Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Spoken Words of Spirit--March 25, 2009

In today’s message, we will continue to reiterate the trend of the words we have been giving to you. This time we wish to have all of you focus on physical conditions and limitations; at least in terms of how someone who is challenged in any way may see it. We begin by first telling you that your mind, when used in combination with the energies of Spirit, is strong enough to overcome almost all manifestations of physical discomfort. While we understand that there are some situations that are not going to fall under this general blanket statement, even they can be alleviated.

First and foremost; you must believe that you can be healed. Just as with any other thing you would like to manifest, the belief that you can have it is more important than anything else. If you are suffering from cancer, obesity, arthritis, heart problems or any of a myriad of issues, Spirit is talking to you. There is no reason to believe that you cannot overcome these imbalances. All recuperation starts with the willingness you have to not assume, but to expect to be restored to normal. Pain management begins with simple meditative exercises. Put your mind at ease so that you will be able to brace for whatever it takes to get well. You need to be tenacious! Let us be clear that we are not telling you to completely avoid regular medical care. How else will you know that you are healthy? Most people are not intuitive enough to tell, yet there are many who have this perceptive ability who may be able to help you. Listen to their guidance if you are working with a trustworthy healer.

You are more likely to receive the positive results you desire when you use the tools of mental imaging in a repeated, consistent manner. In many cases, spontaneous healing is possible. This can and should also be done in conjunction with the transfer of healing energies from a genuine facilitator. In addition, many of your aches, pains, and array of other problems can be treated with the right nutritional approaches. Seek your answers in adhering to a natural food based program. God created the earth and universe to have all the answers for all situations; however, it is each individual’s desire to whole-heartedly embrace that gift. If you work the intent of this message with those you have been given recently, a noticeable difference will come quickly. Imagine how much you can achieve if you were not hampered by restrictions of the body? These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.

Just a reminder that my interview with Steve Maraboli can be heard by going to the archives at www.empoweredlivingradio.com. I would love and appreciate it if any of you could pass along the word about the book for me. Thank you.


Doreen said...

Jim, the message today is very powerful for those of us who are suffering from illness caused by genetic defects. Spirit mentions spontaneous healing and working in conjunction with the transfer of healing energies from a genuine facilitator. What does Spirit mean by facilitator? A doctor or a spiritual medium like yourself? Thank you, Doreen

Unknown said...

Hi Doreen,

It was referring to spiritual healers. Not all mediums are good healers, but since the message referred to energies, my thoughts would be someone reputable and spiritually connected. I've been working with one of the most gifted healers I've come across and she has helped me in more ways then she knows. E-mail me at my JimFargiano@Yahoo.com and I'll share the information if you are interested.

Shades of Scorpio said...

Perfect Jim! I really could use this one today!!!