." What is that saying? from your mouth to God's ear? :) This is definitely meant for the ears of the judicial system!

Thank you Jim, as always....a truly beautiful message...xoxo