Blessings to all of you. My emphasis today will be on sharing that the truth shall set you free. In thinking this way, you will find that personal hardships will diminish quickly. When you deny yourself of the truth, as well as anyone you come in contact with, then just how is it that you think you deserve something better? There are basic tenets of spiritual living that must be abided by in order for you to feel fulfilled. Being completely honest is one of those aspects.
My physical incarnation was spent sharing the teachings of the highest of the Ascended Masters, that being Jesus. He spoke about and taught many, many ways to live life in the most virtuous of ways. None was more important then to deliver his lessons with passion and truth, regardless of how difficult the truth might be to hear for some people. The act of embracing His way of life will make the world a much more beautiful place to be.
Being truthful with yourself is equally important. It unlocks many subconscious blockages to a life of superlative quality. It must be understood that while you are in a physical body, and living a physical existence, it cannot be done without paying homage to the spirit within. In addition, you must balance the fact that life is lived in the physical sense more easily when you acknowledge that it is coupled with an aspect of divine consciousness. Your subconscious mind--a blank canvass that awaits information--can determine the intensity of love and realistic outcomes by what you program into it. Thus, when you distort the truth you are sending a signal that tells the universe to reward your subconsciously trained actions. In turn, you open yourself up to receiving the same vibe.
Spirit takes into consideration how difficult it is to fully live a life of veracity. The peace and power you want will come as you work to incorporate each step of spiritual prowess. We are never going to think less of you when you make a mistake. All children learn from making errors. Each of you are children of the Creator, thus making it alright to struggle with life here and there. As long as you correct your erroneous ways and genuinely make an effort to bring truth in all phases to the forefront of your life, then you will continue to be glorified by God and the angels of life. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
The next hotel event is now set for July 27th at the Hilton Huntington in Melville, NY. You can purchase your seat on my website. (Currently, there is a technical problem with the Paypal button, so please call--631-728-3377-- or e-mail me if you want to come. I will get back to you so we can work it out.) We will be raffling off a free private reading and a couple of other things.
We have new mugs! Check out the website to see them. They are selling quickly!
Escaping Boundaries, the subliminal relaxation, healing and empowerment meditation CD that I created with Jessie Haynes, a spiritually gifted singer/songwriter, is available online through I-Tunes, Napster, etc. Please check out the website at www.EscapingBoundaries.com. Also, don’t forget our popular LG tee shirts. We have sizes from small to 3X that can be purchased in my office or on my website.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com
They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:
As a faithful and avid reader of your daily blog, I knew that this message was familiar. Looking up my response from then, I see it is still pretty much the same:
"It means finally admitting that what you believed most of your life was wrong, or at the very least distorted, and then it makes you feel bad about you, even though you are not the problem. It hurts when we mistake someone else's lack as if it was our own."
Thanks Jim...I needed to see this again.
Being truthful with yourself is equally important. It unlocks many subconscious blockages to a life of superlative quality. It must be understood that while you are in a physical body, and living a physical existence, it cannot be done without paying homage to the spirit within.
The peace and power you want will come as you work to incorporate each step of spiritual prowess. We are never going to think less of you when you make a mistake. All children learn from making errors.
Beautiful for me to ponder upon.
Thank you My Daily Angel, Jim :-)**
God Bless
I just realized I should have posted the date and saved you some time, Diane. Thank you, as always to you and Mary.
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