Monday, September 8, 2008

The Spoken Words of Spirit--September 8, 2008

Let's go, let's go, let's go! What are you waiting for? It's time to embrace the changes you want so that the things you want can come to you. "Let's go" is indicative of "Let us go". In spirit, we are always available to help you walk the path of your choice. We are working with you and do not want you to feel as though you are working alone--ever! It has become apparent that many of you are dawdling your way through life. This meandering process can be made much simpler when you reach out and respond to the triggers that can make life much more manageable. Have you shared you happiness plan yet? Have you literally written down a scenario that will bring the smiles to your face that you want? Is there a legitimate reason you won't let your heart dance with enjoyment? Today, not only are we available in spirit to help you, but those in the spiritual know are also yours. Physically embrace and love them because they might need it just as much as you do. Talk, write or communicate with anyone who can be of assistance. Let Spirit show the way and let yourself be happy!


Diane said...

When you say "those in the spiritual know are also yours. Physically embrace and love them because they might need it just as much as you do.", are you speaking of our loved ones that are passed over, our angels and spirit guides? Or are you speaking of friends who are here, now?

Unknown said...

I took this as Spirit talking about people who are in our physical lives. It makes sense the other way too, but in the context it was given to me I'd have to say the stress was on the living in this case.