Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 13, 2012

Let us start coming together as a cohesive spiritual unit, from one end of the country to the other, then from one country to another. It is time to trumpet all good and blessed people; those who understand the true beliefs in Godly principles, into one mass union of love in a collective sum of commonsense. Let us roll back deceit, anger and violence. Let us push back poverty, racism and intolerance towards our religious differences and remember that we are all children of one God and fall under one blanket in which we need to share, protect and value as though it were our individual home.

We are seeing too many people breaking free of the tenets of the principles of basic and pure loving intentions, such as the Ten Commandments and other positively intended “rules” that should enhance each others lives. No longer can this wait! It is time for all people to awaken and see that evil comes in many shades of skin and can live from the leaders in your country to leaders in other nations. It is spreading from one misguided group to another; from one hotbed of hate page to more and more.

It is time for the meek to gather their voices and speak out as one corps of serenity. Those who feel overwhelmed and are frustrated by the negative dynamics that are overshadowing many parts of everyday life should not lose hope. Instead, they should be syncing their prayers with others to rollback the actions of ill-minded humans. When you can make a difference to improve something, do so! No matter whether you think you are just making a small contribution or large one, you are combining your act with others who will help bring about a huge shift in positive consciousness.

Over the next couple of months, you will have a chance to make major changes in how your life is going to be effected for the long-term. The status quo is no longer any good. It is time to resonate higher spiritually and bring back the Creator into your actions and openly into the “marketplace.” To hide or dismiss God will only further encourage more hostility and misguided folks into thinking they are the ones who know best. Suffering, poverty, violence and unrest will bubble up even more and take longer to recoup in the future. While we are not trying to scare anyone, we are sounding the alarm for success. Pray, pray, pray! Steep yourself in meditation and loving acts. Follow the guidance of purely driven leaders who are unabashed in their love for a Higher Source of life and you will be part of the solution. Let us begin to heal the earth! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Seats are filling up! In less than a week we will be at the Blue Restaurant and Lounge in Blue Point, NY for our next dinner event! Join us September 18th for a delicious buffet and an evening with Jim Fargiano, renowned psychic/medium and author, as he shares his ability to communicate with those on the other side. Like all of Jim’s events, expect this to be an interactive evening with guests, where he will answer as many questions as possible in the time allowed. There will be a raffle and a chance for everyone to win a free private reading with Jim and other great prizes at the end of the evening. For tickets and information, go to:

Our new merchandise website is open! At, you will find items that have a spiritual connection, plus health and wellness products. We are expanding and adding new things all the time and will be happy to take suggestions.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor. To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other nutrition, natural and healthy products, the direct link is: It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.


Mary said...

It is time to trumpet all good and blessed people; those who understand the true beliefs in Godly principles, into one mass union of love in a collective sum of commonsense.

Remember that we are all children of one God and fall under one blanket in which we need to share, protect and value as though it were our individual home.

It is time for the meek to gather their voices and speak out as one corps of serenity.

No matter whether you think you are just making a small contribution or large one, you are combining your act with others who will help bring about a huge shift in positive consciousness.

A really awesome message.

God Bless you Jim Our Angel :-)**

Unknown said...

This was a pretty powerful statement from Spirit, Mary. Thank you, as always.