Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Spoken Words of Spirit--August 23, 2008

Let us focus on infinite energies. There is a balance--a perfect balance--between positive and negative in this universe. In spirit, we find that although people want to be positive, the slower, less useful negative energy is where many people lean. In the past, we have spoken of the fact that negativity travels at a slower, lower vibration. This is also why it becomes easier to attach to it.

Your job today is to recognize that with minimal effort and mental awareness, being locked in on a positive vibration will bring the rewards you need. This is regardless of whether or not you are looking for financial, health, or a myriad of other improvements. Spirit wants you to challenge yourself to realize all the useless, negative self-chatter that runs through your minds all day long. Understand that the "I can't do" and "It won't happen the way I want" mentality will always reward you with just what you don't want. We see all of you as a positive force in the world. Do you see yourself that way?

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