Friday, February 24, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--February 25, 2012

In the Creator’s world, all people should feel blessed by the gift of nature. In all facets of our lives, we cannot escape it. For most people, when their stress levels go higher than what is comfortable, finding a quiet place to be surrounded by the ambience of chirping birds and the chatter of animals is relaxing. It may also have much to do with the serenity that can come from the perfection of colors that can be seen in plants and animals alike, or from the multitude of beautiful seascapes.

We are lucky to live in a place that has so much to offer. The subtlety of interactions between nature and man is such that most of the time it goes unnoticed. It is only when people take themselves out of their own natural environment that they tend to look at it, for good or bad. City dwellers marvel at the openness of the mountains and fields when they travel there, but some even see the green lawns of suburbia as a haven. Conversely, when someone from more rural areas go to visit an urban landscape, they are usually taken by how barren the land is of anything green, colorful or animal-fur oriented.

In essence, nature is what we make of it. Whether you are at peace with the nature of sirens glaring or the tenderness of songbirds, the world has something for everyone. The perfection in your life is determined by what makes you happy. For some people, the thought of knowing that there are nature fairies dancing in the wisps of stems and flowers makes them happy, while others may chide you for that thought. One of the greatest things about having a physical life is that you get to choose your environment. While this may not me true as a young person, as you advance in age you will find many options for you to stay put or discover the beauty of lands far from your current comfort zone.

What we look at—from a spiritual perspective—is how much your soul benefits from living amongst millions of humans or living amongst the tranquility that the wilderness can bring to you. All lessons in life are meant to vary. You have the flexibility to combine with the sounds of whatever type of noise relaxes you. As we stated earlier, the cacophony of sirens may be peaceful to one type of person, yet the songs of lovebirds may have them feel agitated. Obviously, the converse is true. In either case, your level of love is held to the highest proportions and you discover that the harmonization of the Source of all things will always be present in all scenery. May each of you understand that the nature of your serenity comes from within the walls of your heart and soul no matter where you are physically planted. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
March 3rd is coming fast! Don't miss your chance to be a part of a special night with Jim Fargiano, nationally known psychic/medium and best-selling author. He will be appearing at the regal Giorgio's at Fox Hills for a deluxe dinner buffet and more. As an added bonus, Jessie Haynes, the co-creator of Escaping Boundaries meditation CD with Jim, has agreed to give some live musical support for the event. For tickets and info, go to: There is very high interest for this event and seats are already filling up!


Mary said...

For most people, when their stress levels go higher than what is comfortable, finding a quiet place to be surrounded by the ambience of chirping birds and the chatter of animals is relaxing.

This is what I like.

May each of you understand that the nature of your serenity comes from within the walls of your heart and soul no matter where you are physically planted.

Great message

God Bless you,
Jim Our Angel :-)**

Unknown said...

Thank you, Mary.