Friday, October 30, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 31, 2009

We are a merged unit, you and I. In the open, or in the shadows of despair, we shine the Light brightly on you. Never feel alone, abandoned or isolated in any way. There is no threshold that your guides and angels cannot penetrate. All that is required is complete trust in your partner. We have that trust in your ability to procure all the right ways of living and being.

Honor, integrity and true determination to live life in a peaceful, loving way will always bring rewards to you. The key to all of this is your desire to want to be happy. Spirit understands that sometimes the loss of loved ones or other traumatic situations can make that seem impossible. This is when you need to lean on and trust the protection, guidance and advice the most. You can achieve any level of happiness. Do not feel threatened by any situation that seems dire now because it will ultimately dissipate. It happens more quickly when you follow the path of Spiritual Principles. At the very least, following the Golden Rule always eases you to positive outcomes much more quickly.

Today, is a day of recognition for the lifeblood of society; the children. Make sure you treat them as you would have wanted to be treated at their age. Be patient and joyful in the excitement of their attitudes. If all people could keep that same level throughout their own lives, imagine how nice a world you would live in. We want you to be the guardians for them, as they are the ambassadors and leaders of the future. Be as young as you want in body, mind and soul. Growing up does not mean you have to grow old. Hopefully, you understand the intent of those words.

As the Kingdom of Light wants you to partner up with them, the children of the world always need a protective hand held above their aura. You are anointed Spirit’s ambassadors; to look over the “weak” in society. Just as in your moments, or even days of weakness, you are enveloped by intense love from the other side, you can make a child feel like you would like to. Feel the love of your children, spouses, parents, siblings and all who are on the Golden Side. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 30, 2009

I am. You are. We are together. Allow the vast expanse of angelic energies to fan the essence of your soul. Lift up your heart to the powers of divine guidance and love. We are in this life together, in combination physically and of spirit. Let those on the side of Infinite Love come to you with gifts of healing and help! You will never be shunned. You will always be exhorted towards your greatest path.

Feel the depth of your loving soul by just floating it to others. What you will find is that you will feel lighter, happier and validated in many ways. Spirit and the Brotherhood of Light are always looking for you to feel enthralled by your simple presence. You deserve every aspect of accolades that we praise you with, for without your loving heart, the power of Spirit would be limited. It is your journey on the physical plane that encourages your angels on heaven and earth. We may be the Light, but you are the ones who allow it to shine. Be proud of your spiritual growth and embodiment of soul perfection.

It is time for you to sing a song of praise--praise for the fact that you are alive for another day to learn how to embrace the value of your existence. Praise the gifts that your soul brings to the universe. You should simply feel rewarded by being on earth to share the innermost strength of your essence. Never think you are anything but a gift to society; but make sure you thank yourself for awakening another day to strive towards the path of harmony with your Higher Self. In other words, do not be angered by past hurts and failures. Instead, make a concerted effort to be appreciative of the difference you make, as well as to the potential you have to overcome all negative addictions and problems. You are the main ingredient in determining your inner peace. We know you can achieve all positive expectations.

Today is a day to feel shiny. Allow the angels, God and Spirit to be the ones to buff your soul so that it may gleam with a love that runs deep, true and eternally. We are your servants, however, you must learn to be the loving master of your own self and dominion. May the power of success permeate each aspect of your life. Accept the blessings we give you through The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 29, 2009

Wisdom comes from experiencing all of what life has to offer. There is balance in everything. Over the course of your own existence, the yin yang aspect of the universe will play out for you. Even situations that seem to be emotionally crushing will open new doors to meeting new friends and even altering your perspective. You get to choose to suffer or make a change. Better yet, you can make a difference in the lives of many others by working through your problems by helping them.

Focus on what shifts you can make to feel lauded by the High Powers. What do you want to do in life to be remembered in a good way? Your legacy is important. Your actions are even more important if you are ready to set the tone for personal greatness or achievements. From the empowering side of Light, we can see what you are able to do. In our eyes, you are limitless in what you can do, attain and obtain. Potential does not have to be a dormant philosophy. Potential leads to goals, and once acted on, potential becomes success. List your goals for the future now. In fact, if you are a regular follower of living life in a spiritual way, you would have already done this--repeatedly. Part of growing through life is to continue to adjust and improve on what you think you want or need. You should look back at some of your old lists to see what has already been fulfilled. If you find them unanswered, then review whether or not they are truly important and if so, why you have not made the moves to receive them.

We implore all of you to recognize your power and the infinite power that surrounds you. With the peace of your loved ones being sent directly to you, there is no reason not to feel uplifted and embraced. The only person who can stop you from emoting in good and healthy ways is yourself. The only person who can create the path of optimism and love is you! Visualizations are vital for you to “see” your happiness, both now and in the future. Simply make sure you include a few concepts with them. First, what you desire must be positive for you in body, mind and spirit. Secondly, you must trust that the relevance of God and Spirit is not diminished or missing in the process. Lastly, you must feel love for what you are trying to bring forth. Without it, struggles can and most likely will continue. Since that is what you are trying to dispose of, it should make sense to accept it as your want and right towards adding to a blissful life of fortune. Regardless of what you do, know that the Ascended Masters have their arm around you as they usher you forward with confidence and the love you deserve. May peace fill your heart. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 28, 2009

“What can I do to make the world a better place?” Many have asked that question of themselves, but few actually answer it. This is not supposed to be a rhetorical inquiry. Every so often, it helps to give you a semblance of balance when you respond to it with something definitive. What about volunteering at a hospital, animal refuge, nursing home, or a soup kitchen or pantry? How about organizing a day to clean the litter from the environment you live in, or to help any person that might be limited with their needs? Do you participate in anything that brings peace to people? How many of you bring a little sunshine to troubled children? What act of kindness have you performed recently to make the world and your life a better place? Of course, if you are already giving of yourself, then Spirit commends you.

