Many of you were unsure of what we meant in the integrated words of our last message to you. The gist of what we want is for you to be the receiver of love, enlightenment and encouragement. This is best done when you realize that taking away the strength of other souls by trying to level the playing field for all people is dangerous. It is a practice that removes the desire to be successful. This especially holds true when you make other people feel that they do not have to work to elevate themselves and to remove themselves from situations that have put them in a place of need. Spirit knows there are legitimate times when you should be helping, but to think that the “Robinhood” approach is the best way for the world to be, you are wrong. This is something that Spirit is adamant about.
The Law of Attraction states that you get more of what you put out. Those who are mired in woes and focus only on there current state of being, are then telling the universe they want more. Likewise, if you are blessed with optimism and rewarded with many good things, then to stay in that frame of mind will only bring more of the same. Why then did we say that leveling the playing field is bad? Simply because when someone is always needy and expecting to be rescued by others, and those who are forced to give away what they have worked for and created, the same message is sent. That message is, “Why should I bother to improve?” It holds the less fortunate in a state of thinking that they deserve to be rescued, while making those who had succeeded to think that they are getting punished for doing the right thing. Subsequently, both ends of the spectrum stop trying. It creates a world of frustration and depression, thereby causing distrust and anger.
This philosophy goes directly against the power of the universe. We were given an opportunity to grow our souls to better and better places. It is about lessons of being able to triumph when you struggled, or to revel in your achievements, and to give thanks and praise for the opportunity to always expand on your potential. What vibration do you want to send to the world? Is it one where you are happy limiting yourself to non effort? Is it one where you become friendly with the harmonious vibration of showing your God that you are thankful and grateful for the ability to raise your goals more and more? These are vital questions for you to ask yourself about.
We want you to manifest greatness! You can actually do this with ease and comfort by removing indoctrination or ideological concepts given to you by the media or just growing through life. Begin to look at what we are saying in a way that is a special union between you, the physical being, with you the being of Light. Your fastest way to feeling a life filled with love and all the excitement of awaiting what might be coming for you is by unifying your behavior to align with all the positive principles of your angels. Each person is a co-creator of their destiny. While you may think you cannot make a difference in a global perspective, the real focus should be on knowing that you can change and align yourself with what is immediately in your control. Procrastinating what you want to improve on will only delay the happiness you seek.
You are co-creating with angels and people who want you to be lifted up. Staying in like-minded vibrations, that are genuinely positive, only causes you to have that perfect energy spiral out. Think about how exciting it would be to live in a world where all people wanted to live in harmony! What if they all knew that taking advantage of others, or shutting down the lessons of anyone they did not agree with was wrong? How joyful would the world be when each person lived their personal zone by knowing that there is a plethora of possibilities to expand their life? This is your time to go stepping beyond the boundaries of limitations. Move forward knowing that you are blessed by angels who are trying to help you create the perfect way for your future to unfold. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Saturday, May 22th from 4:00-5:00pm, I will be at The Open Book, 135 Main St, #1,Westhampton Beach, NY for a book signing and brief talk on Spirit’s connection to us. Stop by if you are in the area and say hello.
The next hotel event is now set for July 27th at the Hilton Huntington in Melville, NY. You can purchase your seat on my website. Thank you to all the early birds who already secured their ticket. We will be raffling off a couple of different things at this one.
We have new mugs! Check out the website to see them. They are selling quickly!
Escaping Boundaries, the subliminal relaxation, healing and empowerment meditation CD that I created with Jessie Haynes, a spiritually gifted singer/songwriter, is available online through I-Tunes, Napster, etc. Please check out the website at www.EscapingBoundaries.com. Also, don’t forget our popular LG tee shirts. We have sizes from small to 3X that can be purchased in my office or on my website.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com
They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:
Yes Jim, Spirit has certainly clarified the questions I had regarding the last blog. This blog reminds me of one of my favorite quotes, "We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what were are."
Many thanks to you and Spirit for giving us the guidance we need to keep our souls moving in the right direction. OX
Why then did we say that leveling the playing field is bad? Simply because when someone is always needy and expecting to be rescued by others, and those who are forced to give away what they have worked for and created, the same message is sent. That message is, “Why should I bother to improve?” It holds the less fortunate in a state of thinking that in a state of thinking that they deserve to be rescued, while making those who had succeeded to think that they are getting punished for doing the right thing. Subsequently, both ends of the spectrum stop trying
Very Interesting message, I do find it a little hard to understand the whole message.
Thank you Jim :-)** God Bless
This does clear up yesterday's message. Thanks Jim.
I have to tell you that the last two messages had me uncomfortable. The clarity was perfect for me, but I was worried that the message was going to sound too political--something I try very hard to stay away from. However, the "voices" needed to be heard because these last two messages encompass all aspects of life.
The easiest way I might fumble through this would be to say that Spirit does not want life, on any level, to be graded on a curve. Since they are showing me test scores, I'm running with it. If you have a classroom full of students who are all given the opportunity to take the same test, some will not score well, while others who prepared more will ace it. When scored on a curve, the highest grades get lowered and lowest scores get raised. It causes those who put minimal effort into the exam to think that now they don't have to work at all. Those who studied hardest think that if they are not going to be given their rightful score that they wouldn't put as much effort into the next test. Subsequently, you are left with a classroom full of people who put no effort out to learn any lesson. Mediocrity is the end result.
That said, God and Spirit do not want us to settle for mediocrity when the world is still ripe with opportunities for us to grow on many levels. That is why I think they said if you adhere to the "Robinhood" theory that there are no winners. All you end up with is people who were at the bottom of the test scores grumbling that the ones who were at the top aren't doing their share and vice versa. It causes frustration and anger. Life and soul lessons that should be worked on to improve yourselves take on a lethargic attitude and energy instead.
I'm still not sure if that explains it, but that's the best my tired brain can explain at the moment.
That is an excellent explanation and analogy. I believe that one of the biggest problems with all of the proposed and actual bailouts is that it encouraged the large corporations to do more of the same or just walk away scot free while the individuals that they hurt with all of their schemes lost so much and are still trying to recoup, with little or no help.
I still wonder if Spirit wants us to form some sort of group to fight the government and I have no idea where or how to begin.
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