Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--July 26, 2012

The benefits of a physical existence is that you are in control of many options to change it any time you want to. While a vast majority like to adhere to a conformist life that varies very little, you will notice others who love to explore any notion that dances through their mind. This type of thinking actually allows them to employ many ways to be versatile in their efforts to enjoy life. It is something that more people in society should be doing. It is what drives you to learning many lessons in life, both on an earthly and soul level.

Perhaps what we are sharing with you is nothing more than the fact that you have the option to make informative decisions and changes in practically everything you do. While most lives are preordained with certain soul lessons, as a physical being, you always have the ability to bend or reshape your journey. This should make you feel empowered by normal standards and beliefs. It is YOU who gets to steer the rudder through the seas of your choice. It is you who gets to dictate whether or not you want to stay in rough waters or calm seas.

A life of tranquility, filled with joyous beginnings, middles and ends is what your guardians want for you. It is the same thing you should want. This is why our suggestion is that you evaluate what it is that you truly want in order to be happy. Think about your relationships, careers, homes, hobbies and all aspects of your physical, mental and emotional health. Are there aspects of any of it that you feel need an improvement? What about your personality? Are you pleased with the care and support you give to others? Is your level of generosity up to par, or do you excel in that area more than most? If not, do you want to? Is the level of love you feel, give and are given by others substantial enough to where you never second-guess it?

As long as you are satisfied with all of your introspective responses, then you are moving along fine. If not, you must be fearless in making adjustments. Do so knowing that you are wrapped in the loving wings of angels and a universe that wants nothing but your happiness to surface over and over. Move forward with the knowledge that you are an extraordinary part of what makes the world a better place. With encouragement, these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our next event will be on August 21st at the Three Village Inn in Stony Brook, NY for a dinner buffet. Join renowned medium/psychic and author Jim Fargiano for an interactive evening of Spirit communication. He will gladly field your questions regarding our connection to the other side. For tickets and information, go to:

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other nutrition, natural and healthy products, the direct link is: It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.


Mary said...

As long as you are satisfied with all of your introspective responses, then you are moving along fine. If not, you must be fearless in making adjustments. Do so knowing that you are wrapped in the loving wings of angels and a universe that wants nothing but your happiness to surface over and over.

I am satisfied with my life as it is right now.

Thank you, and God bless you always, Jim Our Angel :-)**

Unknown said...

Always good to be happy, Mary. Have a great weekend!