We have selected to speak about this because there are so many people who need guidance and uplifting. You may not think you make a difference, but each simple step in helping someone, regardless of whether it is for a minute or a month of minutes, is a huge force of positive humanity. You create a wave of good feelings and most likely, someone will be inspired by what you did to do something similar. We are trying to make the world contagious with happy emotions.

Some of you may roll your eyes when you see these words, but indifference is what causes many of the problems in the world. Feeling like others should be capable to help themselves is normal thinking. However, the lessons of that person and their soul lessons may not align with your physical world way of looking at things. Spread compassion, but do not forcibly spread the wealth around. There are no winners if that becomes the case, mostly because there would be no incentive to be successful at anything if it is going to be taken away. The universe is equipped to work in harmony and balance, as is your personal life. Absorb this concept and you will be rewarded in a multitude of ways. When others see you willingly sharing your time and attention, then the feeling becomes one of mimicry. What better way is there to have the world explode with love?

Mostly, we want you to be passionate about being compassionate. Let those on the other side be your leaders. Trust in your Higher Self. Allow the angels to be your jockey, thus giving you protection, love and a feeling of infinite replenishment while they carry you forward. Love can be astounding. Feeling as though you deserve it is an even greater emotion. Never turn away from the opportunity to embrace someone when Spirit drops them on your path. If you do, chances are that you will be setting yourself up for much longer periods of distress, not to mention that you will also have unfairly crushed the emotions of the other person. It is good to feel joy in your heart. Let it dance! This is your wake up call to let the world rejoice, but do so with the notion that many will prosper from your actions. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 27, 2009

Do you believe in miracles? Isn’t your mere existence a miracle? Spirit certainly sees it that way. This is one of the reasons we don’t want you to dismiss your importance. If you ever find yourself getting so exasperated that you think it would be easier for you on the other side, remember that not having you on the earth plane would leave a large void for the people in your life. You are worth the time of the angels, so surely you must be worth it to yourself.

We’ve chosen this message because there are so many people in distress. Many have silently realized they made mistakes along their path of life, both personally and in ways that have a negative impact on society. The time to give up is not now! Now IS the time to begin your new outlook. Now is the time to increase your prayers, and if you don’t pray, this would be the ideal time to start. Doing so will make a difference. Any day that you pray becomes a day of fulfillment and promise. The path to security is not abstract. It is now! Now is when you need to make the changes. Now is when you can create a wave of love that will never crest because it will just grow and grow more. Even your loved ones, who are now twinkling the lights and angels in spirit, are effusing their love to you.

Imagine--no--anticipate that you will be raised to a higher perspective; that your life is well worth you being involved in it. Think about the vastness of power you have. Think about how your influence can help others. While you’re thinking about this, should you include yourself? Definitely yes! If Spirit can take time to honor your soul’s perfection, then why do you think you have failed? Failure is nothing more than the absence of future success. The great thing about it is that you will be enveloped by crooning angels and spirits; all of which are desiring to be your servant. They are available to assist you in any way you are open to accepting it.

Perhaps the best thing we can say to you is that we want your life to feel vibrant and abundant. Spirit is always, in all ways, looking for you to feel honored and worthy of receiving the riches within the walls of your life. The best thing about that statement is this: You are the only one who dictates how near or far those walls are spread. Allow happiness, elation, prosperity, good health and a whole heart to be celebrated. You deserve all that you cherish when it is meant for good and loving purposes. Feel the accomplishments, not the disappointments. Let the wind beneath your wings be given to you from the energy of the Ascended Masters. They will carry you forward! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 26, 2009

Dance with the illumination of angels as your partner. You are perfect and pure. Life is without permanent sorrow, however, it is full of permanent choices. Happiness can replace fear, frustration and sadness at any point. Sometimes, it seems to happen without you realizing it. Other times, it is created when you decide that it is time for you to seize the emotions you would like to have, rather than wait for the ones you do not like to run their course.

Worry less about doing everything in a perfect state. Instead, accept who you are as you are, but with the desire to want to improve. You have that ability. This makes us wonder if being perfect actually does exist. Our point is that you are where you need to be at this point in your life. With the help of your Higher Self, striving for more accomplishments is proof of love and appreciation for this gift to you! Spirit sees you as their gift! Dream of a life strewn with perfect balance. Happiness, love and good health are available to you.

Lessons are always being learned. Try not to be angered by the ones you do not agree with. Use them as a catalyst to make changes in your life. They should also be used to make a vast difference to other people. Many times, by virtue of the example you set in your own actions, you enlighten others to match your vibration. It is the perfect example of how you can make a difference without thinking you are. Mimicry is the best form of flattery--provided it is being done to enhance growth.

