Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 9, 2011

There are numerous benefits to stepping beyond the boundaries of your self-imposed walls. While many of the parameters may have originally been set by people who had your best intentions at heart, often they end up creating a level of fear of branching out. What would you do if you saw someone in desperate need of help? Ignore them? Would you play “blind man” and pretend that you were not seeing what is in front of you?

While Spirit knows that you, as a physical being, cannot help everyone who you think needs some of your effort, we also know that you need to get your priorities in order. Being able to bring about a balance between doing good for someone, or ignoring a situation, is not as tricky as it might appear. You will know in your “gut” if you should be doing something. It is the “knowing” that comes from you own Inner Child and guardian angels. Why not be an earthly angel for as many as you can make a difference for, especially if all that is needed is some moral, emotional or ethical help?

Your established set of lessons may very well include how selfless you can be. We do not want anyone to feel overwhelmed by offering their time, love and assistance to others, but we do want them to offer it as often as possible, especially if they can improve someone’s situation or life. Taking a backseat approach to giving aid will only send a signal to the universe that you are unworthy of being helped yourself. Think about that! If you were trapped or destitute, ailing or needed advice, wouldn’t your life be easier if someone came by to help fix that?

All we are trying to share is this message is that you must be proactive whenever you have the opportunity to do so. Part of the enrichment you can receive during your blessed time on this planet is to be fulfilled within, by being unafraid to lift your fellow man or woman up. The more time you spend talking, praying or physically taking action to help others, the more it is noted in the Akashic Records--the “book” that records every decision and action you make throughout your lifetime. Make a conscious decision to get involved to bring comfort to anyone who needs it; to help rid the world of evil acts that others can perpetrate. There does not need to be heroics done on a normal basis, but there does need effort to be given to all situations that call for fairness and improvements. Each one of you is an extension of a Higher Power. Use that knowledge to make a positive difference today! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
The Nook link for my book is:

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.


Mary said...

There are numerous benefits to stepping beyond the boundaries of your self-imposed walls.

You will know in your “gut” if you should be doing something. It is the “knowing” that comes from you own Inner Child and guardian angels.

Part of the enrichment you can receive during your blessed time on this planet is to be fulfilled within, by being unafraid to lift your fellow man or woman up.

Each one of you is an extension of a Higher Power. Use that knowledge to make a positive difference today!

This is such a positive, uplifting, enriching lesson for me to re- read a few times more.

Thank you always, for being my friend also,
Jim Our Angel. :-)**
God Bless

Unknown said...

Hi Mary,

Thank you, as always!