Friday, April 20, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--April 21, 2012

What a great time to do something for the environment! While the weather varies widely, depending where on the globe you are reading this, the message is still relevant. People will complain about how the world is changing, yet from a percentage standpoint, very few do anything to improve it. They grumble about filth and dwindling plants and trees. Sometimes they refer to the blight that seems to take over certain parts of neighborhoods. Take a little time when you are out and about to notice what might need to be cleaned up or refreshed.

You have options to do many things to help. Instead of thinking about how dirty something is, stop and pick up a few pieces of trash yourself. You can organize a volunteer crew to cover a wider area, which also makes it more fun for all involved. Camaraderie is built amongst likeminded people and even those who are doing nothing but driving by and viewing the work will feel better that someone cares enough to put the effort out to make a positive difference. You can also take some time to weed garden areas and spruce them up. Organizing groups to help the indigent who cannot afford to paint or maintain their property is another good way to raise the vibration and value of the surroundings you live in.

What helping the environment also does is to raise the vibration of your soul. There is never going to be a time when improving the earth, its citizens, or yourself is ever bad. You are collectively responsible for the physical part of the Creation. Simply stated, that means that the more people who pitch in to do things to keep it from becoming overly scarred or marred with a preponderance of pollution, then the healthier everyone will be. With a healthier soul and physical energy, you are more likely to continue surging ahead with your spiritual growth. As that happens, the angels and their King will find more and more ways to drape you with the gifts that you need and seek.

Think about how amazing you will feel to have made a marked difference for many people. What you do in your surroundings will actually impact areas far from you. As the energies of the efforts you created spiral outward, others will feel unexpectedly motivated to do similar acts. Consider yourself and angel on earth if you are able to spark your fellow humans into any action that is spirited and uplifting. May you always be drenched in blessings. The Spoken Words of Spirit.
On May 4th, Jim will be doing a fundraiser for the Nutritional Intervention for Veterans at the Huntington Hilton. This is a great cause and the funds will be used to help bring a variety of natural and nutritional healthcare to our veterans in need. For tickets and information, please go to or call NFIV at: 1-516-484-0776. You can also call Jim’s off at: 631-728-3377.

Check our website at: for autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit, inspirational magnets, mugs, Escaping boundaries and more!

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.


Mary said...

There is never going to be a time when improving the earth, its citizens, or yourself is ever bad.

With a healthier soul and physical energy, you are more likely to continue surging ahead with your spiritual growth. As that happens, the angels and their King will find more and more ways to drape you with the gifts that you need and seek.

I like this message.

" Consider yourself and angel on earth if you are able to spark your fellow humans into any action that is spirited and uplifting".
This is you, Jim Our Angel.

God Bless & have a wonderful week-end

Unknown said...

Well, thank you Mary. Hope your weekend is good too.