This week, ask yourself what your intentions are. Do you want to gain in the life’s treasures? Would you like to be happy and uplifted, or is feeling downtrodden more suitable? We hope the latter is not the case, because if it is, you have missed the point of our lessons. Will you do something to feel triumphant; to feel weightless in a world that may seem heavy? You can do that! With angels sitting on your shoulder to guide you, anything is possible! May you feel the love that life has to give you, and may you also be able to absorb the gentleness from a world that has much to offer. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 24, 2009

Your temperament is pivotal in directing where your life will head. The more even-keeled and fair-minded you can be, the more you will find it easier to waft through the ups and downs of ordinary occurrences. Balance is everything, whereas over emoting will cause some dramatic swings in your mood, not to mention the way people interact with you.

On many levels, you are responsible for the aspects of your wellness. Spirit always provides the vehicle for your success, however, you are the one who steers it. What choices you make will enhance or deflate your level of contentment. We hope and desire for you to only want what is strongest in your life; not what is barely okay. With the crush of angels at your side, why would you think life has to be difficult? Reach out, reach up or down for them. It makes no difference what direction you extend yourself in because the throng of high entities surrounds you. Allow Spirit to be your compass so that your passage through life feels safe and protected.

All we want for any of you is to understand the power you hold. Many times, just by stopping to think about your attitude, it can be changed. If you are rational in your thoughts and theories, adjusting your approach seems normal. Sometimes, just inquiring the mind within, creates a heightened awareness of the aspects that have taken control of you. Instead, you should be wielding the power of love for yourself, and respect for who you are, rather then yielding the power that causes your anxiety and disruptions. Not a single one of you ever has to feel isolated. Your aura is never barren because it is full of the gift of love and memories from those in spirit. Reach out to them through simple conversations. Reach out to your Higher Self out of respect for your soul. Finally, acquire knowledge by sharing the enormous love that comes to you via The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 23, 2009

Allow your soul to dance to the sounds of angels! You can be happy! There is an inborn reverberation of life within the porous walls of your soul. It wants to seep out and be everywhere, causing you to smile even when a smile may feel impossible. Free yourself and stop fighting the opportunity to release your anxiety, sadness and frustrations. It’s time to bubble up with personal confidence again.

We want you to know that regardless of your position in life, that happiness does not have to be an abstract theory. Plodding through the rough patches in life is better dealt with when you recognize that you are not alone in the world. People are around for you to talk to and share your troubles. However, it is vital for you not to feel like they should just be around to listen. You have to listen and put in motion any good advice and guidance that can come from them. Resistance to allowing yourself to heal, no matter what the cause, will only leave you feeling more dismayed and disappointed. Break free of the blockages to your elation!

Spirit wants all people to experience and explore a variation in life possibilities. Explore the vastness of love and life! Be everything you want to be, but do it with confidence that it will last. Those who live life with negativity as their cornerstone will find this message as being impossible. Our assertion is that it is not only possible, but it is probable you will change your thinking. It does take repetition and the willingness not to slip back into the emotions and philosophies that caused you to want to change to begin with.

Consider that there is a loving embrace of God’s energy wrapping you with divine and pure abilities. There is no way to fail if you do not stop trying to reach your goals. Always act on the path of peace as though you truly want to succeed. It is not good enough to think about the improvements you want. Your part in all of it is that you have to put into motion your physical self, thereby allowing the universe to reward you with new relationships, jobs, and prosperity of all kind! Dig into your heart, minds and souls so that you can uncover the treasure that awaits! These loving thoughts come to you as The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 22, 2009

Prayers and invocations, meditations and incantations. All are ways to attract Spirit to you, but you are missing the simplest forms; trust and conversation. Speaking from your heart and expecting that you are being heard is worth ten thousand repetitious formal prayers. Of course, prayers are a way to “not think” and just communicate to those on the Golden Side. They have a strong place in the overall scheme of life.

Perhaps, all we want is for you to recognize that your voice can be heard and is heard by the choir of angels; heard by God and Spirit. In order to proceed in life, you must acknowledge your personal relationship with the universe. Each human being is seen as a sole soul in a world of billions. Individually, you are as important as anyone else, but when you live via the path of Spiritual Principles, you make the world a much more beautiful place on a collective level. We cherish you! We love you because you are our treasure of love; our reflection of perfection. Cast aside your hurts and honor who you are!

Take a few minutes to envision the aura of innocence around the souls of your loved ones, both on earth and in the Light. You will see them in a way that encourages you to fill with the attitude of gratitude; with the essence of strength given and shared by each of you. If you are to move forward in life, all you are responsible for is the direction of your mind, your heart and your desires. In other words, when you accept that true happiness can be absorbed by your soul, it then becomes easy for you to share it.

The problem most people have is that the bulk of people that struggle in life do so because they do not take the time to recall that happiness is allowed for them. This is especially a strong statement for any of you who want to achieve riches beyond belief, as well as those who need and truly want to move past all the stages of grief. While they may sound different, they really are not. Happiness is part and parcel to an individual’s thought about what happiness really is. To some, it is material prosperity, while to others it is just being able to enjoy life for what it is. Your individuality is what makes the angels smile upon you. Use it and wear it with pride. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 21, 2009

Obliterate your negative thoughts! It is not good enough to think that you want to change them, alter them, or work around them. A complete reworking needs to take place in your mind. Start to recognize all the times you catch yourself thinking about what you want in your life, then look at how many times you have those quick or subtle, “but it probably won’t happen for me” type of thoughts. These subconscious, ingrained ideas, need to be eradicated. Most of them come from outdated lessons learned or taught in your younger years.

