Mass movements of joy happen because of the delicate whispers of angels in your sanctuary. This sanctuary is actually the blessing of your soul and self. It is given to all people who want to expand on the goodness of what the earth has to offer, by first expanding on their own prominence in the society around them. You can and will be seen as a gift of God and the heavens. Some of you are already thinking that this sounds a little haughty, but Spirit does not throw around statements without them being factual. Each individual is a masterpiece in the eyes of the Kingdom of Angels.
This is a great time to take inventory of your attitude and direction in your own life. If you feel it needs improvements to be more satisfying, then it is up to you to begin the process of making changes. These steps towards your wanted reality do not have to be gigantic. However, some small adjustments should be put forth if you are ever going to remove you from the quagmire of “sameness.” Explore your soul! See how incredible it is! See how it can make you a physical being of serenity, love and positivism. Allow yourselves to be icons of peace, harmony and the vibration of love and Light that makes others desire or crave to follow your example.
The truth is that you do not have to do much to make all of that happen. It is only when you anticipate threats to your long-term existence that you meander through a life of confusion. Why not envision your future precisely the way you want it to be? Give the imagery a chance to seep into your subconscious, thereby causing the universe to bring the people and things you need to you in order for it to be fulfilled. With deep love and respect for you, these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
On January 21st, we will be having a dinner event at Giorgio’s in Calverton, NY. Please take a look at the website for everything we have coming up. Keep this in mind as a Christmas or holiday gift.
If you have time, please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBOpnHteU9s.
Check out our website for the combo book, CD and mug deal!
Escaping Boundaries, the subliminal relaxation, healing and empowerment meditation CD that I created with Jessie Haynes, a spiritually gifted singer/songwriter, is available online through I-Tunes, Napster, etc. Please check out the website at http://www.escapingboundaries.com/. Also, don’t forget our popular LG tee shirts. We have sizes from small to 3X that can be purchased in my office or on my website.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Spoken-Words-of-Spirit/121058579500?ref=mf. A different inspirational quote can be found there.
You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at http://www.jimfargiano.com/
They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:
"Listen to your heart and to the stillness of your Inner Child." very thought provoking message...
"Why not envision your future precisely he way you want it to be? Give the imagery a chance to seep into your subconscious, thereby causing the universe to bring the people and things you need to you in order for it to be fulfilled." I am seriously working on this!
Thanks Jim, as always...xoxo
Listen to your heart and to the stillness of your Inner Child.
I love that stillness!
Why not envision your future precisely he way you want it to be? Give the imagery a chance to seep into your subconscious, thereby causing the universe to bring the people and things you need to you in order for it to be fulfilled.
I must do this it sounds perfect.....
Thank you Jim, My Angel God Bless :-)**
Each day your message resonates with me differently. Today's message was a note that I would like to hear over and over again. Maybe my soul is working on something and the tone of today's message is like a beacon saying, "you're getting warmer, not colder."
I guess what I'm saying is thank you for messages that point to way to where we are going, and also give helpful advice about where we are. It makes the trip more interesting.
What a perfect post as a prelude to the new year! Time to focus or re-focus on our goals! This seems to be our time of year for changes.... Good things coming! Meditation class is starting back up for me at the most perfect time....
Glad your back Jim! Hope you had a wonderful Holiday full of love and bliss!
Thank you Diane, Mary, and Jeni. I really needed to re-charge myself a little.
Erik, I think I understand what you are saying. Sometimes the "push" we get is through a particular set of words. Seems like you are doing a better job of reading your own soul and needs.
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