Love conquers all. That is a simple statement, but life is meant to be lived in simple ways. You will find that when you start to overcomplicate your path that many issues become cluttered in your mind. In turn, this causes stress and unhappiness. The value of living in a state of love is such that you are better equipped to handle the problems that arise. Plus, it enables you to be much more patient and tolerant of other people and any wrongdoing that may take place. Your vibration rises to new levels and begins to match that which emanates from the angelic and Godly realm.
Our only caution about what we just expressed is that you do not allow yourselves to be a target for anger or abuse of any kind. Being in a loving state of mind must begin with the love you can have for yourself. The more you are able to do this, the more powerful you become. This is because your confidence elevates itself to points much higher than many others. You are able to see beyond the veil of their actions because your own insecurity is vastly diminished. If it creates an air that has you always turning the other cheek, it can be confused with a life of enabling and not a life of loving. You are always worth the time to be protected; especially from yourself.
Almost everyone has had a loved one pass into the Light. Their love does not die. The love you have for them will not disappear. Love always expands, both in Heaven and on earth. If you were to give it away as freely as your angels, guides and teachers do, then your life would feel as prominent and fulfilled as the greatest of them all. Each individual is a microcosm of the universal whole. It was created to be a place of determined love, with the awareness that some people would want to sabotage the right to unadulterated happiness. You can override them by living in the right manner. Essentially, you are being requested to carry yourself on your journey through this incarnation as an extension of the Great Spirit. It is easier to do when you accept the fact that your soul is a piece of His soul.
Lastly, we ask you to take a few minutes a day to see if you are abiding by the Golden Rule in all of your approaches to life. If not, then you need to begin this, for it is the quickest way to living via an aura of love. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Our calendar for next year is starting to fill up. On January 21st, we will be having a dinner event at Giorgio’s in Baiting Hollow, NY. Please take a look at the website for everything we have coming up. Keep this in mind as a Christmas or holiday gift.
If you have time, please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBOpnHteU9s.
Check out our website for the combo book, CD and mug deal!
Escaping Boundaries, the subliminal relaxation, healing and empowerment meditation CD that I created with Jessie Haynes, a spiritually gifted singer/songwriter, is available online through I-Tunes, Napster, etc. Please check out the website at www.EscapingBoundaries.com. Also, don’t forget our popular LG tee shirts. We have sizes from small to 3X that can be purchased in my office or on my website.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Spoken-Words-of-Spirit/121058579500?ref=mf. A different inspirational quote can be found there.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com/
They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:
Once again, I am in such awe of these words! Love does conquer and heal all! Thank you for reminding us that most importantly our love for ourself will protect us from those who don't appreciate what we have to give so freely!
I live by the Golden Rule, "do unto others as I would have done unto me"! It works - it allows me to love as my angels, guides and love ones in spirit love me!
You have to give it away to keep it!
Love to you & your Spirits that speak through you,
Love conquers all.
The value of living in a state of love is such that you are better equipped to handle the problems that arise. Plus, it enables you to be much more patient and tolerant of other people and any wrongdoing that may take place.
Almost everyone has had a loved one pass into the Light. Their love does not die. The love you have for them will not disappear. Love always expands, both in Heaven and on earth.
Such inspiring words to live by..
God Bless you, Jim my angel :-)**
"living in a state of love"...I really like that quote!
"Almost everyone has had a loved one pass into the Light. Their love does not die. The love you have for them will not disappear." That is what gets me through my losses the only thing that is hard to deal with is the fading memories. Although I try hard to hang onto them and remember the voices the longer time passes it is harder to achieve. I am consoled knowing that one day we will be reunited and it will be as if we never parted.
OXOX to both Jim and Spirit.
"Being in a loving state of mind must begin with the love you can have for yourself." This is so beautiful, so true.
"You are able to see beyond the veil of their actions because your own insecurity is vastly diminished." This is a perfect lesson/message for all of us. It speaks volumes to me today.
Thank you so much Jim...xoxoxo
Thank you. Keep up the great work each of you are doing. It is noticed.
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