You are the king and queen of your own dominion! Spirit ushers unto you the ability to create a life of value and happiness. You will learn to resurrect the memories of those who you love who have re-entered into the Kingdom of Angels. These remembrances will be filled with a catalogue of perfect feelings, joyful and heartfelt emotions. You will use them as a catalyst for the changes you seek. Your mood will be elevated, as you teach your heart that it is alright to move ahead. The only power needed to exist is just the power to be. Be who you want and do what you would like to do! No singular person, nor individual event, can take away your power and privilege to be cupped in the loving arms of angels! Reach out and receive, or pull away and feel empty. The choice is yours.

The King Child wants you to have His energy reverberate within your heart and soul. In actuality, you are a piece of this divinity; a bud on the tree of life. In your physical existence, all people get to make choices. Some do it with seeming ease, while others tend to struggle. The only difference between the two is whether or not they allow themselves to grasp the awesomeness of the gift of perfection. Spirit sees that gift as you! If we can do that, why do you think you should do the opposite? Embrace your thoughts with a wave of euphoric emotions! You deserve inner peace and an outer world of contentment. Will you give yourself a chance to receive both? These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 20, 2009

Have you ever stopped to truly look at who you are? Do you see someone special, or someone you don’t like? Are you afraid to improve? Do you want to lift your mind and emotions to a higher level? Will your legacy be one of loving triumph, or one that makes you feel that you did not make a difference? Perhaps the most important question is this; do you feel like you are a piece of God?

From Spirit’s perspective, if you answered “no” to the last query, then we have some real work to do with you. Each person was created in His image, however, many of you may not subscribe to that thought, which is also fine. Our attempt to teach you has always been to make you feel enlightened and a special part of a the universe. Without you, nothing would be the same. Make sure you do not sell short the importance of yourself and soul. All people were created with purposeful intent. Each one of you are enduring icons of a much larger picture, yet it is only the things in your control that you need to concern yourself with. The rest will be left up to those on the side of Light.

In your daily journey, look to see what you can do to make yourself feel as potent as the angels see you. Make sure you can see the glint of life that brims with love in your soul, only because your soul is a centerpiece of a physical life that needs to be nurtured with love. It is the young ones in society that need to have this taught to them. The earlier people realize their combined strength, the faster society will be to turn into something extraordinary. When your heart feels love, it is like no other emotion. When you feel sadness, anger or depression, you are denying yourself of this pristine feeling. As your life progresses, the only thing you need to concern yourself with is the up side that you bring to it. Embellishing a loving state of awareness is what makes you great and lifts the people up around you. It can be contagious, just like our bond to you. We are also a piece of the Creation, helping to lure you on a healthier and happier path. Today, allow for the willingness of success and motivation to flourish! Feel the angels surround you; their glistening hearts and harps making perfect music for your soul to be nourished. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 19, 2009

Every now and then, Spirit will relay a message to me in a different way or tone. The message for today is one of them.

My heart is your heart. I look to take away the pain and emotional agony that you may feel. I look to fill you with elation, peace and a pure love that you will feel engorges your heart and soul. I desire tranquility for you. You and I are one. We are angelic energies bonded by the Creation. We love each other, but you may find yourself straying from that feeling while we never do. You and I are inseparable parts of the Great Existence.

During times of distress, I am with you. Bring your heart to the game, because it is you and I who will play. We will find treasures in all things together. Trust and perseverance are the prerequisites for abundance and healing. If you align yourself with us, the enlightened way of living will be seen as the golden torch of God’s energy lights the bright path for you to follow. You are worshipped as an icon of perfection by those of us in the Light of Angels. Be kind to yourself and we will encircle you even more. You are our partner; a teammate and an anchor for all great things. Our intention is to heal you, your heart and your emotional mind. Embrace us! Let yourself feel loved! Allow infinite wisdom and prosperity to be attached to you.

From a universal perspective, each one of you is hugged by the simple grace of those who have been reborn into spirit. Your children, spouses, parents, siblings and friends are all creating a path of possibilities for you to walk on. Make sure you do not walk away from them, for they and all of the Kingdom of God are trying to caress your souls. We want to lead you to the jubilant path that was intended for each of you. Look not at what or who you feel you have lost, but instead, look at the empowering strength that can come from seeing why your love is needed for others on the earth plane. Live in honor of their name and in honor of the gift that you are to the Powers of Light. The resources of life should never be dismissed or scorned upon. Feel the heat of purity and follow the guiding light. You should always be stepping beyond the boundaries, as there is no true divide between the physical world and the spiritual one.

Be my partner and walk with your head held high, your heart beating with the respect that those in spirit wish for you. Today, love who you are and never be afraid to be the change you want to become. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 17, 2009

Living a physical life is actually your soul in poetic motion. Each moment should be cherished and loved. It is your chance to show the world your perfect essence and power to overcome any and all things that prohibit you from enjoining a path of happy prosperity. The perfection of life lies within the Lighted hearts and minds of all men and women. It shines more brightly when you couple yourself with the awesome power of the angels and all of those on the side of God and Spirit.

You are always, in all ways, a project in motion. As much as you might try to stand still, the truth is that you were, are or will have done something, even if it is the simple task of breathing. Physical living is poetry at it’s best, where you get to witness the exchange of love and ideas that make for a unique existence for each of you. Your individuality is appreciated and designed to be part of a greater whole. Without you, a hole is left, but that can be filled with everlasting memories of the love and goodness that you introduced to others. Our tears flow for you when we see the emotional imbalance that many feel after a loss. Let your hearts be filled with the endless flow of love that the universe wants to provide for you.

