Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Spoken Words of Spirit--January 15, 2013

A big apology to my regular readers.  I simply had no time to channel Spirit's message today.  Hopefully, I will get to it at some point tomorrow.

In the meantime, there are limited seats available if you want to join us at the Blue Restaurant and Lounge in Blue Point, NY tonight.  There will be a full buffet, dessert, and more.  I will be sharing my insights about our connection with Spirit and giving as many personal messages as time allows.  A free chance will be given to everyone who attends to be entered into the raffle that will include a full private reading at a later date.If you pay online before 3:00pm, you will still get the lower, all inclusive price.

For all information and tickets, go to:  www.JimFargiano.com.  Thank You!

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