Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 24, 2012

The world needs people who can infuse it with positive energy, hope and inspiration.  While too many areas are under siege with violence; mostly born out of disrespect and intolerance for their fellow man, a good portion of the rest of the global community is in a state of economic panic.  Even children are being used as weapons or seen as disposable, with too many of them being abused by the very system that should be protecting them.  There has been a breakdown in responsible leadership worldwide.  Sometimes it is the fault of the individual, but other times simply due to the fact that there is no cooperation from enough people abiding by the precepts that would make Spirit proud.

Regardless of who is to blame, you have the power to begin invoking proper change.  As we are all spiritual beings on both sides of the divide, there is no excuse for non-action.  If you are capable of speaking, then use your voice to point out the errors of the ways that this world has been leaching towards.  If you are not strong enough to spearhead some sort of challenge to wrongful behavior yourself, your words are powerful and when persistent and linked with others they can begin to deny those who think they can lead the world into chaos.

Aside from taking action in direct, physical ways, the most potent thing to do is to pray.  Doing this alone is always good, but organizing prayer circles or even forming a specific time to have everyone take a few minutes to raise the vibration of the planet by uniting their prayers at the same time is great.  Take advantage of the birth of social media to do this.  While too many times it is used to smear others without thinking of those ramifications, why not use it to ask others to join in with you to help eradicate evil acts and the violence, thievery and hardships perpetrated by the greedy and selfish types? 

You can make a difference! Do not ever lose hope or feel as though you are as though things are too far gone.  The power of your actions, when melded with high-minded and other tolerant, loving light-workers will begin the process of taking back Creation to where it was intended to be.  Your angels see you as one of them.  Be at peace with this thought and confer with the holy side of life at all times.  These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our new merchandise website is open!  At, you will find items that have a spiritual connection, plus health and wellness products.  We are expanding and adding new things all the time and will be happy to take suggestions.

We are happy to announce that we are a Young Living essential oil distributor.  To find out more about these healing oils, plus many other nutrition, natural and healthy products, the direct link is:  It’s time for everyone to get relaxed, healthy and wealthy.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!  

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me  on FaceBook.  The link for the fan page is:  A different inspirational quote can be found there. 


Mary said...

The power of your actions, when melded with high-minded and other tolerant, loving light-workers will begin the process of taking back Creation to where it was intended to be. Your angels see you as one of them. Be at peace with this thought and confer with the holy side of life at all times.

Thought provoking message.

Thank you & God bless you always, Jim Our Angel:-)**

Unknown said...

Thank you, my friend.