Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--March 18, 2009

Today, we want to focus on personal partnerships. Whether you are actively involved in a romance or not, Spirit speaks to you. First, for those who are fortunate enough to be in a loving situation, we bless you. We also remind you that to simply exist in it is not what was intended. God and Spirit want you to revel in the feeling of true love. At times, you might feel that the actions of love-struck teenagers go overboard, but the reality is that they are unabashedly showing their love to each other. In their minds, they do not need to be ashamed of open displays of affection. For most of the rest of society, it is not necessarily the same display that we want from you, but it is the same feeling. Do you have that joy flowing through you freely? If not, review what needs to be done to ignite the excitement again. In the privacy of your own homes, there is never a reason good enough not to express yourselves. Spirit feels that verbalization is as vital as the actual physical expression of love. Have you told your partner that you love them? Do you tell them everyday?

When many of you read that last question, Spirit playfully states that we can hear a collective clunk in your thoughts. We want you to review if this is your best path and if not, change it to make it work. While we are not telling you to move away from each other if you cannot embrace the skills needed to continue down a path of pure love, we are asking you to think about what you can do to brighten your life. The truth is, many times people will stay in “stuck mode” and do nothing to improve it. This is your chance to show respect for yourself, your partner or both of you.

The other group we want to speak to is those of you who may not be in a situation that is shared with someone else. Perhaps, this might even be for those of you who are simply going through the motions of staying together for a variety of reasons. Obviously, there are many reasons for this to happen. The loss of a loved one to the side of spirit, irreconcilable differences, fear, self-sabotage, self esteem, family alcoholism and insecurity issues are just a few of the reasons. Spirit wants you to take a look at what is causing you to be unattached to anything serious. We are asking you to see if you are truly happy. Some people work better going through life as a solo act, but God’s plan has always been to encourage you to seek and accept true love. Make a list today, first for your thoughts of the qualities and characteristics of who you want to be with. Make another list to see why you are inhibiting or following a path of non-attachment. We are looking to get each one of you to realize that you are valuable and worthy of love, despite what you may feel, or what others may tell you. Feel blessed and special today. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.


Diane said...

I am in the second group! I wrote up my lists. Now my prince will come to me on his white horse....right??


Unknown said...

Let's hope so. We all deserve someone to make us feel loved and special.

Diane said...

We do, don't we...