Since life is full of energy and matter, why not consider using your energy and apply it to the things that matter? Get focused on your goals! Embrace the actions needed to meet them as they are a God-given opportunity; a gift to you! After all, you are a gift to the universe. Cherish yourself and stop worrying about the issues you made mistakes on or may not have accomplished yet. There is always time for you to steamroll the negativity and scoop up the optimism that surrounds you. As long as you are venturing towards improving yourself via a spiritual awakening, then life is expanded. Your success is the success of all of your loved ones on the other side. Love who you are and if you don’t feel as though you can, then introduce yourself to one of the most spectacular children of the Creation; that being you! Share your thoughts and wisdom with others so that they can appreciate that these are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 16, 2009

In an effort to keep you on track, we remind you of the need for you to look beyond the boundaries of your personal life. It will inspire you to receive messages from the other side if you stay open to the idea of “inter-dimensional” communication. From the perspective of Spirit, there is no divide between the physical world and the spiritual. Likewise, with true trust and belief, you should be able to feel the same way. A vast majority of information awaits you!

The preference to be happy, as opposed to sad and depressed, is inborn in all people. This fact makes it possible for everyone to desire improvements in their life, in all forms. Why not tap into the Infinite Intelligence that has the same thing in mind for you? Stop the stubbornness of trying to rationalize each aspect of communication. Spirit has to work with you in an energy form, thereby making it a bit hard for you to conceive that this is just as powerful as an action performed in the physical sense. Trust the messages delivered through a variety of means. Pennies from Heaven, a ladybug landing on your arm, an unexpected windfall, and many other ways of contacting you are always reverberating. From the side of Golden Light, your happiness is our top priority.

It is also our hope that the world becomes a place of harmony and not divisiveness. You can do your part by sharing your time with other people who could benefit from a helping hand. Why not perform a simple act of kindness? Why not open your heart to people you do not know, instead of instantly becoming wary of them? Why not feel love when Spirit thrusts it upon you, especially when you are given an opportunity to have your life improved? All these “whys” in your mind often create fear on your part. It is then that we find you panicking and unfairly ending a gift from the connection to Spirit, often doing so in a distasteful and improper manner. If you were to have complete faith in what you feel, then your happiness would come much easier. Keep in mind that your attitude towards others will also reflect back on the way the universe responds to you. Balance is everything!

Our purpose in this message is to get each of you to think about the simplicity of the loving communication you can have through Jesus, Moses, Buddha and the archway of angels. We want you to take the time to apologize to anyone you have wronged so that your heart and soul can feel cleansed. Otherwise, you are leading a life that is not truthful, thereby creating a path of uneven energy. Our goal is simple. It is to have each person feel a unique bond to Spirit, but even more, it is to have you become melded with the energies of greatness. There is one last thought from us; never assume that someone who has a true connection to the other side is being deceitful when your own thoughts embrace a wall of fear concerning a vast opportunity to change your life for the better. You are empowered and gifted by the Angels to be satiated and wrapped in the essence of pure love. May you find your steps leading you to the best path. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 15, 2009

Adaptation is what life is all about. We are changing from the moment we are conceived, growing from a life that is microscopic into a flourishing, beautiful baby. Once outside the mother’s womb, you are still transforming. Each breath you take offers you the chance to continue forward with innocence and an expectation that the earth plane can be a wonderful place. It is not naïve to think that way, because all people are created equal. Having no physical imprint allows you to believe the world is full of love. In fact, it is what all people yearn for, no matter how old.

Some of you may feel that God has let you down when some emotional atrocity takes place. One of the precepts of a physical world is that all people prosper through many lessons. The riches are frequently felt by your soul. Admittedly, many of the teachings of the soul are deeply hurtful to the heart. This will be eased when you turn to the Higher Powers; not away from them. In many cases, God has given His children the right to determine their own destiny. This is when most of the atrocities occur. Even though people often make the wrong choices, the free will that is misunderstood and used improperly still does not have any in the Kingdom of Light abandoning you. Imagine yourself blanketed in a covering of golden embers, symbolizing the smoldering love and affection that is given to you. You are in the womb of the universe, where nurturing and love are in abundance.

Spirit knows how difficult it can be to transit through your physical world. It is for this reason that a hand is always extended to you, granting you a cushion of love, power and protection, even if the protection has to be from yourself. Instead of being flustered about the challenges that may fall your way, admire them for they will lead you and your soul to a much broader awareness of the perfection of the world. You will feel balanced and life will introduce you to new ventures and adventures if you aren’t afraid to embrace them. Seek help from your angels on earth, as well as from the angels who travel in spirit with you. The perfection of your soul is the only thing that is seen in God’s world. Let it be the way you live your life so you can see it too. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 14, 2009

Nature provides the perfect example of how life should be lived. In essence, today we wish to share with you the thought and flight of the bee. They are responsible to some degree for the pollinating of a vast majority of plants, trees and flowers. Bees are usually inconspicuous as they go about their business. They travel far and wide, often pollinating plants that are miles from their own hive. It insures that through their seemingly random selection process that they may not know it would be smarter to stay close to home. However, by spreading out the distance, they are telling us that things can be replenished far beyond what we may be thinking.

