Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--November 12, 2009

Life is filled with enthusiasm. Sometimes it may seem to be masked by problems and disruptions, but it is still there waiting for you. Let your heart sing loudly when you feel as though you are being bombarded with negative events. Staying steadfast in the approach you take is what will determine your long-term path. There are many variations to the life and road you travel on. We assert that you should take the one that has the brightest Light. It will allow you to clearly see why you should still be enthusiastic about who you are.

Yesterday was a day filled with memories for millions of people. In the United States, it was a day to honor all of the veterans who have bravely fought for the right to make the world a safer place to be. Although we, in spirit, are never appreciative of violence, the mere suggestion that there would be no wars is errant in today‘s society. Sometimes, you have to stand up to those who have evil minds on earth. Without doing so, freedom and the right to pursue your path of happiness would be undermined by tyranny and a crushing of any hopes and dreams for a better tomorrow. These soldiers, as well as their support staff, put themselves in harms way so that freedom could ring loud and clear. This is where and why you should be thankful for your rights to agree, and even to some extent, to disagree.

Those of us in the land of Golden Light want nothing more than for each one of you to wake up each day feeling as though you have a new mission to look forward to. It is all about fighting for the freedom of your soul; fighting for our right to be infinitely protected and loved. Whether it is from the angels in heaven or the angels on earth, you must make yourself see the possibilities to greater things, not the distress that lingers from mistakes and the hurtful actions of others. We commend all of you who are on the right path; we encourage all who aren’t to find their way to it.

In a sense, we see you as angelic foot soldiers for Spirit. It is up to each individual to carry forth with the goal of optimal happiness in mind. Only you can determine what the future holds for your life, but also for all of mankind. Choose to be peaceful warriors in a time of strife, but also know that the core of your soul has to be willing to advance freedom--freedom of your soul and freedom in epic, global proportions by showing no fear or cowering to those who seek inequality. Sometimes, that happens under the guise of crusading for equal abundance and the right to have the same thing as the next person. You will lose your way and your gusto for life if that occurs. Allow your soul to dance to new heights, all the while understanding that it is your enthusiasm to stay committed to your soul and the Great Spirit that will enhance it. Share your love while you are being hugged and loved from infinite angels. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
The first small shipment of tee shirts are here. The LG LG LG on the front is paired with Let Go, Let God, Life's Good on the back. I hope to have them on my website early next week. More will be available in a couple of weeks, once I get a better idea on sizes.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:


Mary said...

Yes, we have to live enthusiastically and, have faith in God's goodness for us.. I have always let God guide me since I was a very small child. I have questioned a few things here and there .. through the years.. The many variations of the life I have traveled. this sentence says it all for me.
(In a sense, we see you as angelic foot soldiers for Spirit. It is up to each individual to carry forth with the goal of optimal happiness in mind )
I will allow my soul to dance to new heights, all the while understanding that it is my enthusiasm to stay committed to my soul and the Great Spirit that will enhance it.
Thank you and God bless you, Jim for these words of spirit :-)**

Unknown said...

Mary, I need to thank you for posting your comments. It makes me feel good that you take the time to do it.
