Monday, December 29, 2008

The Spoken Words of Spirit--December 30, 2008

As we wind down the calendar year, it seemed to be a prudent idea for us to ask you to reflect back on all the changes you’ve gone through. Perhaps it is time for you to pull out all the thoughts of New Year’s resolutions so that you can see how many have managed to be accomplished. In spirit, we can already hear the groans from some of you because you do not have to review them to know you probably did not stick with it. This is normal human behavior.

It is this point that we want you to be thankful for. Spirit is always teaching, exhorting and encouraging you to recognize that a new year does not come only on January first. It comes each moment of each day. God sought the ability for you to always have a way to be hopeful and enthused about your future; especially since it is within your realm of ability to change it, guide it, and steer in to any path you deem important. God has granted you the empowerment to seek and seize the ability to always have the connection to greater things. No person, place or thing can take that away from you. In fact, the only one who can take it away is you.

Begin this new year—today—with the triumphant awareness and compassion that God and Spirit are walking at your side. With this knowledge, your fears of failure, depression and for some people, desperation, will not be able to have the vice-grip hold on you that you may think it does. Spirit offers this decree to you: If you offer your complete faith to us, then we will be able to show you how to get through the worst times. We will place in your path the right people and the right opportunities to get by. This is done out of gratitude towards your love for us, as well as because we want to see a world of tranquility, personally and globally. These are the spoken words of Spirit.

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