If we get to the basics in this analogy, then what you are being told is that although it is important to love yourself and those immediately in your home, you can reach many others when you allow the resin of your soul to be opened and discovered. You will find that as you progress on your spiritual path, reaching out of your “home base” will have you shedding brightness on other people. Your love can be transformed into blossoming smiles of happiness and then the diminishment of negative and depressed thinking. Basically, through your actions of sharing what helps to make the world grow more humanely, as well as more loving and gentle, a tidal wave of tranquility sets in.

The reality of what we are telling you is that no matter how small you may feel on any given day, you make a huge difference. While a single bee may go unnoticed by society, individually you are never overlooked. If only you could feel the power of yourself like Spirit sees it, you would be amazed! Each one of you, plus all the people who have been in and out of your life, make yourself a thing of intrigue and blessings. Forgetting your role as an enormous piece of the Creation’s puzzle does nothing for your soul growth. Be as empowering as you are! Elevate and accept an attitude of journeying your way to the peaks of prosperous living, knowing that the eyes of angels are piercing your heart and soul. Today, be thankful for the love of yourself. Many people need you to create their magical world. The Spoken Words of Spirit bless you in magnified ways!
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

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Monday, October 12, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 13, 2009

Overcoming difficulties and addictions is not always easy to do. However, when you learn to peer into your soul and realize you are part of a larger whole, then it becomes much more manageable. Do not ever feel as though you are fighting your emotional and physical problems alone. On the side of Light, God and Spirit are gently nudging you along with the hopes that you do not give up on yourself.

These words will fit all problems in life. It is when you choose to deny your connection to a higher source of enlightenment that you will struggle more or longer then necessary. Place your burdens into the wheelbarrow of angelic strength. Let them help you to cart them off to a place far from you. Allow your memories of the days when you felt life was perfect to permeate throughout your mind and body. Feel the uplifting gift that living life via the happy and loved route can bring to you. Most of the time, Spirit is trying to open your thoughts to that which is or was good for you so that your life can rebalance in the basking of healing light.

All we ever ask of any of you is to honor yourself as being the blessing we see you as being. In addition, we request that you pay homage to the value that your physical life can have; whether to bring in new life in the form of children, or to be the cherished person we want you to feel like you are. The power of change erupts from the vestige of love from your soul. No one can prevent you from making today, tomorrow or years of tomorrows anything but one of peace, prosperity and joyful memories. That said, we know that for those of you suffering from the loss of your loved ones may not be able to see beyond the immediate pain you feel. It is all the more valuable for you to turn to God and all Higher Powers to help you heal. You are revered in more ways than you allow yourselves to imagine. Be the difference-maker by pressing forth in ways that encourage and develop healthy growth and opportunities. May the Light of God’s love sweep through you, now and always. Please share The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 12, 2009

Many people will find today to be changing seasonally. It should be a reminder that your lives also go through shifts. Each one is a building block for the lessons of your soul. They should not be disparaged or dismissed if you feel they are hurtful. Likewise, you should utilize the beauty of memories, as well as all the incredible love and joy you get from the greatness that happens. Use these next few days to create a plan to honor yourself and the many people who love you by doing something charitable or helpful to your growth, as well as to help instill inner peace to others like yourself who need it. Don't forget how greatly loved you are!

Every day that you are awake is a new chance for you to make a difference to someone. With the holiday seasons approaching, and many of your fellow humans struggling from the harsh realities that living on the earth plane can needlessly cause, give some thought to how you can make their lives easier. Even if you are in no great financial shape yourself, there are numerous ways for you to explore the gift of sharing. By paying forward the rewards that can come to you and your heart, you will be insuring that the bounty will continue to freely flow to you.

As long as you are of the mind that easing the emotional times of others is a good thing, then you will be walking through your life much as Jesus did. We are not saying this to alienate anyone who does not understand His importance. Our point to you is that living in a constant state of love and compassion for others is the best way to feel a the same love and compassion for yourself. You deserve to be touched by angels! You deserve to be touched by the extraordinary power of an everlasting life! You deserve to be happy! This is why we want you to avenge the emotive times in your life by reaching out to others, both for help and to give it. You will never be able to comprehend how deeply your loved ones appreciate the efforts you make in that regard. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

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Friday, October 9, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 10, 2009

Making corrections along the path of life is normal. It is also something that you need to do, as well as will have to do. Your life is full equity, but admittedly, there will also be some inequities. All of them make you the person you are now. In essence, never be intimidated by any problem because you can overcome it.

Spirit binds you with a level of peace and a temperament of engraved love. Only you can disrupt it by not following your highest path. You can choose to mope, or you can choose to mop up the mistakes you may have made. Naturally, we do understand that some situations are a little more tense and can create deeper levels of grief and frustration. Still, we see this as a chance for you to make your loved ones proud of their life by taking up a cause in their name. Sometimes, it may be as simple as being an ear for someone to open up to. All people need someone to vent to, which is exactly why we referenced that there is a binding between you and the Source of Light and love of all angels.

Have you stopped in the last couple of days to acknowledge what a good person you are? If not, you must do so now. This is part of the correction process. Making amends and adjustments does not always have to be due to something in err. It can also come because you have not shown enough gratitude for who you are, or perhaps to someone who has tried to help you. If you find someone who has been giving selflessly to assist you, ask them what you can do in return. It is always vital for you to offer and usher help in any way you can to help keep the universe in perfect sync. Your life also becomes more balanced, and the drudgery and misery of certain circumstances and emotions will then become much more tolerable. Life is about sharing and caring. That is something in every persons control. May you be lifted by the blessings of God as you share The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 9, 2009

Here’s to living life in a large way! The sky is limitless, just as is your potential. Never feel that anything is too much to change. You are guided by enlightened angels and teachers in spirit, thereby making infinite possibilities your reality. Of course, you have to do your part and expect to be able to make a difference. Your action is required if you are to overcome the things that you are not fond of.

