Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Spoken Words of Spirit--August 1, 2011

What do you do when given an opportunity to be the recipient of one of the many gifts that will be offered to you throughout your life? Some people shy from them, while others embrace them with great appreciation. It is the latter who will continue to be endowed with more and more of them because they are showing the universe that they are filled with gratitude. Being a good receiver is vital if you want to excel in all phases of your life. Whenever you turn away from anything that will help you, be it financial or simply a gift of love, the signal is the opposite.

The reason we are broaching this subject is very simple. Your loved ones and teachers in the ethereal realm of the universe want you to be given all the aspects of wealth, health, love and happiness that is imaginable. It is a right to have this infinite experience. Never should it be looked at as lavish or unnecessary. Each time you do that, you are signaling that you would rather struggle. Think about your reactions to everything. When someone offers you help, do you automatically turn it down? That is a commonplace practice for the majority of society. As long as the offer is sincere, you should not feel as awkward as you do to embrace it.

Help comes to you from angels on both sides of the divide. They may come in the form of beautiful souls on earth, as well as in spirit. Regardless, it is up to you to accept help in any form. If your life is made easier, either through an increase of food when needed, or a simple offer of accompanying you, then you will automatically be more capable of spreading the same joy to others. This definitely holds true if someone does something for you to lift your mood. Being in a state of contentment is much better for everyone concerned. Any good mood puts the rest of the people you communicate or connect with in a better space. When all is said and done, isn’t that exactly what the world should always be like? Love yourself enough to receive the bounties that you deserve. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
For anyone living in the Riverhead area of Long Island, Jim will be on Channel 20 on August 4th. He has been asked to be a guest on Psychic Perceptions, the longest running show of its kind.

On August 13, you can greet Jim at Author’s Night in Easthampton, where he will be part of an extravaganza that boasts many acclaimed writers and stars. Information can be found at

August 19th--DeMatteis Center-Big Conference Room
101 Northern Boulevard
Greenvale, NY 11548

Jim will be teaming up with nationally recognized motivational speaker and best-selling author, Steve Maraboli. They will bring a memorable evening of inspiration and messages from the other side. For tickets and info, please go to Jim’s website at

Check out our website at for the new inspirational magnets and the combo deal for The Spoken Words of Spirit book, Escaping Boundaries meditation CD and coffee mug! Upon request, all books will be personalized and autographed.

Please take a look at our first inspirational quote video and let me know what you think about it.

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.

The Nook link for my book is:


Mary said...

Help comes to you from angels on both sides of the divide. They may come in the form of beautiful souls on earth, as well as in spirit. Regardless, it is up to you to accept help in any form.

Perfect message

Thank you always,
Jim Our Angel :-)**
God Bless

Unknown said...

Thank you Mary. Keep up the great charge forward.