Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--November 2, 2009

You will find yourself bouncing up and down in thoughts at times. There is no reason you should feel out of control. As though your mind were bobbing in the water, part of a physical existence is to learn to cope with it. Your lessons are many, varied and some are deep. Spirit will not let you drown in the wake of your anxiousness. In a sense, we are the lifeguards on the beach of the life that your soul has chosen to live in. We want you to bask in the sunlight so you can feel its warmth; much like we want you to bask in the love and warmth of angels.

This is a good time for you to review specifically what is important to you. Is it wealth, and if so, what specific plans do you have for it? Is it romantic love? What about good health and mental well-being? Do you want your own home, car or boat? What if being on a totally committed spiritual path was all it would take to make you happy? Any of these questions could be answered with multiple responses. None would be wrong, unless you choose not to want them to improve. Likewise, if you only want to feed them the wrong “food“, then you have made a choice that is countering what is desired for you from the Highest Powers.

Perhaps what we are saying to you is that all we want is for you to ride the waves of happiness. We would love it if you never had to deal with any negative problem, or emotional voids. Reality says that without them, there would be no sense of what it would be like to feel completely appreciative of the good things in life. The adage, “It is better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all” is a powerful statement. It also points you towards the happier memories and in a not so gentle way to redirect your depressive ideas. No matter how many of you feel abandoned; none are. Spirit is your compass through the perils of life. The more you embrace the concepts of Spiritual Principles, the more you will be able to feel the infusion of optimism and love that awaits and surrounds you.

Basically, you have the controls to move your life to where it will be most beneficial. If you opt not to, then you should not be complaining. If you give up trying to control others and only visualize what is best for you, then the results you want will come in more quickly. Often, they show up in unexpected ways. You cannot, nor will you ever have a complete view of what the world has in store for your future. Sure, you can come close, but the veritable fact is that only the King of Angels knows all. He will help you to unwind your path to become straight and accepting of your optimal potential. All of it is helped when you reach out to others who may be more knowledgeable in the ways of Spirit. You should also give of yourself if you are the one who has more information on a particular subject. Again, it is a balance of love and energy that flows your momentum ahead. Godspeed to all of you as you absorb The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:


Jim said...

"We would love it if you never had to deal with any negative problem, or emotional voids. Reality says that without them, there would be no sense of what it would be like to feel completely appreciative of the good things in life."
It is the physical losses that sometimes place us in harmony with the love that has graced our lives.

Diane said...

"Spirit is your compass through the perils of life." I have prayed to God feverishly when things have gone so awry that I didn't know what else to do other than pray, and He always saw me through it. Spirit never allowed me to drown, even when I felt like I was! I know how protected I have been, and I trust that I will always be. Thank you for this message Jim.

I agree with you Jim...losing a loved one allows us to see how truly graced we are with that person's love while they are here on earth. The old adage Spirit quotes says it best...“It is better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all”

Unknown said...

Jim and Diane, both of you are living special paths and lives, most probably the way you did not expect. Keep up the great approach.