Like anything in life, if you put forth positive effort, then you will be rewarded. The universal picture is the same. The more you stay steadfast to your path of desires, or your path of healing, then you shall be given the needed reciprocity. All of life is in balance. Spirit understands that there are times when you may not feel that to be true, but these are usually the times when you are least likely moving your thoughts in accordance with what we have shared. Remember you always, in all ways have the power!

As you progress in your own life, there will be differences in what you thought you were going to do and where life actually brings you. This is the normal ebb and flow of a physical existence. There is no reason to panic or look at things with scorn. You are still the master of your direction. Only Spirit can take precedent over your ability to prove your worth and acceptance of your path. In other words, as you place your unequivocal trust in the High Power, ultimately you will be led to a path full of grandeur and emotional love that runs deeper than anything you could possibly anticipate. That is because you are evolving as a soul in the perfect grace and arms of God. It certainly should take the pressure off you in regards to the path you take. Feel blessed, as blessings are always around and about you. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 8, 2009

Where there is life for you, there is the breath of God and Spirit. Each rhythmic inhale and exhale that you take is accompanied by the flow of love from them. Never feel as though you cannot achieve your dreams. If you completely trust in the union of your soul to the Soul of Creation, no spiritual or emotional problem is incurable. You have built-in powers that can filter out the negative and etch in only the good thoughts and memories you’ve had, have, and want to make.

When you are going through circumstances beyond your control, this is when you should be invoking the perimeter energies we speak of. Only you can make the changes you seek, but you need to open your mind and stop the stubbornness when it comes to your union with the other side. We will remind you of one vital fact. The connection we speak about also has much to do with the help you can receive on the physical side of life. Spirit sends or makes available many people and situations that can help you in a multitude of ways. It is your choice as to whether or not you take notice of them, or for that matter, utilize them for the right purposes.

In life, you can either be sad and lag behind, or you can dispense of your frustrations and seek the avenues that lead to the change you want and want to be. Let us glide you through the rough patches. Let yourself have the fortitude to remain on a course that showers you with the miracles of all things pertinent to your craved happiness. Today, reach for your goals by telling your mind it is alright to be a receiver of the joyful things that you can benefit from. With an infinite universe, nothing of the physical world is completely out of range. Be empowered! Brace for great changes! Fly with the eagles and angels! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 7, 2009

God has given you a gift of love. It is yourself! Do you ever stop to honor your mere existence? It is time for you to do just that if you haven’t already done so! Stand up for yourself and be counted! You matter! Everything you think and do influences you and others. Your thoughts are energy, but your energy needs to be put forth if you want the value of your ideas to come into fruition.

Let us tell you that instinctually all animals know it is their right to feel as though they belong. It makes no difference what their size is to them, because they ultimately have an intrinsic connection to a Higher Power that allows them to believe in themselves. They know they are a part of a bigger plan and value their role in it. You are also part of a bigger whole. The concept of God being part of you is invaluable in your trek to a happier life. Aside from the natural beauty of the world’s landscape, animals are an easy way to see that a Higher Power is very much at work. This is why we are using them as an example. Animals are a gift to all people for everything from love, companionship, work and as a simple reminder about all the good things life has to offer.

It is with deep love and hope for all of you to lead lives that are filled with abundance of all of the natural perfection that the universe offers you, that the angels are trumpeting. They are playing a song of glistening sounds of encouragement, as they laud and prod you to reach your heightened place on the mantle of God’s love. You have always had the power and strength to cause the changes you want in life. Being aware of your stature in the eyes of Spirit should help you to sing the praises of your importance. Be proud of who you are, especially as you continue to strive to make improvements! There is never a time, place or space that the archway of angels cannot reach you. Call to us and those on the side of the physical if you are in need of a loving push. We will always grant you your rightful help as long as you show gratitude to us and to your own self. May the blessings of the universe rain upon you like magical pennies in a fountain. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

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Monday, October 5, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 6, 2009

When life begins to rejuvenate for you, make sure you do not stop it in its tracks. Often, we fear receiving what we want. It is easy to be resistant to the aspects of life we covet, but it is with great pride that Spirit tells you that you can be fearless. They are at your side, complete with the abundance of love and protection; Light and perseverance that you need. You can be truly fearless if what you are seeking comes from the heart, or for that matter, from any place of good intentions.

Most people forget that their jaunt up the mountain of life can be easily enhanced by realizing that help is around them. Where or whatever you decide is your peek, the angels will carry you even higher so that you can have an even greater view of what the picture of a serene life looks like. They will show you treasures beyond your greatest beliefs. In so many different ways, you can be rewarded when you totally and unequivocally cast aside the seeds of doubt. Be triumphant without fear! Move yourself in the direction that will free your heart and soul! Undo the knots of sadness, grief and poverty-driven thinking by jumping forward with enthusiasm into the waiting arms of the Highest Power.

