Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--March 4, 2009

Let us lift your spirit. For the majority of people, that statement simply means that we want you to feel happier. It is one of the times when language translations actually align perfectly with Spirit’s actual meaning. We do want you to be happy. It is those of you who understand the God to soul connection that can understand this on a deeper level. Our goal from the side of the energy divide that contains all those in spirit is to find ways to de-stress you. If you are dancing around changes that are not appreciated by others, try not to internalize as though you have failed. In the eyes of God and Spirit, you cannot fail.

We will honor you even if you choose to back away from doing the right thing for someone else, as long as they are going to insist that being ignorant and ungrateful is the way for them to deal with it. Your mental well-being is just as important as anything. Spirit cannot expect you to continue on the right path if your physical life takes such a toll on you that you feel distraught and depressed. This is a message to alert you to the fact that valor will sometimes be born from the realization that you need to be happy if you are to continue processing life in the highest levels of your own spiritual road. Never let yourself be manipulated repeatedly by those who are unaware of what is best for their own good. This might sound like a contradictory message from things we’ve given to you in the past, but it really is not. God and Spirit must acknowledge what is most beneficial; your path to personal growth and betterment.

What good is it if you are doing nothing but struggling and fighting to live life more happily? What good does it do if you are so aggravated that you want to give up on yourself? Your balance to achieve your highest level of spirituality will always be our desire. At times, it requires us—Spirit and yourselves—to take a step back from the ruckus that other people can cause. Be blessed! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Okay, now I know Spirit is speaking directly to me!! My frustration level with my situation reached an all time high yesterday. The last incident for me was "the proverbial straw that broke the camels'back." I tried so hard, I really did. But I have to let go for my own health and sanity.

I have learned some valuable lessons and I know I will continue to learn more. I know I can't help someone who does not know they need it. I am glad Spirit wants me to be happy because I do too!

I was afraid if I stopped I would have failed someone I love dearly. I know now if I continue I will fail me.

This is really tough, but I know I can let go.

Thank you Jim. You are my angel.