Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Spoken Words of Spirit--February 6, 2012

What would you do if your life was suddenly changed? Would you try to ignore it, hide from it, or fall to pieces? Would you be elated and embrace the changes as though you were given a mighty gift from the universe? How about trying to use the shift in your life to learn from it and teach others how to either avoid it if is something bad, or to expound on it if the addition or subtraction in your life was an awesome event? Have we confused any of you with these questions?

When you consider that your physical life is changing from the moment you were conceived, the thought that change is something to be fearful of such be greatly diminished. It is when you automatically assume that all adjustments in your life are bad that you will find yourself struggling. The reality is that most humans are working hard to improve everything about themselves all the time. Whether they recognize it as the ability to change or not is unimportant. Part of the key to personal success is to embrace the possibilities that are built in to your destiny.

Your life was designed to expand and grow in a multitude of ways. The key is for you to limit the damaging changes and exalt over the good ones. You have to stop assuming that the mere mention that your life is going to be filled with adjustments is a bad thing. It appears that the minds of society will always race to decipher subjects from a negative connotation first, then they look at the fact that other possibilities are awaiting them. From the side of Light, we want you to be prepared to deal with all types of changes by realizing you are powerful and capable of overcoming the annoyances of the issues that slow or impede your progress to better and better things. You are protected by a shield of animated love from a multitude of sources.

Make your days brightened by expecting the awesome power of your soul to generate great qualities. They are bred into all energy beings and since your soul is a part of the greatest Source of that energy, that means you have plenty of strength to fulfill your destiny. Make your life purposeful! Do things that are positive and out of your comfort zone, otherwise you will never experience the joy of personal growth and inner harmony. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
Come join us on March 3rd for An Evening With Jim Fargiano. He will be appearing at the regal Giorgio's at Fox Hills for a deluxe dinner buffet and more. As an added bonus, Jessie Haynes, the co-creator of Escaping Boundaries meditation CD with Jim, has agreed to give some live musical support for the event. For tickets and info, go to: There is very high interest for this event and seats are already filling up!

We have gift certificates available at: Also available are personalized autographed books, the Escaping Boundaries meditation CD, inspirational magnets, coffee mugs and more.

The Nook link for my book is:

If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. The link for the fan page is: A different inspirational quote can be found there.


Mary said...

Make your days brightened by expecting the awesome power of your soul to generate great qualities. They are bred into all energy beings and since your soul is a part of the greatest Source of that energy, that means you have plenty of strength to fulfill your destiny. Make your life purposeful!

These are beautiful words.

I really don't like changes, but we all have to deal with them from time to time.....

God Bless you,
Jim Our Angel :-)**

Unknown said...

Thank you, Mary.