We tell you this so that you can feel the invigoration of what a life of great joy and elation can feel like. Have you ever imagined spending even a single day in a Utopian environment? Think large! Cure yourself of the blues by knowing that even your loved ones are amassing more love for you while they watch over your from the perch of Golden Light. Just as there is a stream of protection for them, when you move yourself forward, a mass of complete and perfect functionality sets in. You are protected children; even when you are angry or confused by the actions of others or the seeming inability of God to protect someone who may have found themselves on paths of self-destruction. In spirit, our focus is not only in blending their souls into a new and better understanding of life, but it is even more important for you to know we are doing the same for you. May we always be the guiding light that paves the way for you. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 5, 2009

Spirit always peeks into the window of your soul. It is a way for you to know that regardless of what is going on in your life, the Higher Powers are always at your side. If you are aware of the fact that the angels are scanning your life, then it works and helps in two ways.

The first thing is that you should feel satiated with love, admiration and the special feeling of inclusion by those on the other side. It helps you to stay balanced and focused on how perfectly and uniquely special you are in the eyes of God. It should make you feel worthy of all things in life, because you truly are worth the time and effort of receiving all the greatness that the universe has to offer you. In the view of the angels, you are an incredible soul with unlimited potential.

The second thing that you should be thinking about is that if Spirit is watching over you, then it is a reminder to make sure you live up to the optimism and love that you have within yourself. It will make you think twice about saying or doing something that is improper for your own well-being, and also in the manner in which you deal with other people. It will cause you to have more tolerance of those you may not agree with or like. The world then becomes a much more peaceful place to reside in.

Spirit wants all of you to realize that you are cloaked in the resilience, love and protection of many angels. You must also recognize that this perfect balance between you, in the physical world, and those in spirit, enables you to go forth with a confidence and power that is often forgotten about. Today is your day to spring to life! Look at who you are and show gratitude for your existence. Nothing that you can do will keep you from the Light, provided you are living your life as purely and with positive intent. Dance with Ascended Masters and feel the mastery of yourself. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link:

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 3, 2009

Dream big! Set your goals early and often so that you always have something to strive for. Create a path of ideas and actions for yourself. The carriage that envelops you with love and life, with love and Light is filled with the sweet smell of success…your angels! Never think you cannot achieve anything as long as you put your mind to it. Success comes with the proper attitude.

There are times when we see many people give up on their quest to be happy individuals. They are thrown off track my everything from deaths in the family to oversleeping in the morning. Perhaps a dog barking, or your cat deciding to sit on your computer desk, may be the cause. No matter what you think, they are all excuses to keep you from rising above the level you were either taught or decided was safe for you. It’s time to break free of the imprisonment of limitations. Your fate is not sealed by thinking in ways of impoverishment on any level, or that you simply don’t feel you are good enough. This is especially true if you think that other people see you this way. To Spirit, that is rubbish!

Your angels and treasures are always within your grasp. True; it may take a little longer to reach some goals, but none will ever be met if you do not shed the dead skin that you have outgrown. Like the beauty of many reptiles and birds, shedding what has become dull allows the rest of the world to see the brightness of new beginnings. Today, it is your day to see your life in this scene. Today, you can reach for the stars and feel as though they are at your fingertips. Only you will ever know how far you can stretch, simply because it is your mind and approach to life that can command the results. Be as confident in yourself as Spirit is with you. The many blessings of life are at your disposal. Seek the results by aligning yourself with the right actions. In actuality, if you believe that you can uncover the gifts of emotional stability, financial prowess or romantic love, your subconscious behavior and the universe will deliver it. Always have recall that you are a gift of and from God. The Archangels sprinkle the vibratory healing lights all over you. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--October 2, 2009

"Forever" and "future" can be daunting words. It is important to focus on what you can change now, and not worry as much about what is happening later. By staying connected to time in the immediate reference, you give yourself the power to produce a happier tomorrow. You should not look at the past with anything other than a reminder of the positive things that will help you grow. Even your loved ones who have moved on have given you loving and quality memories. Enjoy your power of you!

This message is given because of the many ways people judge themselves. How can you expect to grow if there is any type of judgmental behavior taking place? Without all the facts, you are only speculating on things that truly have no relevance. You cannot assume that someone is good or bad until you get to know them. Likewise, you cannot assume negative things about yourself, both now and in the future, if you have not given any thought to who you are and to what influences have made you think the way you do. People who always judge others are frequently going through patterns of self-anointed insecurity.

Do you want to be seen as insecure? Of course not! From the towering vibrations of Spirit, you are seen as an impeccable soul. We love to see you struggle, just as much as we revel in seeing you successful. If that sounds like something you wouldn’t expect us to tell you, then that means you are making a judgment without the information. The reason we love seeing you struggle is because it says to us that you are trying to find ways to improve. Otherwise, there is no struggle between right and wrong, good or bad.

The key to all of this is that no matter where you are in life, the serene arms of guidance are wrapped tightly around your heart and soul. We are always here to help you, so make sure you reach out to us during any time of need. You can also do so for reasons that are happy. Isn’t it true that when you have good news you don’t mind sharing it? Again, there are some people who seem to enjoy their misery and spread that just as much. Which person are you? These are the loving thoughts and The Spoken Words of Spirit.
If you want to view other short quotes from Spirit, you can send a “friend request” to me on FaceBook. There is a new fan page for the book too. I’ll be leaving different quotes on each page.

You can purchase personalized autographed copies of The Spoken Words of Spirit at

They are also available on Amazon at the following direct link: